The wisteria is taking its time to unfold and reveal its true colours. Temeratures are mild, days are sunny; our windows are wide open all day long, and the house is filled with the balmy perfume.
We have three old wisterias here, each with thick strong trunks that will bend metal railings or piping with no trouble at all. They flower once in the spring, and a second time mid summer when the leaves are thicker and greener.
We somehow missed the late autumn trim and the facade of the house is looking slightly overgrown, but we’ll let the flowers run, and then cut back, around the shutters at least.
This year is proving exceptional for blooms so far, and we feel blessed, and just hope that it will continue to the rose season … and beyond.
A French country house, with shutters, beautiful grounds, gorgeous inside, now wisteria… I WANT TO BE YOU SOOOOO BAD!!! want to trade homes. We have a large home, on 2-3 acres ,new home, put in an orchard apple pear plum cherry trees, Oh yes, forgot to mention I live in New Brunswick Canada, I still have a lot of snow, should be gone by mid may!!!!!
Sharon, the photo of your home draped in wisteria… it’s just wonderful! Wisteria has been on my wish list for quite some time – I’m just not sure where to put it in my garden. Seeing your post has renewed my interest in finding a place for it. Happy Spring to you en Normandie!
Sharon, the wisteria climbing the walls of your house is just beautiful. It really contributes to the already inviting appearance. This time last year I was in France and was so taken by the wisteria and the lilacs blooming in the SW. We have lots of wisteria here in the South and it can be very invasive and quite a nuisance if not controlled . . . which you obviously do. Around here, most people who have it, grow it over an arbor. Thanks for sharing!
You are so right…it can be a huge nuisance. I can’t get rid of mine, and it has ruined several arbors and pergolas. Lynn, plant it where it can do the least damage!
It is absolutely stunning!
That is so beautiful, I had a lovely wisteria at my last home but the weather is not suitable where I live now. I still miss being uplifted every morning in spring as much as I miss the fire in winter.
Wow Sharon that is simply breathtaking….picture perfect! Wisteria is sooo pretty and against your home its perfection.
Good afternoon Sharon,
I’ve told you tons of times before but…
I love your home and garden sooooo bad!
And I perfectly understand you:
we have a very old and huge wisteria on the front of our home and
I so love this blooming time, I always leave the bedrooms and kitchen windows open (they are under and over the wisteria) to infuse the whole home of that addictive perfume!
I was wondering..do you know how old a wisteria can get? Mine was there even before my granparents bought the home in 1964….
Congratulations on your home…again, I love love it!
What a lovely post, Sharon! I was completely amazed by the look of your home framed by all that natural embellishment… You see, wisteria is one of my very favorites ever because it reminds me of my teenage days, spending the summer holidays at my grandma´s where I used to sit with my favorite books under an old gazebo completely covered by wisteria fragant blooms… Thanks for bringing me back to so heartwarming memories!
Send you a great hug and a million blessings from Uruguay.
How gorgeous this is Sharon. I’ve only seen wisteria in photographs but never in the flesh so to speak. I can almost imagine that balmy perfume that it emits from those drooping lavender sprays. X
Stunningly beautiful in every way…..
Wisteria used to be on the house I grew up in….lovely and fragrant…can be messy….but oh the reward.
What a gorgeous home draped in Wisteria. How lovely!
beautiful the wisteria covered house wall. I remember that we had ivy
which was climbing till to the roof ..then we have to cut it back and the house (from outside at least) lost a lot of his charm.
We planted one in the wrong spot once and almost never got that thing killed with all its runners. The one along my fence had hundreds of flowers ready to burst and a hard freeze killed them all. C’est la vie.
Wisteria is one of my absolute favorites. Here in the American South, I see it blooming in the woods.
How stunning Sharon! My absolute favourite. We have one that we planted at one end gable of our house when we built it a few years ago and I think this could end up being the best year so far….just about to open, can’t wait! Shall look forward to ours being as established as yours one day.
Hope you had a happy Easter!
Sophia x
Lovely to behold! I have always admired them in California. I was told we can’t grow them here in AZ as they will burn up with our heat. But I started a couple of grapevines two years ago on my pergola. They seem to do alright but there are no flowers. I guess it is just as well I have a pool near by. Flowers are such a mess with a pool. We will do anything for a little shade. One day I can remove the cover and just enjoy the vines leafy bounty… and maybe some grapes.
Thanks so much for the blog and your wonderful pics. I so look forward to them each week. XO XO
That’s soooo beautiful!! Thank you for sharing with us.
sooo beautiful + they smell so heavenly + have a client that has one + it is about to give birth + can’t wait! xxpeggybraswelldesign.com
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Absolutely stunning ….. Is the wisteria growing on a trellis? I think I can see trellis in certain places but not all the walls. Here in the south I see it mostly growing in trees.
I am curious if it does any damage to your house or shutters? Your house is amazing!!!
J’adore votre maison!!!!! 🙂
I was just wondering whether you would once again give us the gift of photographs (including a new banner photograph) of your wisteria bloom. It is glorious…you definitely have a happy wisteria! We have one wisteria that now grows along the railing of the deck that runs across the front and one side of our house. It is so strong that it started pulling the railing out toward the street, but pruning it back rather severely and reinforcing the railing cured that problem. Like your three, our wisteria now blooms twice each Spring/Summer and gives us a lovely green privacy screen for 7-8 months each year. Even though we must prune some parts of it several times during the growing season, it is well worth it. I will never be without at least one as long as I live where they will grow. Regarding one comment above: although I’ve read that the life span of a wisteria is 30 years, there are many in our neighborhood that are well over 50 years old. Thank you for sharing your wisteria with us once again, Leslie
I love wisteia and I love your pictures!
The photo of your house with the wisteria just beginning to bloom could be a watercolor painting. Have you tried the new App called Waterlogue (or something like that)? Your first photo would look marvelous using that App. Our wisteria is out of control and damaging its trellis. Time to prune….drastically!
Thank you for the lovely vision…
Beautiful wisteria on a beautiful home. Thank you for sharing it. Wisteria is beginning to bloom here, too. We don’t have one, but one tendril from our neighbour’s vine is growing through our cedar hedge and I’m encouraging it!
Yes I want to be you sooo badly!!!! I love your house in France!!! So beautiful can wait to see your rose pictures!!
Je pense que c est l une des plus belles maisons que j aie vu sur Pinterest !
Hi Sharon! I have your book on my coffee table at home & thoroughly enjoy browsing it when I am missing France. I have the same question that Kerry Surface asked above, ” Does Wisteria attach itself to walls or do you have to have some kind of trellis system to keep it in place?”