an early season loot shoot!!

by Sharon Santoni
 Today is another one of those busy days, and after a quick tour of some fairs at dawn, I just have time to show you a couple of shots of my loot.
I was particularly pleased to find some old wooden butter spoons, and an olive ladle.   Some great old stoneware ktichen pots and ….

I also love these metal decorative crowns from old oil lamps.  I thin they look great perched on a bed of moss and used as candle holders, but I’m sure there would be other good ways to use them too….

and just look at this wonderful top hat; still in its orginal box – love the banner on the box and the unused hat!
Hope you are enjoying a good weekend
thank you for reading me, et à demain![blank]

PS  couldn’t resist another shot of those candle crowns, lit up on the dinner table!


barbara April 15, 2012 - 12:15 pm

Sharon, what a lovely loot shoot! I wonder if I might ask if you are going to sell those Madeline tins? I know how much you love them so I wasn't sure. I'd also LOVE those butter spoons and the olive spoon!! AND those little gas lamp fittings are perfect for candles too….how much will they be?
We are leaving for the States on Wednesday but, I have my iPad and can pay straight away!!
Hope you are well and enjoying the Spring season!!
Warmest Wishes as always!!
Barbara Powell

Lost in Provence April 15, 2012 - 1:07 pm

Can you imagine a world where gentlemen had their top hats–so much so that they even had backup ones unused in their boxes? Lovely. Thanks for the inspiration et bon dimanche!

La Brocanteuse April 15, 2012 - 1:09 pm

Oh what can I say but sigh…..Col xx

Lore @ everydayart April 15, 2012 - 2:07 pm

I love your new treasures!

brooke April 15, 2012 - 2:38 pm

Love the spoons – and also the weaving shuttles caught my eye! Fun how some of the bobbins/pirns still have yarn on them!

Das Hohe Haus April 15, 2012 - 2:39 pm

Was für wunderschöne Impressionen. Dein Blog ist traumhaft schön!
Hab einen wunderschönen Sonntag.
Liebe Grüße von Steffi vom Hohen Haus

Anci April 15, 2012 - 3:19 pm

Wow ! So many lovely things.


Celia M. April 15, 2012 - 3:24 pm

Awesome treasures!!! xo HHL

Kris Vogelsang April 15, 2012 - 3:28 pm

What an eye your have!! Love it all, especially the little 'crowns'. Enjoy your weekend!

Jennifer April 15, 2012 - 3:49 pm

Oh…."sigh"….wish I was there.

Amber April 15, 2012 - 4:48 pm

Oh, I love what you found! How ever could you part with any of it? 🙂 Have a beautiful Sunday!

Splenderosa April 15, 2012 - 5:11 pm

Loot shoot. Wonderful !!!
I love everything you do, Sharon…big hug, sweetie…
& Happy Sunday

Kris April 15, 2012 - 5:43 pm

Nice finds! I love the blue and white stoneware and the wooden paddles. The old wooden spoons are also nice and I wonder what the story is behind those…how many pots they stirred and what was in the pots?

Nella April 15, 2012 - 6:48 pm

Hi Sharon…love your creative use of the oil lamp crowns….I would love the top hat and box it came in….beautiful! Let me know when you are listing it. N.xo

Tamra April 15, 2012 - 7:39 pm

What "loot shoot"!! Love those little "crowns" they look fab on the table set in the pots with the candles.

Wendy Sice April 15, 2012 - 8:34 pm

Oh my gosh, the top hat and box – how exquisite!xx

Vicki April 15, 2012 - 10:07 pm

I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your blog. It's a lot to catch up to, as you keep this blog very active (to your readers' pleasure!) and you have a lot of great stuff in your archives. I didn't actively go looking for a blog about all things French, but find your observations about French life so very interesting. I particularly loved the series about your French women friends. There is a British woman near Kyoto, Japan who has lived in Japan for about 40 years named Venetia Stanley-Smith who strikes me as sort of the Martha Stewart (U.S. lifestyle/home guru) of Japan. She has a television show on Public Television in America and showcases her "homemade" life in Japan. I find it fascinating, much like your life as a Brit settled in France over a long period of time. She celebrates the traditions and culture of her adopted homeland but doesn't seem to forget her British roots (childhood memories of gardens, tea, etc.). I've wondered if she feels more Japanese than British. Do you feel more French than British? Such total immersion into a different country than one's birthplace has to be intense. What things of your British background do you stay true to in your life as a French resident? I know from reading here, that you've continued to speak English at home. Do you have favorite "British food" you cook, do you sit down with afternoon tea, do you honor certain British holidays you were accustomed to celebrating as a child? I'm so curious, because I can't imagine what it's like to leave "home" and settle into another country for good; for always and forever. Maybe it's easier to do it when young, or easier to do when you want something or someone very much, no? If you addressed this before and I've not yet come upon it yet in your archives, please forgive. I love the adventure of this; the confidence and curiosity it takes to plunge into a whole new life elsewhere. Thanks!

Vicki April 15, 2012 - 10:35 pm

Oh, I did leave an awfully long comment above; I am unable to say things in a few words. What I was trying to get to, I think, is whether or not you have been able to be in France, live in France and say to yourself, "This is me. I'm really here." I don't mean for it to sound silly or simple. You are a great observer of everything French, but do you feel in France as if you are observing but still the visitor? I was reading once about Princess Grace of Monaco and, although she was of royalty and of course lived in Monte Carlo, raised her children there, did her official duties, she was still closely aligned with family and friends back in the States, and her kids seemed to visit often and I believe even lived at times in America. It seems a straddle between two places, and is that uncomfortable, or do you obviously just adapt? Same for Queen Noor of Jordan (I seem to recall her American name was Lisa Hallaby?), who was from East Coast USA. The ties that bind; they can be strong. How do you do it? I once lived only between two states in the U.S., a thousand miles apart, and felt a constant pull between the two; the home and people I left behind vs. the home and people with whom I was currently with…

Rosemary@villabarnes April 15, 2012 - 11:09 pm

These are a few of my favorite things. Love your finds. Especially the crowns, and how you used them.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style April 15, 2012 - 11:53 pm

Great stuff and so expensive here for most of it.

Laura @ 52 FLEA April 16, 2012 - 1:09 am

Hi Sharon,
Love your loot! That top hat is awesome, those platters are beautiful and the crowns are so fun! It's so nice of you to share your finds…so we can see the treasures to be found in your part of the world!
Laura 🙂

GLENDA CHILDERS April 16, 2012 - 2:25 am

Wow, Sharon! What wonderful finds.

Bernadine April 16, 2012 - 2:46 am

Love the blue and white platters. Looks like a successful hunt!

Katherine April 16, 2012 - 3:08 am

The aged pots topped with moss and the lovely crowns are spectacular.

PURA VIDA April 16, 2012 - 3:38 am

Love the blue plates the crowns love it all

Betsy April 16, 2012 - 6:43 am

Candle crowns are my favorite, oh wait – I think the plates are too. Wow, what finds. Love the second picture of the fog that hasn't lifted, dreamy looking.

Valentina April 16, 2012 - 8:06 am

I love all your things you made a wonderful purchase!

Jenny April 16, 2012 - 2:06 pm

Totally wonderful finds…I absolutely love them all. Very useful & charming! I love my travels with you from across the pond!

Amy April 16, 2012 - 4:09 pm

What a great, great idea for using those little "crowns!" I love the loot you got. I'm a sucker for old kitchen tools…When I was in Ireland a couple of years ago I wanted to buy some old kitchen choppers with curved blades and wooden handles from an antique store…but didn't think I'd get them past airport security!

Jayne April 16, 2012 - 8:14 pm

Oh what a lovely post, gorgeous photographs and I just love the whole colour palette created. Those little crowns are so adorable.

manon 21 April 17, 2012 - 9:42 am

belle balade de chine.



Ann April 19, 2012 - 3:49 am

love what you did with the crowns. enchanting.

The Squirrel Family April 23, 2012 - 11:18 am

I too love the crowns will you be putting them up for sale?


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