[blank]The valley has changed dramatically this last week, greener everywhere, the garden suddenly started to look luxuriant, yes! spring is really here. Took these shots from my bedroom window yesterday morning, a slight mist at sunrise was the promise of a fine spring day. Promise kept.[blank]
The terrace was still damp from the dew, but I ate breakfast outside and enjoyed the quiet, and planned what will go into the potager this year.[blank]
the big white tree in the potager is a greengager plum
If you’re getting your hands dirty in your garden today,
or simply enjoying the view, I wish you a happy Sunday!
how lucky to have a view like this!
It's gorgeous!
Have a nice Sunday
Simply stunning, what a view. Have a wonderful day. I hope you pinched yourself to make sure it was real.
A magnificent view from the bedroom windows. My magnolia has not yet blossomed. Waiting for that day with longing. In the mountains you can see more snow.
Regards from Polish.
I have spent quite a bit of time in Normandy. Unfortunately never in spring. Your photos inspire me to remedy this.
Absolutely beautiful! There is something so wonderful about daffodils – when I brought my oldest child home from the hospital, the daffodils had bloomed in my front yard between the time that I left for the hospital, and the time I came home. I always smile when I see my first daffodil of the year, as it means that spring has finally arrived.
Spring has definitely sprung chez vous! Thank you for the lovely reminder of the beauty to come.
Hoping for something similar here today, but to have your beauty I need to plant a LOT more daffodils. Hope today is just as lovely… and warm!
I am planning to get my hands dirty in the garden today! Perfect day to get a little dirt under my nails!
That almost looks to good to be real! OMG..so beautiful…love the sea of daffodils. It is total magic…….we have yet to see anything bloom here but I am greatly enjoying seeing my bloggers friends' pictures from around the world showing spring at its prettiest, dreamy pictures!
I do remember the lushness and rolling hills of Normandy. What a wonderful retreat from the world you have there. It looks like something out of a children's story.
Wow, you're so lucky to have such a stunning view right out of your window!! Happy sunday!
Dear Sharon, Especially beautiful photos. A lovely present from you to us on a snowy Sunday morning here in Utah.
Such beauty! It looks like paradise to me. Take care.
Sigh, such beauty! The crocuses are barely poking their little heads out here.
Vous avez la chance en Belgique il pleut depuis ce matin.
Bon fin dimanche
It doesn't get any better than that. Gorgeous!
You are surrounded by beauty, Sharon! What a gorgeous place to think and dream!
Very pretty Sharon and I'm totally jealous!
Such beautiful views! So much green and the flowers, oh the flowers… I know it took a lot of work for this view, but you are truly blessed.
Things are pretty brown here, but our snowdrops are in bloom and the crocuses are starting to come up. I can't wait for spring this year.
What a lovely view with the tress and flowers in bloom.
Simply Beautiful! Happy Sunday to you too~Cheers Kim
Bonsoir Sharon,
Le massif de jonquilles est impressionnant ! Le magnolia aussi.
C'est le meilleur moment quand tout s'ouvre…
Bonne semaine,
Now that's a magnificent magnolia!
What a lovely scene. (sigh)
Off to a tree farm to pick out a few more trees this week. Love the stately oaks…but in Spring the blossoming trees are pure joy. Thanks for the view. Trish
Oh! This view is like a dream come true! Lucky you!
~ Clare x
There's nothing prettier than a misty morning with trees in blossom. You've captured the essence of early spring so well.
Spring has kissed us and we're in love that's what this post is saying. Isn't it wonderful.
The view from your window is lovely.
Beautiful! We're still awaiting spring's appearance in NY. Enjoy your lovely views!
Wow! I just want to lounge in every picture and read a book. I can smell the loveliness from all the way here in Montreal!
I am absolutely GREEN with envy, but very happy that you are willing to share your very fortunate life with us! Thank you so much, it's all so beautiful! ~Merrilee
How beautiful to look out and see such stunning beauty! I love your gardens! We have no blossoms yet in Vancouver, B.C. We still hit below zero overnight this week.