our virtual lives

by Sharon Santoni
[blank]When do we decide that our virtual lives have gone too far?  How many hours can we reasonably spend sitting in front of a screen, rather than out there with people we can touch?!
Today is my birthday, and it came as a shock when I turned on my computer to see that Google had remembered the day  (although I don’t think I ever typed my date of birth onto any of their pages!)[blank]
[blank]I love to blog, that’s not a state secret!   Writing a blog necessitates a lot of sitting down and typing, but this year I have resolved to be more efficient with my time.  To write my blog, answer my mails and then shut the computer down for the day and be sure to do other things.   In fact my blog has turned the tables on itself, and given me excellent reasons to get out and about for interviews and pictures.
I often talk with my children about the importance of being careful on social networks, not revealing too much, being cautious etc, but sometimes they raise an eyebrow, as if to say “you’re applying the same rules to yourself, right?!”[blank]
I am glad to say that we all see a lot of people here.   Country life is very sociable.  The children are active and sporty, and there is a continual trail of kids through our door.   I also make sure that I get outside in the elements each day.  Sometimes it’s only as far as the field to feed the horses, but whenever possible I’ll take the dogs, and join a girlfriend to walk around the forest.
And sometimes I get special treats like the lunch I enjoyed in Paris yesterday, with the gorgeous and most amusing Tish Jett, of A Femme d’un Certain Age.  It is so good to sit and chat and laugh without having to keep an eye on the clock!
So I am taking the Google birthday message as a wake-up call.  My own computer being quicker off the mark than family and friends?!!! ….  a step too far in my books.
So today I’ll check my mails once or twice but mostly I am off to walk the dogs, finish upholstering those beds, picking up some flowers, spending time with a girlfriend who is working on her first book, and  finally enjoying a special dinner with friends and family.
So tell me, what are you doing today to balance out your computing time?[blank]


Julie February 1, 2013 - 11:00 am

A very Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a lovely day and a very big thank you for your blog, it's always a pleasure to read.

Michele @ The Nest at Finch Rest February 1, 2013 - 11:03 am

Bonne Anniversaire!

Shabby soul February 1, 2013 - 11:31 am

Darling Sharon, first of all Happy Birthday!
This post speaks a lot to my soul. Blogging is a so marvelous experience, also to meet people living on the other side of the world with a simple click. But is true we must care, not only for what we say about ourselves, but moreover to keep our life into reality! Time is so little, we must care of it, spending with the one we love and with the tings we really worths.
Thank you so much for share your reflections.

Angie Burrett February 1, 2013 - 11:32 am

Happy Happy Birthday – have a great day and celebrate well – and your blogs are just great, always such a pleasure to read. x

Celine February 1, 2013 - 11:42 am

Happy Birthday to you!
I can’t imagine my life without a computer. But, we have to turn off the laptop in order to enjoy life.

Barbara Lilian February 1, 2013 - 11:46 am

Just to wish you a very happy birthday, enjoy your day.

MINHA VIDA DE CAMPO February 1, 2013 - 11:49 am

Happy Birthday!
Eu gosto muito de seu blog, foi por você que fiz um blog pra mim. Aqui tenho muito amigos e posso mostrar o que gosto e aprender muitas coisas interessantes. Mas é claro que em primeiro lugar tem que vir nossa vida, família e filhos.
Tenha um dia feliz.

Christine February 1, 2013 - 12:02 pm

Happy birthday and all the best wishes to you.
You are so right with what you wrote. The real life is outside, meeting friends, helping people, having open eyes and ears.
But when we tread warily in the virtual world, we can take advantage of the world wide web.
Kind regards


Coco February 1, 2013 - 12:05 pm

A very happy birthday to you!

caroline@thebalancedapproach.com.au February 1, 2013 - 12:15 pm

Fabulous birthday wishes to you… enjoy your time reading all the lovely comments knowing your birthday good wishes come from your world-wide-web family. And enjoy your time with the loved ones that surround you in your gorgeous French Country Home.

Francine Gardner February 1, 2013 - 12:18 pm

Joyeux Anniversaire! As I am reading your lines, I am reliving my young life in the french country side…walks in the woods, all my school friends, time to play, time to read, enjoying food, nature, the flowers, my dogs…Life in new York is bustle, stress, multitasking, airplanes to catch…here I am 5:30 AM on my computer. My blog will never be (helas) a widely read blog as I need to put limits on the time i spent. I am careful as to who I follow, what I write about. I only write about things I care for, design, travel, people… the little things that make life more beautiful and enjoyable journey. When i first wake up, I turn my computer on and usually spent a couple of hours every morning for reading posts, writing comments, working on my next post…also checking Pinterest and Houzz. i do not spend any time on Facebook.
Blogging can be addictive but so enriching, I guess all I can add is you need to get out at least as much as what you put in when it comes to blogging. Enjoy your special day! francine

Alison @ BaysideVintage February 1, 2013 - 12:42 pm

Happy Birthday! Funny how little things that happen in life can be timely reminders..I sometimes deliberately leave my phone at home so I cannot check email or social networking sites. I also have regular days where my computer stays off when my children are at home. Which leads to some late nights once they are in bed! Alison

daisydonut February 1, 2013 - 12:50 pm

Many happy returns, have a lovely day.

I've started writing morning pages, which keeps me away from the computer. By the time I've finished writing, I don't really want to check into my virtual world until later in the day, so I find I'm getting more done in the mornings.

Anonymous February 1, 2013 - 12:54 pm

Many Happy Returns Sharon! Hope you had a wonderful day! Best wishes, Pamela

Manon-London February 1, 2013 - 1:07 pm

First Happy Birthday!!
And, second, let me tell you a story that you made me think of :-):
I regularly attend the meetings of a poetry circle. Last time, a girl sparked a big discussion as she said "I'm sorry, I hadn't written any story this week. I was busy living them!!"


Anonymous February 1, 2013 - 1:24 pm

Happy Birthday to you Sahron!! Enjoy this special day of yours, sending a bucket of first tiny snowdrops I discovered this morning in my garden.Should they brigthen virtually your day.Dorka from the still wintery Great Hungarian Plain http://www.dorottyaudvar.co.hu

Karen (Back Road Journal) February 1, 2013 - 1:50 pm

Happy Birthday, Sharon. I hope you have a delightful day enjoying the day with friends and family.

Nantucket Daffodil February 1, 2013 - 2:13 pm

I totally get this! Having just gotten an I Phone, I feel like I am always on instagram or checking Etsy or my mail or blog….I actually woke up in the night last night bothered by this. # (from instagram) kept flashing in my head….I too kept thinking….we are so backwards! Happy Birthday my sweet friend across the ocean!

Denise at Forest Manor February 1, 2013 - 2:16 pm

Happy Birthday, Sharon! Enjoy your special day!


Down Raspberry Lane February 1, 2013 - 2:29 pm

I'm not a blogger, though I created one and intended to start. But I am hesitant to have much of an online presence; I even just deactivated my Facebook account in order to reduce the time I spend online. Happy Birthday Sharon, and I hope you don't stop writing! I look forward to your posts.

Purple Flowers February 1, 2013 - 2:34 pm

Happy Birthday!
I sometimes think the computer lures me in and won't let go. Whether I am e-mailing friends or shopping online, I am beginning to feel I am sitting a bit too long in front of the monitor. Actually, I could have finished the book I am reading sooner. Your post is a bit of a wake-up call for me. Thanks.

Enjoy your day!

La Table De Nana February 1, 2013 - 2:38 pm

Happy Birthday:)

Patti February 1, 2013 - 2:40 pm

Dear Sharon,

Wishing you a wonderful birthday and what will be special memories with friends and family on your day. Thanking God for the gifts He has given you that you so freely share. You offer your thoughtfulness, your world of the beautiful, wisdom and creativity. You use the digital world in a constructive and encouraging way. It takes a lot of time and we appreciate it. The world of new people opening to you is a result of your opening your heart to them. I am always amazed at all you achieve. You get out of life what your put into it and you give with all your heart! Here's to the new year ahead of you…may it be filled with blessings!

Mary Palumbo Collings February 1, 2013 - 2:50 pm

Happy Birthday, Have a wonderful day in your lovely part of the world.

Katherine February 1, 2013 - 2:57 pm

First – Happy Birthday!
There is a lot to be said about an automated system that reminds us of things we need to be reminded about. The pop ups to remind me that I need to send a card for someone's birthday are so helpful. But sometimes we use the systems so much and tuck details into a program with blind faith….. and then the system fails, or we fail. I have difficulty remembering my own children's phone numbers because they are programmed into my auto dial.
Now I am using some programs to 'enhance' my memory. Yes – far too much time viewing on the web.

Enjoy your birthday experiences with your friends and family today.

Noelle February 1, 2013 - 2:58 pm

If you check these well wishes once or twice today, I'm hoping you see the joy and education you bring to your readers daily. You're my guilty pleasure when it comes to computer time. You bring French living to reality for many of us. Bless you on your day…and may many others follow. Now, turn us off again…

Lost in Provence February 1, 2013 - 2:59 pm

Happy Birthday! May your year ahead be full of creativity, health, adventures and…not too many shenanigans from your puppers! 😉

Recently I have taken to piling books on my desk. Given the choice between the screen and the real thing…well, I will always pick up non-virtual object first.

So happy you had such a lovely lunch with Tish yesterday. Both of you deserve some fine Girl Time…

Hope you have some bubbly this evening!

Catherine February 1, 2013 - 3:15 pm

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

Gina February 1, 2013 - 3:39 pm

Dear Sharon, First and foremost, Happy Birthday. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.
Blogging does take a lot of time and your reminder to be aware of time spent on the computer is a valuable one. I also live in the country and I must remind myself to take time away from blogging and my Etsy shop correspondence. Going for a walk into the countryside is the best antidote and being involved in caring for animals and garden takes care of the rest. Painting ceramics and a champagne dinner with friends now and then rounds out my daily life.
ox, Gina

A Normandy kitchen February 1, 2013 - 3:58 pm

Happy birthday and thank you for your blog!

david terry February 1, 2013 - 4:02 pm

Oh, Sharon….

It's your birthday?….well, a Happy Birthday to you, then.

As for your question? I never consider the matter. But, then…I don't have children or the sort of spouse who require daily/hourly attention (or, as I gather is most often the case, attention NOW!). Moreover, I haven't had (for at least 15 years) the sort of work/job I need to "show up" for. All in all, I've succesfully evaded most of what the great-majority of folks would consider "Adult Responsibilities" (I do pay my taxes and will presumably die someday…but that's about it)

Moreover, I've always (since I was fifteen or so) spent at least two hours a day writing….many more hours, later on….Fewer, now that I regard the whole "internet thing" as a way to warm-up before I move on my real (as I consider it) writing work.

all in all, any supposed advice I might cough up would be of little to no use to anyone who didn't have a life as odd as mine.

As for you and that Tish Jett creature?????….

I hope you'll take it as a birthday compliment that your posting reminded me of one of my rather dourly proper grandmother's remarks. She was dead-set-against my older brother's first wife. All we could figure was that "the problem" lay with the wife's being smart, funny, no-Southern-at-all (she was from chicago), ambitious (in a productive way), not particularly interested in playing the "little wife", and generally the sort of woman most folks (these days at least) want to be friends with. I should add that she was also quite good looking and didn't bother with wearing "nice" little Southern-Lady frocks, etcetera.

I was in my mid-twenties when I once interrupted my grandmother (who'd been complaining about how "she's just not ONE of US…" to say "good Lord….what's the problem with her? I like her…"

My grandmother narrowed her eyes, looked at me, and said "THAT is a woman who needs No encouragement!"

I said "What do you mean? I LIKE her…she's smart and FUNNY!", and my grandmother "Oh, don't pretend to be stupid…you know exACTly what I mean! That woman is NEVER going to fit in…".

So much for smart, funny, grown women with a personal sense of style, I guess.

For better or worse (better, I think), my tastes in adult women differ from my grandmother's.

In any case, here's to wishing (on your birthday) that both you and Tish (I think she's dreadfully funny) continue to be women "who need no encouragement!"

Admiringly as ever, and happy birthday….

david terry

PURA VIDA February 1, 2013 - 4:13 pm

you share a birthday with my middle child (son)…I always send a cello happy birthday song…so here's to you…have a most happy day doing all the things you love with the ones you love!

White Ironstone Cottage February 1, 2013 - 4:27 pm

Happy bday beautiful

hostess of the humble bungalow February 1, 2013 - 4:28 pm

Happy Birthday!
I have tried to post every other day now and spend the first hour over my morning coffee or tea reading blogs and then closing my laptop. You are right that the time at the computer can expand to something that may be deterring us to interact with life and people that are near and dear. Enjoy your day!

Corrine February 1, 2013 - 4:29 pm

A very happy birthday, I agree with your assessment of life in our virtual world. Have a lovely day!

Wild Oak Designs February 1, 2013 - 4:35 pm

Happy Birthday!!!! Hope it is a good one. enjoy your day with family and friends….

hopflower February 1, 2013 - 4:40 pm

Happy Birthday Sharon! And many happy returns of the day. It may interest you that I had this discussion about the modern world and the Internet and cellphones etc. with someone earlier in the month, It may have been last week in fact. The friend mentioned that the schools no longer teach cursive writing and some children go through social anxiety (meaning they feel too much personal contact) when having to write a letter or talk in person. They are too busy texting on their cell phones to learn to relate. This is not a good sign for the world's future. Human contact is very important and it should be stressed that learning to relate to another living being is mandatory for relationships. The whole thing worries me.

As for myself, after I go shop for some dinner for this weekend, I am going to spend my afternoon finishing a little quilt.

Gail, northern California February 1, 2013 - 5:14 pm

I am forever grateful for the internet. It has brought our family closer. Before, if I got a card from my brothers at Christmas, I felt fortunate. Now…well, just the other day, one of my younger brothers sent sent pictures of the orchids blooming in their sunroom. They live in Minnesota where it's very cold and buried under snow right now. Were it not for the internet, I probably would not have known about his indoor gardening this time of year.

No doubt I spend too much time on the computer. I particularly enjoy early morning hours on the computer but then I try to get the day started when my husband wakes up and joins me downstairs.

Happy Birthday, Sharon. You have no idea what a joy it is to visit France every day. You make that possible.

Splenderosa February 1, 2013 - 5:38 pm

Happy Happy Birthday, Sharon.
I think we are all involved in so many things in today's world. The computer is a huge source of information, which I did not know I needed, but it's so interesting. Nothing will replace the need for human companionship. I'm so happy you & Tish had lunch, how fun that must have been. Now, I'm turning off for the day and getting errands done, because otherwise my nails & toes & hair will all say the wrong thing about me, and my dogs need food and so do we. Much love….

Pat's Addition February 1, 2013 - 5:41 pm

Happy Birthday. What fun to lunch with Tish Jett in Paris! Love her writing. Would you have met without the internet? I try to be on line at night when all is still around here. Today I've helped PFS with his baseball cards (computer), I'm working on C's slipcovers next, then supervising a piano move for her. I was out early to sweep off the light snow we had last night, not enough for sledding this afternoon I'm afraid. I'll be texting the grandkids in Philadelphia after school. Guess that gets my family time in tho 🙂

joelle desparmet February 1, 2013 - 6:11 pm

Happy birthday Sharon. Wonderful post about something we all think about.

Tish Jett February 1, 2013 - 6:27 pm

Happy, happy, happy birthday my dearest Sharon,

I would like to have lunch with you every day. We barely breathed between trying to fill each other in on all of our news.

Thank the blog gods, whoever they may be, that I met you in real time. Virtual is nice, face-to-face is better.


Inside a British Mum's Kitchen February 1, 2013 - 6:30 pm

I think you are so right Sharon, computer time slowly creeps up and takes over the day. Since I broke my leg I've been home a great deal and it was a life line, but now I'm beginning to go out into the world again it was almost a shock to interact with real people! Happy Birthday!
Mary x

thefarmfiles February 1, 2013 - 6:39 pm

Happy Birthday!

Today's Treasure by Jen February 1, 2013 - 6:40 pm

I laughed out loud when I read the little comic. First off, I wish you the most Happy of Birthdays! I hope your day is a wonderful celebration and the year ahead brings you all the best of what you love! Second, I must agree, I too have made a real effort to limit my computer time and have turned to crossing off items on my "someday" list. Just wrapping up my backyard chicken coop! Thank you for the great post. Hope you will be writing a post on Tish soon? Happy Birthday!!!

The Buzz Blog @ Diane James Home February 1, 2013 - 7:48 pm

Happy Birthday to you, Sharon, and may your year be healthy, happy and bright! I agree that we spend too much time in front of a screen not a scene, especially now that emails get delivered to my phone. My rule is to shut my phone off in the car before I enter my home in the evening and not turn it on until I leave for the office the next day – I even do this over the weekend too! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Molly February 1, 2013 - 7:59 pm

Happy Birthday. You make my day a little brighter every time you blog.

МаринаОсень February 1, 2013 - 8:03 pm

Happy, beautiful Birthday to you, dear Sharon! Have wonderful time with your dearest people!
I was thinking over recently about virtual life I spend with my computer monitor and "smart"phone – I admit to myself there is sometimes too much virtuality in my life. I set up a clock and say to myself that I will stand up and close "virtuality" when the time is off. And then I just do so. It works for me…

Amy February 1, 2013 - 8:09 pm

Happy Birthday, Sharon! What a great post to think about.

I recently got an iPhone and I love the way it gives me more time away from the computer. I've been uploading photos and short posts to Facebook more often and fewer long posts to my blog, and I like the balance.

And when I am at my computer now, it's very productive time!

Bonnie February 1, 2013 - 8:23 pm

A very Happy Birthday to you! Oh Willie and I would love to join you and your pup(s) on a walk. I can walk away from the computer…It is the phone now that is my ankle chain. There is no longer privacy. I actually turn my phone on do not disturb occasionally. Oh have the very best day!!!! Bonnie

vicki archer February 1, 2013 - 8:36 pm

Happy Birthday Sharon.. I hope you have had a wonderful day…
I was smiling as I read that it is your birthday as mine is tomorrow… and I though that is why I love your aesthetic so much… 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend… xv

~ Lisa ~ February 1, 2013 - 8:38 pm

Happy Birthday! Enjoy celebrating with those that are close to your ♥

~ Lisa ~

Mark D. Ruffner February 1, 2013 - 9:24 pm

Happy Birthday, Sharon! I too have resolved to take more walks.

Madonna February 1, 2013 - 9:51 pm

First of all – Happy Birthday. I want to thank you for a little bit of escapism each day. I find it refreshing during the trying times that I can find a delicious lemon curd recipe, a tale about a mischievous dog, and what is going on in another part of the world.

And darn that google for creeping me out.

lilac and old roses February 1, 2013 - 9:57 pm

Happy happy birthday! I had mine on Tuesday, it's obviously a good week! Jane x

Mazl February 1, 2013 - 10:17 pm

Happy birthday fellow Aquarian. Mine is Sunday. I hope you enjoyed your day. Your blog helps me re-enjoy many French holidays. Thank you for that.

Stacey Snacks February 1, 2013 - 11:59 pm

Happy Birthday to my virtual and real life friend!
How come google does not remind me when it's my bday??? hmmmmm.
Glad you did something fun in Paris to celebrate and hopefully your husband is cooking you up a wonderful dinner with friends.
Much love. Stacey

Heaven's Walk February 2, 2013 - 2:46 am

Hope you had a blissfully happy birthday, Sharon! I spent my time away from the computer dyeing some pillow slips, hanging some new floral curtains in the guest bedroom, and catching up on laundry! 🙂 Typical day here at Heaven's Walk. 🙂

xoxo laurie

Anonymous February 2, 2013 - 3:21 am

Hi Sharon…happy birthday!! My birthday is next week too, although my husband lets me celebrate it all month, and spoils me every day. Today, I decoupaged an old table with a collection of stamps that I have been hoarding for years. It turned out great! I also refinished a headboard that I have been holding onto forever! Productive non?! Regards, Maureen

Anonymous February 2, 2013 - 3:22 am

Love to read your comments. They are as enjoyable as Sharon's blog!

Amelia February 2, 2013 - 3:29 am

Happy Birthday Sharon. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your family and friends.


Barbara February 2, 2013 - 4:45 am

Happy Birthday dear Sharon!!! May your every dream come true for this year!! <3. I hope you enjoy celebrating with your family and friends your lovely day and look forward to your new year ahead!!

Warmest Wishes to you!!!

Barbara P

Pamela RG February 2, 2013 - 5:44 am

Happy Birthday Sharon. I hope you had a grand time celebrating your birthday.

Trudy Desmet February 2, 2013 - 9:10 am

Happy Birthday Sharon !
A friend is coming to visit us. She stays for the weekend, we will visit a lot so no time for social networking on the computer. We will have a nice dinner in front of the fire. We will talk a lot with a glass of wine. Have an inspiring day. Trudy

Natasa February 2, 2013 - 9:43 am

Happy birthday, Sharon!
I read your blog regularly. I skipped reading it yesterday, beacause when I came from work, I first made lunch/dinner (it was at about 5:30 pm) for my familiy, than I did some cleaning (I know, I'm borring, but some years ago I decided to enjoy household chores because they just need to be done. If I were in a bad mood every time I do it, it would be most of the time…) So, yesterday after some cleaning I spent some time with my sons talking. They are teenagers and, even if they are great guys, they are not always ready to spend time with me… I jump on every occasion and it makes me feel so good! After that I could have opened my computer, but not long ago I began to think about the time spending on reading stuff on computer and writing mails or other types of messages. I work in automotive industry and spend a lot of time behind my computer at work too. So yesterday night (with my husband away) I decided to do something else. I began to knitt. A sweater for myself. God, was I glad I had made that decision!
So, yes, I do think we spend to much time behind the computers. I will try to do less! But I must admit – there is plenty of interesting things to read! Although, I agree that the time spend outside, walking alone or with my husband is more precious…
This is one of the difficulties of our times – one has to many choices… One of our philosophers (Renata Salecl) wrote a whole book on that. It is simply called CHOICE. It was first published in english, than in slovenian (IZBIRA) and than in french (La Tyrannie du choix). Interesting reading.
Neverthelss, I thank you to share some of the moments of your life with us…

labergerebasque February 2, 2013 - 10:00 am

Joyeuse anniversaire pour une fabulouse femme, à un petit coin que j’aime venir “visité"

Vicki February 2, 2013 - 11:36 am

Happy Birthday, Sharon; another lovely day reading you. I love that you know Tish; I visit her site often and think she is amazing. And, oh, the internet…I have the love/hate relationship. I was slow to venture on the web but then it became just another addiction. And like all obsessions, we must cure ourselves, rein it in, get some control (hard for a person who doesn't manage time or excesses very well). It takes self-discipline to limit time on the internet and make it a healthy part of a balanced life. Sitting at the computer too much can cause physical health problems; not great on the hands/fingers, neck/back, legs & circulation, etc. One page can be so interesting, linking page to page, LAYERS of pages, minutes turn to hours, wherein the web becomes a huge time waster. I've learned so much about all kinds of things on the web and it's a wonderful research tool. Blogging is entertaining, a great escape and a way to decompress. We all have to find our groove. I did drastically cut down on electronic mail a couple of years ago because I indeed realized it was a bit of too much science fiction to be silently keyboarding to someone I could just as well dial up on a real telephone, which was more meaningful. Hearing emotion and exchanging information in real time led to a yearning to see them face to face, and a real hug is better than a cyber hug, in which case the web is only a substitute.

I especially noticed, when our hard drive recently failed and my husband hadn't backed up the system in the previous week, how crazy-nuts we both got temporarily…him, twiddling his fingers in the evening and having to resort to the television rather than spending so much time on Facebook; me in a lingering bad mood about losing my lists of Favorites and other writings of my own (won't make that mistake again; I'm going back to hard copies). Then I realized at one point we were actually sitting at table together, talking, being normal, rather than each of us typing away in different areas of the house, "connecting" with others and not ourselves…and this was a rather huge revelation that told me a lot of how we'd come to live.

In the end, I find I like just visiting a few favorites instead of so many and another big difference is that I'm no longer reading newspapers online. I know it's not so "green" but I absolutely have to read a real book in hand and not a Kindle, I love curling up with a good paper magazine full of glossy pages and I have missed the morning newspaper spread out all over the bed, floor or kitchen table with mug of coffee in hand, still in pjs on a Sunday, starting the day-off relaxed and informed of local goings-on outside of the harsh news headlines.

Anyway, that's me and part of what I do away from here.

Diana Livingston February 2, 2013 - 12:43 pm

Happy birthday to you, Sharon!

Mumbai February 2, 2013 - 1:12 pm

Happy birthday and another good year with a new very good resolution. You are so right we have rather to spend more time in real life than in the virtual one. To stop when you discover an other new link or blog etc.needs self-discipline. I also try to cut my computer time down and it succeed better. Thinking that we are so transparent to that system makes more reason to be careful and consider what we look and write.

Rita Key February 2, 2013 - 2:08 pm

Happy Birthday Sharon. I hope you had a wonderful one!

Lynn@ The Vintage Nest February 2, 2013 - 2:09 pm

Happy Happy Birthday Sharon!! Yep….that would have unnerved me too to see Happy Birthday to Me from google. I always wonder why when I sign up for stuff on the internet, they need my birth date. I never give it. I enjoy reading your blog so much. I do spend a lot of time on the internet but my job requires it though but like you, we live in the country, and I try to take time every day to walk the farmette with Ben and get some fresh air. xo

Colleen Taylor February 2, 2013 - 6:38 pm

Oh happy day and a very Happy Birthday to you Sharon. Great post, I can so relate and today I'm cleaning my office and hopefully staying away from my computer long enough to organize this place. Enjoy your day and your weekend and more! XO

BRASWELL February 2, 2013 - 9:39 pm

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear sharon, happy birthday to you…and many more! this of course was sung to you(by me)Hope your day was wonderful. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

Coty Farquhar February 3, 2013 - 7:52 am

Oh my goodness! I am a little late …. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y beautiful Sharon!
I hope you had the most wonderful day!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and hugs Coty

Anonymous February 5, 2013 - 1:36 am

Wishing you a very happy belated birthday and year ahead!

eLIZabeth Floyd February 7, 2013 - 1:49 am

Happy Birthday,

This is amazing that Google sent you a birthday greeting as well. Trying to stay offline and still be connected online is a daily struggle, and I guess it really is all about balancing the goals and values I have.

Hope your birthday was full of joy and love, Liz

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