Visitors to our guest cottage sometimes ask me what I like best about living here in deepest Normandy. I generally answer that I love having so much space around us, and that it has always felt like a safe place to raise our family and I may mention the green-ness of our pretty valley, but one factor that I never fail to include is the local architecture and how comforting I find it to live in and among old homes.
So what is it about old architecture? Why do old stones feel like home? Is it the re-assurance because they have been around for so much longer than us? or the comfort of familiar design, or simply the soft colour of their weather-worn stones? Or did those architects two and three hundred years ago simply get it ‘right’?! Did they have an instinct for proportion and layout that has disappeared today?
I love the fact that the walls of our house are over two foot thick, not only does it make me feel safe, it also makes for a wonderful visual depth to the windows, both inside and out.
I love the fact that many of our windows still have their original glass and that the image they show is slightly distorted as the panes have become irregular over the years.
And even when we get any work done here, and I hear a plumber or an electrician moaning about the floor or the walls not being straight, that doesn’t bother me, I just smile and say it’s just the way they are meant to be.
My youngest child hopes to study architecture and is very aware of his environment. I know that he loves our house, and that he is sensitive to the architecture around here, but if you ask him about his future home, he will flash a winning smile and admit that he longs to live in a modern, clean cut home with plenty of light and sharp lines! I wonder if that will change with age, whether further down the line, he’ll want to come back to those old stones?
Of course France is not the only place where there are old homes to live in, in cities all over the world you can find character properties. But here, I am continually surprised at how many century-old properties still come on to the market today, just longing to be renovated and brought back to life.
What is your experience? Do you prefer the functionality and practicality of a new building, or do you also find some comfort in living among those quirky old stones?
Our house is only 54 years old…a typical Southern California home in suburbia. It has stucco and is no where near as cozy and full of history as yours. I love seeing the homes in your area….and hope that in a year or two I can come and see the homes in Normandy.
I live in a modern home, which is about my only option here in Phoenix, Arizona, but when I travel, it seems that an extraordinary number of the photos I take are reminiscent of those in this issue of your blog. Vintage walls, moss-covered roof tiles. I feel nourished and “fed” somehow by these wonderful surfaces – and none are quite like those in France. England didn’t do it for me, except for the ruined monasteries. I haven’t been to Italy for comparison, but I have no draw to go there. My husband says I must have a “French soul,” as that’s where we keep ending up – everything feels so comfortingly familiar. I would love to live a whole lifetime in one of those amazing buildings that seem to be such an organic part of “place.” Maybe that’s up next for me!
I live in an old stone house in Devon, it was the Mine Captain’s home for a lead and silver mine in the 1800’s. I love the age and the history and the space around us – so I know how you feel too. Lovely pictures – thank you for a lovely Blog.
I do not live in anything even remotely as beautiful as your stone home…but I do appreciate all your words and photos…especially with over a foot of snow outside in my garden right now!
I LOVE the century old homes. I live in the midwest – my house is about 25 years old. I’ve done my best to loose the cookie cutter look but absolutely nothing compares to Normandy and these old homes with so much character and stature. I envy you being able to live there. A number of years ago I was able to visit the American Cemetery and I’m still in awe of the beauty of Normandy. I didn’t want to leave your beautiful county. Maybe some day I can return and linger a while longer. Always love it when you publish photos of your house and those in the area. Thank you and please keep up the beautiful work you do.
I have always loved old homes especially Victorian homes. I love the rooms that can closed off from other rooms. I adore the beautiful woodwork, from the heavy paneled doors to the elaborate staircases, the tall windows, of which all are functional, I love the ceiling height of 9 feet too. I have lived in a variety of old houses. I prefer the Victorian and Edwardian homes. I have just recently been learning about stone houses in Quebec, Canada whose building style was borrowed from France. I like the solid structure of stone houses and that they require less maintenance than brick. But does anyone still build stone house in the traditional style?
I was just looking longingly at Patrice Bresse’s offerings (I know you love them too) this morning for a little daydream and it never ceases to delight me the incredible history of properties for sale here in France. I wrote last week about the importance of “listening to your house” when decorating because these old stones certainly have so much to say!
You are describing my very own, nearly 100 year old rock house that is my dream come true. I love all old rock homes
Ma maison de campagne, en Charente, est typique de la région et date de 1820. J’aime “farfouiller” dans les dépendances à la recherche d’objets ou d’outils tout rouillés dont j’imagine le passé. J’apprécie particulièrement lorsque les anciens nous racontent la vie de notre charentaise autrefois: comment imaginer que le pool house est un ancien “toit à cochons”, qu’il y avait une étable à tel endroit et que la cuisine était une laiterie… Il n’y a plus aucune vache par ici, ni plus aucun porc! Excusez-moi, Sharon, d’écrire en français.
Caroline: I am a big fan of Sharon’s blog, and also have a house in the Charente, near Mirambeau/Jonzac, and am working on my French. Was wondering where you are from and where your house is in the Charente. Renee McLeod (San Diego et St. Sorlin de Conac, France)
I am from SD also-living in my old stones in Paris for the past 25 years. What part of SD? I am looking for another area of France to move to after my daughter finishes school in Paris. BTW I rent my apartment in Paris to tourists during school breaks, if anyone knows anyone. Gorgeous old building on the rue du Cherche Midi overlooking a fabulous garden. I am a painter and the garden here has been my muse. Following Lost in Arles too as I am considering Arles or Avignon as final destination. So interested in everyone’s experiences here. Thanks so much for this blog.
Hi Kathleen
I am a single retired lady living in Canberra, Australia.
I was wondering when/if your Paris apartment is available for rent.
I travel solo and have visited Paris on 5 occasions, I just love discovering anything and everything in this fabulous city.
Best regards
Hi Marie
I just accidentally found your message. You can see photos of my old stones in Paris here: The dates available are on that website. Best Kathleen
Bonjour Renee. La maison est entre Jarnac et Angoulême, à Fléac. Ce n’est pas tout près de Mirambeau mais quand même, le monde est petit (grâce à internet!). Si je peux vous aider à améliorer votre français (et vous, mon anglais!), dites-le moi. Caroline (Paris et Fléac)
Pardonnez-moi, mais qu’est qu un “toit à cochons” — a roof of pickles?
Ha ha, non! Je pense que c’est une expression charentaise, je ne connaissais pas non plus. C’est un abri pour les porcs, donc une porcherie. D’où ma surprise! Ici à la campagne les gens disent “cochon” alors que je préfère dire “porc”. Ah les nuances du français…
This is a google translation , not perfect but better than mine…. and Caroline I love that you are posting in French. Your house sounds wonderful.
My country house in Charente , is typical of the region and date of 1820. Like ” rummage ” in the outbuildings in search of objects or rusty tools I imagine the past. I especially like when the elders tell us the life of our Charente past: how to imagine that the pool is a former ” pigsty ” , that there was a stable in such a place and the kitchen was a dairy … He no more no cow here , no more no pigs ! Excuse me , Sharon, to write in French .
I have always had a passion for those old stone houses Sharon. I grew up with old limestone walls around me. Would you believe those old stone homes still exist in the center of the US within the state of Kansas! I must admit now though, I love the modern conveniences of interiors with the old stones on the exterior.
Your country has that charm of these homes that are difficult to compare from anywhere else. You are so fortunate to live where you do. Beautiful photos in this post. I have a longing to be there. X
I will take old anytime over modern decor + your home is lovely
We have some old stone “Sunday Houses” here in the Texas hill country. Not nearly as old or beautiful as those in France, but still charming and inviting.
I live in a small 17th Century timber framed cottage in Wiltshire. We chose it because of it’s age. Not the easiest of choices! As anyone owning an old property will know, but somehow, there’s a soul to it. Maybe it’s because of all the previous inhabitants, maybe because of the history surrounding the village in which it sits, I don’t know, but it doesn’t have a straight wall or floor in any room! The old glass, like yours, is wobbly and distorted, but that adds to its charm. I think it’s partly that sense of continuity and stability that an old home gives. Something in short supply in our ever-changing and throw-away world. Most of the old properties were built with natural materials and by hand, with care and craft. Maybe that’s it. They sit comfortably and beautifully within their natural environment, so that colours and shapes echo or blend with the landscape around them. Whatever it is, I love them! Thank you for the lovely photos and your ever thought-provoking post.
I love your website. When I was first married, I only bought good mid-century furniture. I didn’t know anything else existed. Then I went to design school and learned about furniture from Egyptian times to the present. When I open a stationery store in CT we called it La Plume Doree and because of that I learned to love all things French. Then I purchased a French Country barn in Ct. Now my ideal house would be a contemporary French country barn, if there is such a style. Lots of light and space but with character.
As per Caroline Lacroix – I too live in the Charente. It wasn’t a part of France I knew until on a research trip (deciding where to move to in France) I fell in love with the pale stone houses with terracotta tile roofs. I am still renovating my lovely old Farmhouse but love the crooked doors, wonky walls and floating glass window panes.
Hi Sheila, just loved your comment, we live in the Charente Maritime and it is the colour of the local stone and terracotta roofs that we love so much about the region, the Charentais stone – very peaceful, I love it.
Sharon, There IS something about the aged stone, thick walls, and rich wood floors. I love to see homes like this. You know the cost would now be prohibitive in every way, so these homes are indeed every special!
The Arts by Karena
There is something that draws me to old architecture. It somehow seems to command a great deal of respect because it is so old, functional and beautiful. It seems as if you take care of it and it will take care of you. There is a comfort. I live in a home built in 1957 in the US. We don’t have the architecture here as in France because in comparison we are a young country. However, I don’t believe we will ever be able to establish a sense of old architecture in the future because most people would much rather tear down historical buildings and homes rather than maintain or restore them. I find this very sad. I only know France through photographs,many are your beautiful photos Sharon. I am in awe of their beauty. I would love to live in a stone house. Someday I hope to visit France and surround myself the the beautiful architecture. That would truly be a joy.
When I win the lottery….one of the first I’ll do is move to France…and it will be into an old stone house. Thanks for your lovely blog.
Thank you for these beautiful pictures. I know how you feel. I live in a 1895 Victorian(small) in Texas. There aren’t many left. My bedroom still has the original floors. My sister wants me to move closer to her, closer to Dallas area, now that my husband retired from his last employer of 28 yrs. But, I can not buy a new home, so many all look alike. I love my house with colored walls, except bathrooms & kitchen not so much paint. I am not a shabby chic person, I love color.
I also buy many French magazines!
Sharon, I too am lured time and time again to the depth of the old stone architecture, wherever I may be. I grew up in an old stone farmhouse and thinking myself much to “modern” for that when I moved out, I lived in a series of apartments and “new” homes. As we began to raise our family., I felt that something was missing and after looking for five years, we found our true “labor of love.” An old stone country house that dates back to 1710 with multiple alterations over the years up until 1927 in Pennsylvania. I feel that the architects of the past did get it right and the people of the past live on in their stone structures. The character, the imperfections, the history and and the beauty of these old buildings tell their own story, each and every one of them and they beckon me wherever I go… to try and listen. I feel honored and blessed to live in such a place and love every minute of it. I even named my business Life’s Patina for I feel that our own lives mimic the aging and beautification of these old structures and objects with a patina.
I love what you do and present on the pages of your inspiring site Sharona nd hope one day to pay a visit!
I love old houses. No stone houses in my area, but we’ve go a 120 year old wooden house which we love – drafts, squeaks and all.
I live in a 120 year old Queen Ann Victorian home , in the South,,,USA. When we bought it , and sent a picture and change of address Christmas Cards the overwhelming response from childhood friends was “You just bought your home you grew up in” I didn’t even realize it. So guess that is my style. I do love everything French.
I live in Ontario Canada in a Regency style bungalow that is 140 years old. It is my dream home! I never thought that I could find a home this beautiful on this side of the Atlantic !
“Save old buildings!” This was the topic of my Master’s degree in 1976. We now live in a stone house in Lorraine which is 109 years old.
Keep up the good work,
Karen (57200)
I too love to look at your photos and also take my own in travels through France, Italy and Spain. But somehow I am always glad to return to my own home, a mid century ranch house in the American south. I think ones home is inside the self, not in any outside structure, and that to be truly happy one must be happy inside. Otherwise, no matter where you go, there will be discontent and envy. And if you are truly content, you can be content anywhere, whether stone house, suburban house, farmhouse, or apartment.
Just my thoughts….
I live in an old stone house too with walls 2 feet thick and walk in fireplaces in Pennsylvania 150+ years old. My floors are crooked and walls uneven but it is solid and does feel like a protective bear. Although it is a bit drafty in the attic. It is unique living in an old home I love it, I hate it too I’m sure you know what I mean!!
I forgot the best part is the old Bank Barn, older than the house we restored it first, horses downstairs and tractor up top, hay in the loft. Its beautiful!!
Through the years we have lived in several old houses, and we have loved their character and atmosphere. However as we have grown older we have bought a 1970’s bungalow, which was really lucky as my husband had a heart attack within two years of moving here. We are lucky though to live near a Georgian harbour-side town in Wales, so we can still enjoy the wonderful old architecture. The thing I miss the most though is our old Inglenook fireplace and woodburner.
Definitely old. I’ve lived in a stone home, which I loved, and it was about 60 years old. But that’s not really old, but it was stone. I have the good fortune to now live in a timber frame home, which I also love. While it is not old, 25 years, the wood and beams obviously are, and it has so much warmth and character. And it’s not large either, which makes it all the more cozy. I love where you live and hopefully I can visit and go on a brocante tour one day. Love your site.
I love old stone,wood or anything old.Old structures have so many stories to tell and i love wandering about them even ruins. My home is a little old, it was built it 1958,i love the old oak floors,they creak and i don’t care,it is like it sings to me. I like your blog when you show us old structures and your beautiful home,thank for sharing with us.
Nous habitons un appartement ultra-moderne mais il nous arrive de rêver d’avoir une résidence secondaire à la campagne, une vieille maison avec de vieux murs de pierre et une âme. Nous avons cherché et en avons trouvé une habitée par une vieille dame qui nous a promis de nous aviser lorsque le temps sera venu pour elle de se retirer. Malheureusement, nous avancons en âge et avons décidé de conserver notre appartement moderne, qui ne demande que très peu d’entretien, et de voyager en Europe pour admirer ces vieilles demeures, celles de nos ancêtres français.
J’adore vagabonder chez vous et admirer vos photos qui font rêver. J’aimerais savoir si elles sont toutes de vous ou si vous en prenez sur la toile?
Nous avons une page FB sur LE QUÉBEC AU FIL DES SAISONS et nous nous faisons un devoir de n’y publier que nos propres photos.
Au plaisir,
Bonjour Diane
Toutes les photos sur le blog sont de moi, sauf si j’indique autrement à la fin de la page.
Sur le page fb j’utilise mes propres photos mais aussi d’autres que je trouve très beau, et très inspirant. Ceci est indiqué sur mon page, je n’ai jamais fais passer une photo pour la mienne si ce n’est pas le cas!
bien à vous
I love the old homes I’ve seen in France. Other places, too, but particularly France. No matter how run down and neglected they may be. The houses here in the South aren’t as old as those in New England – the first time I was there I was blown away by the number of years some had been standing. But when I began to really take in the age and history of what I was seeing in France . . . well, it was just awe inspiring. I could never tire of it!
Our house was built in 1920, which is quite old for New Zealand! I wouldn’t swap it for anything more recent, it has such character – but my husband would move to something ‘modern’ tomorrow….
We lived, for a time, near Concord and Lexington, Massachusetts, where I experienced the same feelings of comforting and enduring architecture (albeit not as long enduring as yours). I loved every minute of our time in there. You would see people caring for their properties and tastefully decorating their exteriors, where there was really no need, due to the natural elements surrounding them. Each season brought with it new sites to behold and cherish. We now live in the suburbs of Atlanta and I find myself homesick for what we left behind.
Really what I love about France and Europe in general is the way the old is preserved and kept along with the new. It’s always like stepping into a fairy tale or an old classic (Charles Dickens) novel whenever I am walking through one of the many beautiful medieval villages. Almost like time travel. Also, whenever I do any remodeling work on my house, I always choose natural elements to work with, wood, stone etc. Little by little I am converting my (not so old) ranch home into a “French Hameau” . Someday I would love to do a stone exterior and tile roof. Love your pics.
Hi Sharon,
First, thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos and lovely commentary on French life with us. I enjoy reading your posts with such anticipation.
There is beautiful southern architecture here in Richmond, Colonial, some Victorian, some Gothic Revival and even English Tudor, all quite old and charming. But for me there is nothing that compares to the honey hued stone houses with running roses crawling up the slate tiled roofs and coins outlining the deep window frames, lovingly decorated with pretty blue shutters and lacy scalloped curtains. Of course I cannot forget the window boxes overflowing with geraniums. For me, these houses are an overwhelming connection with the past that draws me in and holds me spellbound with their charm. I have only been to Normandy once, Epernay specifically, but I am forever mesmerized and catured
Our current home that we are renovating and bringing back to life is a 231 yr old Cape Cod. Quite an old house for Canada and to be still standing as it’s made out of wood with a stone foundation. We are hoping our updates, while still retaining the old wonkiness of the building, will hopefully get the old place through the next 100 yrs. Love the heart and soul that old structures have.
We live in a house built in 1800 in the Charente Maritime. Like you I love the thickness of the walls, they really do keep the house cool in the summer whilst retaining the heat long into the winter months and helping to keep us warm. I look at all the old stone houses around us – the secrets held within these old stone walls – for me it is old all the way – old crumbling walls and ruins half covered in ivy; beautiful,
My house is 100 years old. Well, part of it. The kitchen and dining room are 50 years old. I love the older part of my home more than the “newer part” by far.
Old house for me every day !!… I live in Palm Beach / sydney in an old wooden house, old for here
Plots of lands in this area was offered to the Anzacs returning from war to build their home in this areas which was just bush at that time
My floor lean towards the east…nothing beats the character of an old house
I prefer old homes too. I have travelled to France twice and am happy to wander the country absorbing the beauty of landscape and old architecture. Our house here in Aus is 80 years old a weatherboard (timber) cottage.
It feels like I was born on the wrong continent I have such emotion for old France.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some love our red dirt and deserts( baffles me).
Love your blog. Thanks.
Coming back to France next year. Have no desire to go anywhere else.
Although our 105 year old California farm house is not made of stone (nearly all redwood slab construction) I love the quirky soul of an old home! Having designed dozens of model homes for new construction, I would never live in a new build -unless 100% custom. A homes history is one of its most charming attributes… the older the better! xo
Hi Sharon
You’re a girl after my own heart. I too love these old houses and buildings. There is something romantic and just solid and beautiful about them. I would never tire of looking at them. The old bones of homes like this can never be replicated in a modern house. I think maybe I had a past life in France as everything just resonates with me. I am Aussie born but English Heritage and old beamed stone cottages just appeal to me.
I am an Interior Designer so I do like modern too but my preference would always be your home and village.
Thank you so much for your blog and beautiful photos, you make my day
Cheers Libby
Absolutely beautiful photos of your spectacular home. I spent a day in Giverny a couple of yrs. ago and fell in love. Hope to return to Nomandy some day soon. Just love your blog and look forward to each issue. Thank you from CT., U S A
I live in a high style antique cape, here is Massachusetts, which was built by a ship’s carpenter and his six sons, in 1727. It is suprizingly formal with high ceilings and lovely fireplace surrounds for the four fireplaces. We have a beautiful large, square kitchen with a RED (!!!) AGA stove, so we are not exactly primitive. It is situated at the top of our property on a hill so we get lovely breezes in summer, even though I put in central air conditioning about six years ago. With expertly restored wide board floors and lots of nooks and crannies, and a full high-ceilinged cellar, it quite a lot of square footage. It is charming and detailed and cozy all at the same time ! Because we also lived on Beacon Hill in Boston for many years and now spend part of the year in Key West (in another old cottage in Old Town) I have some beautiful 18th and 19th century rather formal antiques and rugs and they look very appropriate.
I enjoy your articles so much and, especially the pictures !
We have the privilege to own an 1860 stone rectory in Ontario, Canada… That’s pretty old for this country! It’s modest by comparison to many of the grand homes you showcase but we are proud stewards of our home. Thanks, as always, for sharing Sharon.
here in Australia old only goes back 200 years but I definitely prefer old to new they have so much more character
I have never had the opportunity to live in a really old house. I continually try to bring personality to houses from the 1960’s … my dream is to live like you one day. The stone, thick walls, vines, quirkiness that makes contractors yap … yes, that sounds like perfection!
Our region in Central Europe Great Hungarian Plain people were always very poor and in the grassland they had no other choice but dig for mud so our old cottages are built from adobe.Thick walls small windows(glass was very expensive) and thatched roofs.
Porches to east narrow side to south no opening to the north.Inside the building divided in three parts entry in the middle to the open fire ahead centre of the house one side the “clean” room with all the treasures and fine furniture to welcome visitors, storage room for alimentar
ies crops and food to the other side.
Adobe walls were mended and whitewashed each spring. These old houses are very rare nowedays so I can call myself very lucky that we could buy 15 years ago love from the wintery hungarian puszta Dorka
I love the romance and history of old homes. In reality, it is important to have the financial means to restore and maintain such properties. I live in an area of New Jersey, USA, that has many such homes; victorians, tudors, cottages, farmhouses, dating as far back as the 17th century. While many have been lovingly restored and maintained, others simply remain mildewed mansions.
I don’t know that I will ever get to see France but it one of my hopes! But if not, I have your lovely, lovely pictures and the love of your country and life that you so beautifully convey. Little by little I am falling in love with your country and I thank you so much.
Looking forward to your next email…also I shared it with a lady I met in the French Market Shop here in Kansas and she loves it as well.
I live in Pennsylvania about an outside of Philadelphia. The city has lovely old stone and brick homes and we live in a 200 yr. old stone farmhouse. In this area most old farmhouses were built by German immigrants. When we lived in Philadelphia our house was 100 yrs. old townhouse and we have always gravitated toward the older homes. We enjoy deep window sills, thick stone walls that don’t warm up till July, and not a straight line anywhere. Off course getting things fixed or repaired is always interesting and can be frustrating. But I wouldn’t give it up for anything. Something about knowing that the house has seen many problems inside and out and has overcome them is very comforting.
My sister, what a timeless, beautiful, woman you are. Thank you for sharing with us. Stone is timeless. I particularly love the look and feel of stone that is wet from brooks and after rain. If I could, I would absolutely live in a house made of stones gathered from the earth. Stone just looks right and feels right. In its humility it gives heat for hours when warmed by fire, and coolness indoors in the heat of summer. I believe old souls are the ones attracted to stone dwellings. I truly understand your love for a stone home. May you live to enjoy your stone home for many years!
What is it that your electrician complains about irregularities, maybe he just does not do his job well?:) We regularly use the services of our local, trusted electrical contractor and have never heard any complaints from him. Whatever happens, we always get a good job without unnecessary words