the spring blossom loot shoot

by Sharon Santoni

garden vignette with vintage cloches

My guest Jeni has gone elsewhere for the weekend, and so I have spent a couple of days in the garden, tidying and planting. I put together this little loot shoot for you, it’s been a while I know, but the season has started again, so my loot shoots will become more regular again.ย  And to make it prettier, I added a few sprigs of the spring blossom that has appeared all around the valley.

tin storage with apple blossom

There was a tiny fair in the next village, so I popped along out of curiosity and found a few pieces including a pair of wonderful 1930’s vases, a couple of paintings and a few tins.

two turquoise vintage vases

garden vignette with vintage cloches

Oh yes, and these divine garden cloches that I have coveted for a long time now, and finally I have four!

painting of cannes, south of france

I adored these two little paintings, painted on wood in the south of France in the 1920’s.ย ย  I so regret that people don’t paint as much as they used to.ย  Small paintings like this are the most romantic and artistic holiday souvenir that I could imagine.

painting of antibes, south of france

Some of these pieces will be going into my little brocante store tomorrow, but if there is anything you’d like to snap up beforehand then just drop me a line and I’ll give you the details.

vintage soap dish

lunch pails with blossom

Thank you for reading me, I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

garden vignette with vintage cloches


Cheri Hansen April 19, 2015 - 8:01 pm

Love the little blue and white container – interested- please send info.. Thank you, Cheri Hansen

Joyce Woodward April 20, 2015 - 1:18 am

Adore the paintings and would love one or both.

Jan Anderson April 19, 2015 - 10:11 pm

How much are the beautiful vases?
They are beautiful!

Wanda April 19, 2015 - 10:15 pm

If you could part with a painting, how much would they be? LOVE them ๐Ÿ™‚

Elliot April 19, 2015 - 10:15 pm

Thanks for the post on your “loot.” I always enjoy seeing what you find.

Arleen April 19, 2015 - 10:18 pm

Love the pictures. what is the pricing on them?

The Enchanted Home April 19, 2015 - 10:30 pm

SO fabulous and I adore those beautiful paintings!!!! Thank you for sharing Sharon.

Lin April 19, 2015 - 10:43 pm

Hi Sharon I do so enjoy your blog..what price would one of the little paintings be if you are selling any of them?? thanks

Our French Oasis April 19, 2015 - 10:45 pm

Fabulous finds. I love the little paintings. Our eldest daughter just spent a few days at the home of a Uni friend in Milan. They visited Venice and as a thank you, being an art student, she painted a charming little watercolour as a gift for the parents, I believe they really loved it. Art can be so expressive, tell so many stories and create so many emotions. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Dij Jones, I only use 'Dee Jones'when published February 6, 2024 - 8:34 pm

I’m also interested in painting. I’d like to have an estimate of the price range.
Thank you,
Dij Jones

Cynthia April 19, 2015 - 10:49 pm

Sharon, This is my first note to you and I want you to know how much I look forward to your notes. Thank you for being the highlight of my days.

As to your ‘loot’, it is all charming. I especially like the lidded pails. Could you perhaps email me about them if no one else has spoken for them?

Thanks again. You live the life I dream of living.


Joanne April 19, 2015 - 10:53 pm

What wonderful finds. I would love to find some garden cloches and the tin canister are to die for. I, also love water cans. The more patina (read rust and/or chippy paint) on them, the better. Have a wonderful day!

Leslie in Oregon April 19, 2015 - 10:58 pm

Lovely, all…especially with the blooming branches from your valley. Please remind me what a garden cloche is used for. Thank you for taking the time to create this post, Leslie

Sharon Santoni April 20, 2015 - 4:35 pm

Hi Leslie

The cloches are for protecting tender plants in the garden early in the season when there is still a risk of frost – this morning the garden was white!

Most often they have the glass ball on top that is broken off. This is not the result of an accident, but deliberately done by gardeners to avoid the sun being magnified and burning those same plants!

thanks for asking ๐Ÿ™‚

Nancy Fenstermacher April 19, 2015 - 11:02 pm

Sharon, Loved this blog and your treasures, but you do such great staging that every item seems special! Have referred your Bologna to several friends and they are enjoying it as well. Good work!

Cathy April 19, 2015 - 11:56 pm

Hi, I see I’m not alone, would like pricing and size of both paintings. I, too, agree there is nothing more romantic and artistic about bringing home from holiday a lovely painting as a souvenir!


Vicky from Athens April 20, 2015 - 12:09 am

I love all of your loot! Especially the paintings. And the cloches, too! Judging by interest from your followers, I’m sure they are snatched up by now. When I’m in the SE of France (L’Isle sur la Sorgue) in a couple of weeks I hope that I’m lucky enough to find one or two small paintings at the Sunday market there to take home as my souvenirs. I’m so excited about the trip! Thanks for sharing – your loot is always so much fun to see. Or as my friend and I say . . . it’s eye candy.

Kandy sims April 20, 2015 - 12:30 am

All lovely. How much are the small paintings?

Colleen Taylor April 20, 2015 - 1:04 am

All of this is lovely Sharon. People as myself do still paint like this Sharon. You’ve inspired me to put down some paint on some little lovelies today. X

Helena Voss April 20, 2015 - 1:29 am

Love your site. Can you give me an idea of the price of the blue and white container? Is it a butter dish? Is it enamel ware?

Elvie April 20, 2015 - 1:40 am

Love receiving your emails ,it’s like receiving a letter from a friend,as it’s interesting news about your loverly garden,the brocante and your trips to Paris etc .Thanks so much..

Agnes Irene April 20, 2015 - 2:33 am

The two paintings are absolutely charming – especially knowing they were done in the south of France in the 1920s. I bought a small village scene painting from a vacation in Greece years ago – and it still gives me great joy every time I see it.
I do wish I lived in the next village over from you.
Agnes Irene
(in New York)

Elaine April 20, 2015 - 3:04 am

Are you keeping all of the wonderful cloches?

Janet April 20, 2015 - 8:13 am

What fabulous photos as always, it’s an inspiration. How much are your pictures please nd the set of canisters. Thank you

Marilyn April 20, 2015 - 9:10 am

Love the cloches. Something for me to look for when we visit the Loire Valley in June though I may find something similar here in Northern England.

Marian from UK April 20, 2015 - 10:14 am

Hi Sharon
Lovely photos of spring! The blossom is popping out all around us here in Wiltshire – such a joy! Your photos have pushed my thoughts towards the garden, which is in the process of creation! We want some small vegetable beds and those glass cloches are on my list to hunt for! As to the paintings, among my recently passed Dad’s things, I found two pretty little watercolours of Clovelly, a small village in North Devon, and lots of photographs of my grandparents in that same village on holiday! Obviously these little paintings were their holiday souvenirs that didn’t see the light of day again! I’m about to rectify that and have them framed – a beautiful memory of my grandparents, my Dad and their love of Clovelly – all in one!
Thank you for sharing your loot!

denise@magnoliaveranda April 20, 2015 - 1:46 pm

Lovely spring feel to these pretty photos. Love the four cloches.

Esther Mangione April 20, 2015 - 2:41 pm

Sharon, I always enjoy your writing and photos. I am very interested in purchasing the two paintings. Would you mind sending the details? Thanks.
Esther, from Canada

Karena April 20, 2015 - 5:50 pm

Sharon, those wicker wrapped aqua vases are so unique, very special indeed!
The paintings are lovely beyond!

The Arts by Karena

Iris April 20, 2015 - 8:48 pm

Hello Sharon
I have been following your blog for some time now. I look forward to your new posts and enjoy a few moments of dreaming. I am interested in the cost of the canister set.

Emm April 20, 2015 - 9:36 pm

A loot shoot — Calloo, callay! Spring has sprung.

Those are delightful paintings, and the second one — of the tower overlooking a harbor — looks familiar. So, of course, I’m trying to figure out where it was painted.

And thanks for the information on the cloches — didn’t know that’s why they always seem to be “broken”.

Mary April 21, 2015 - 6:32 am

Bonjour mon amie!!!!
Merci beaucoup!!!!! Your “loot shoot” was wonderful and inspiring!!!! I can’t tell you how much I love your blog !!!! Would love some info on the items you might part with. Will be in Paris the last two weeks of May. Any wise words on where to go? What about sales or places inProvence ? Thank you so very much for your time and kindness! Merci!!!!! Mary

Reply April 21, 2015 - 2:15 pm

cunaiao sharon ricevere le tue mail รจ un enorme piacere euna delizia le campane da giardino sono meravigliose posso sapere il prezzo’grazie un grande abbraccio

Jeanne McKay Hartmann April 21, 2015 - 5:36 pm

Love it, Sharon – always enjoy your loot shoots! That painting. Wow. Would love to have that. It’s beautiful. Hope you are enjoying spring – wish I was heading back in your direction. XOXO

Sophia Home April 22, 2015 - 8:52 am

Love your loot shoots Sharon…..those glass cloches are gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying this lovely spring weather. Gorgeous, as you will know, here in Kent!

Have a lovely day,

Sophia x

Signe April 22, 2015 - 10:37 am

Hi Sharon! I love flowers, old houses and basically everything else that is old, so no wonder I love your blog too. I really like the set of tin cannister with lids – how much world they cost? Best wishes from Sweden!


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