a spring in my step

by Sharon Santoni


There are mornings when the light is so clear, the colours so gentle and the dew so heavy that it just makes your heart sing.    This is why I love the changes of season, it affects our inner selves.

Our greengage plum tree opened its blossoms over the weekend and even the dogs seemed to enjoy its white glow and hung around beneath its branches in the freshly dug-over  potager.

 I sincerely believe in the importance of recognising everyday beauty, and on feeding on its energy.  Keeping our minds and souls open to the beautiful is available to everyone.  It’s simply a question of adopting the habit, but its effect is far reaching.

Once we are in the habit of seeing visual beauty around us, we also seek out the best  in the people we meet and deal with everyday.   A small amount of positive thinking can go such a long way.

In the same way that visual beauty can be found wherever you are on the planet, inner beauty is also just beneath most people’s skin, waiting to be uncovered.   A genuine smile is often all it takes, an interest in others.

I have children at the start of their adult life, and I observe them in totally new situations, discovering how to act with strangers, and testing their own skills in revealing the beauty around them.     Good humour is contagious, and it feels good to pass it on.

I had no idea that a few sprigs of blossom would bring out the philosophical in me today, but  I hope that wherever you are, something lovely will bring a smile to your face and a spring to your step.



Saundra April 2, 2014 - 10:20 am

This is a beautiful and inspiring post. I feel wonderful reading it and can imagine being just where you are. It is still quite wintery here but there is the promise of spring just around the corner and we did see the Sun yesterday and the blue sky. We are all very tired of White snow, brown tree silhouettes and the total lack of color and warmth. What a delightful place you live in . I would love to plan a trip to your guest house. Thank you so much for your beautiful writing and for being so aware and sensitive to the environment as your are—It is a gift and your sharing it is lovely. Saundra in New York

Holly April 2, 2014 - 11:35 am

Thank you for the beautiful images and reminder to be joyful for the small things. My stone fruit trees have barely started to leaf out but the images of your plum fill me with anticipation for their scented blossoms to pop open. The weather is raging here in Southern California bringing much needed rain but I am grateful for the rain on the roof. April showers bring May flowers! Thanks again for the lovely start to my day. xx-hb

Monique April 2, 2014 - 12:42 pm

Every photo is an inspirtion to admire:)

Heather in Arles April 2, 2014 - 12:46 pm

Absolutely everything about this – words, photographs and the way that they come together – is just absolutely wonderful, Sharon. Thank you for the wonderful and important reminder.

Mariecapucine April 2, 2014 - 1:41 pm

Tout à fait charmant, léger et joyeux !
Ah ! que votre printemps est un mets savoureux,
merci beaucoup et belle continuation;

Jeanne McKay Hartmann April 2, 2014 - 2:12 pm

Sharon, I love your little ode to spring and that all the blossoms and newness have brought out your inner philosopher – and it looks like Ghetto’s, too, he seems to be having deep thoughts starting at the plum tree in your photo. I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said here. The beauty of every day is one of life’s greatest gifts. Thanks for the reminder as I sip my coffee and look out the window and watch our magnolia tree in bloom. XOXO

Roxane April 2, 2014 - 2:55 pm

Thank you for such beautiful and inspiring words to go with your gorgeous photos! Spring is coming this week to our home in New Hampshire. The tulips are shooting up, I’m planning my vegetable garden and clean-up tasks. Last evening at a local restaurant on a nearby river we watched the ice out. It was quite an event to see the ice just there and then all of a sudden entire sheets of it flowed out into the main river. It raised a loud cheer in the restaurant! I can’t wait until the trees bud into that amazing chartreuse green that lights up the day.

Colleen Taylor April 2, 2014 - 3:29 pm

Gorgeous & inspiring photos Sharon. It’s always wonderful to see how lovely your seasons are & change. Right now, all I can think of is my brand new granddaughter. She was born last week & I will be seeing “my girls” very soon. That’s keeping me smiling pretty much all day long. X

Roxane April 3, 2014 - 11:47 am

Congratulations Colleen! Enjoy your time with your girls!

Donna Baker April 2, 2014 - 4:14 pm

That was sweet, Sharon. I need a reminder from time to time.

Peggy Braswell April 2, 2014 - 5:08 pm

because I am jet lagged this AM,needed to hear your words even more. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

Maria Luiza April 2, 2014 - 6:44 pm

Your lovely photos and mood DID bring a smile to my face, thank you!
And Ghetto, as I knew for certain, is a wise boy.
I wish you happy spring days!

Marian from UK April 2, 2014 - 7:05 pm

Beautiful thoughts and beautiful photos. You say it so well – Spring always lifts me – the pink and white blossoms against a blue sky and yellow daffodils (plentiful this year) bobbing in the grass – magic! At the end of a lovely but long day looking after my little grandsons, your post has given me a boost. Thank you.

Michelle - Germany April 2, 2014 - 7:53 pm

What beautiful photos and words…thank you for this inspiring post, I too feel that seeing and recognising beauty around us is what our soul calls us to do…..your lovely page is a part of this for me. Thank you! 🙂

The Enchanted Home April 2, 2014 - 8:33 pm

SO beautiful! That second picture made my heart skip a beat….couldn’t be any lovelier, Sharon.

Sandra Lambiotte April 2, 2014 - 9:00 pm

Dear Sharon:
Just so beautiful and gave me such inspiration! Beauty does truly inspire our joy for living.


Iracema - Brasil April 2, 2014 - 10:49 pm


A beleza que tão bem expressa em seu blog, através de imagens e textos, vem de você.
Não é qualquer pessoa que consegue captar e transmitir o que há de belo ao seu redor. Precisa ser especial como você.

Parabéns pelos novos empreendimentos. Vou torcer para que seu livro um dia chegue aqui em nossas livrarias.



Nancy April 3, 2014 - 12:17 am

Your blog always brings a spring to my step and a smile to my face.
And one day, we will visit!

Amanda Rush April 3, 2014 - 2:56 am

Thank you Sharon for another sweet post. It really is true that home is where the heart is. I am equally excited by the start of Autumn here in Australia and all the small joys of the new season. Lovely photos as always, best wishes from Amanda

vicki archer April 3, 2014 - 6:06 am

Beautiful Sharon…
These images are so lovely… xv

Christel April 3, 2014 - 7:20 am

Dear Sharon, I agree with every single word you wrote! And I am thankful to be able to see and cherish your beautiful posts! It really is a labour of love, you are giving to us generously and lavishly! Thank you so much!
I was sitting under my cherry tree with my first cup of early morning tea today, caressing the cat, who came by to keep me company and thought, how priviledged we are, if we can appreciate the beauty and peace lying in these many charmin, wonderful everyday ‘moments de bonheur’.
Have a beautiful day!

Anita Rivera April 3, 2014 - 11:42 am

Oh Madame, votre maison et jardin sont magnifiques ce printemps! Les douces couleurs si sublimes, comme le matin. Bonne journée! Anita

Krista April 3, 2014 - 2:38 pm

Such beautiful photos! I’m glad someone is experiencing spring. It’s not here in Northern Michigan . . . yet.

Sarah -BeautifulTangibleThings April 3, 2014 - 4:11 pm

I promise to reciprocate with the fabulous cherry blossoms that will soon bloom in Central Park! Thanks for tiding me over until then!

Fran April 3, 2014 - 11:55 pm

So enjoyed your beautiful spring morning photographs. Today is overcast with icy rain in southern Michigan, your photos and words made me smile and long for warm sunny spring. Love seeing your Ghetto, reminds me my childhood pet of the same breed. Would love to visit your area someday.

Linda Pintarell April 5, 2014 - 8:46 pm

Very inspiring and lovely…I’m leaving for a month in Paris the end of this month…my mind is so full of all I want to see…and the beauty of what I am about to see. I plan to take it one day at a time…relaxing in all the loveliness around me…can’t wait! Thank you for your beautiful words and this helpful blog.

Leslie in Portland, Oregon April 5, 2014 - 9:39 pm

A lovely paean to mindfulness, especially of the beauty and peace all around. Aren’t we fortunate?! Thank you, Sharon


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