Working from home has all been part of the reinvention process for me. As my children were growing up I was busy busy busy and grew so used to managing my own time that it would have been nigh on impossible for me to return to an office. Creating this blog fitted in perfectly with the transition from hands on mom to self employed multi-tasker. To begin with of course the blog took up far less time, but as I gained readers and wanted to take baby steps towards a bigger site, then the workload increased, which was also fine.
I am not a very organised person. That is the sad truth, I am easily distracted and tend to multi task and flit from one project to the next in the day. Maddening for anyone else, fine by me. But I have had to pull myself into line, in order to be able to work productively and stop the blog invading every waking hour.
Here are the few guidelines that have worked for me, but I’d love to know how you structure your time too. I know that many of my readers work or have worked from home, and we’ve all had to figure it out in our individual manner. Or maybe it is something you dream about, and wonder if it’s for you … leave a comment below and let us all know.
So here we go, in no particular order …
1. The day well begun is more productive. When you work from home you have nobody watching the clock for you, and if like me the children have flown the nest, there are no more early school runs to get up for. Laying in bed late is not an option for me. I’ve tried it, the “I’ll just finish that book” or “I’ll answer a few mails from bed with a cup of tea”, it just doesn’t work. If I start the day late, then I am late the whole day long and I achieve little. Oh yes, and this may sound trivial but by making my bed perfectly each morning, psychologically I am closing the night and opening the day, ready for business!
2. A healthy start to the day. I love breakfast, sometimes I think it’s my favourite meal. I have discovered what works best for me, the foods that keep my energy levels high and leave me feeling neither heavy nor hungry. Each person has their personal favourites, I go with fresh fruit, muesli, and tea
3. Sit down to a tidy desk, and if possible a desk with a few fresh flowers beside me. I don’t have a big fancy office to work from. My desk is actually on the first floor landing in front of the window. I have a view out to the garden on one side, and in front of me a lovely wall of artwork, many pieces from blogging friends, all hung with happy memories attached. It is a spot that feels comfortable, friendly and conducive to creative thinking.
4. Set myself targets for each day. The list! This one is closely attached to my habit of jumping from one subject to the next, and is absolutely vital if I am to achieve anything before close of play. There is such satisfaction in ticking stuff off as the day progresses.
5. Know when to leave the desk. One of the downsides of working from home, is the danger of isolation. Especially living in the country. I’m fairly ambitious with my daily targets and time is required to reach them, but if I don’t want to become a horrible geeky hermit then the downtime is important too. Luckily many of the subjects for the blog require photo shoots out and about, and of course I love to meet a friend for lunch, or for a walk with those dogs.
6. Keeping fit. This is another danger that comes with blogging; it’s called sitting down for too long and not moving enough. There is no magic wand for this one, just discipline, and a firm decision to exercise or simply walk regularly.
7. Know when to stop. Not as easy as you think. I often lose track of time and before I know it it’s dark outside. And because I correspond with people in different time zones those emails just keep rolling in, day and night. The trick is to turn the computer off. To declare the working day over, and tell yourself that it will all still be there tomorrow and that there is a husband who would also like to share a dinner and some down time. Yes, life is more important .
Your turn now, how do you juggle working from home with your family life?
images taken from pinterest
Hi Sharon. I had my French vintage business for almost five years, running it from home, and it was flexible, but a challenge. I actually found, ironically, that working out of the home when I could was more conducive to me getting tasks done efficiently. I sometimes rented a hot desking space alongside other business owners or freelancers…and even the quiet of local library helped at times. It’s a constant juggle!
That’s interesting Alison, I can understand though. Sometimes a change of atmosphere is good for concentration
Thank you for sharing
Thank you, Sharon. Such a helpful and timely topic for many of us. I’m uber organized and driven and am a slave to my self-imposed deadlines. Shutting down my computer and NOT returning to it after dinner is key for me. My husband unwinds by watching TV and I can rarely make myself sit still to watch it, so I’ve taken up working picture puzzles. I set one up on a table in our media room and at least we are together and can chat while we both do something we enjoy.
We all just need to find the right balance Barbara
Hi Sharon
Oh yes I agree that a late start messes the whole day up. I am still transitioning from my full time job; you think that you now have lots of time but in reality can achieve less. I too am a list person- the psychologically of crossing items off works for me but I find some less attractive tasks remain on lists longer.
It takes a different kind of discipline to work from home, that’s for sure Mercedes
Thank you
I am still trying to figure it out but I do work two days a week in an office and volunteer so that gets me out. I need to fine tune my time when I’m home working, many times I don’t stop until 10 PM.
10pm is late Debra but so easy to do
The hardest part for me is switching off, but I love being busy and I hate sitting still, with a fledgling blog I find it occupies my mind all the time, it is my first waking thought in the morning and the last at night, I scribble notes by the bed before I go to sleep and with four of our five children still at home my day is very busy and very long. My children will always be my priority, but I have become a master at multi tasking. However, my day always starts the same, children’s breakfast, school run and then my own breakfast whilst I look at emails. After dinner when the children are all snuggled up I can usually be found once again at my laptop until past midnight. I have to be organised and I cannot stand a mess! Have a fabulous weekend x
How we all love to multitask Susan…. Just as well!!
YOU are SO my kind of person!!! (right down to that perfectly made bed!!!) franki
Well thank you Franki:)
This is great to read another blogger’s perspective on this. I love working from home. My husband gets up at 6 a.m., so I do too. That way, I can have exercised, showered, dressed, and straightened up the house by 9. I also make the bed first thing, on my way to the bathroom, in fact. I eat breakfast at the computer and start working on the blog by 9, but then each day can be different. I might go out for coffee with friends, Skype with my kids and grandchild, or prepare recipes for my blog. I’m fairly new to blogging, and it’s all so exciting! I still have to learn how to turn it off.
Hi Cathy
What’s the name of your blog?
Hi, Marian! My blog is and is about eating gluten-free at home and while traveling. I still haven’t been able to duplicate the beautiful pastries I saw in Paris, though!
Ah. Thank you Cathy. Now this is one of those strangely fortuitous connections that life throws our way sometimes! I have a friend who is newly Gluten intolerant and she is coming to stay. I shall look at your recipes for inspiration! We too are empty nesters for some while, with 3 small grandsons though, to enjoy. I am looking forward to seeing your Hideaway develop – how exciting it must be! My husband and I took a leap to do what we’d always dreamt of doing and moved to an old cottage in a lovely village in Wiltshire, England. It’s been fun, challenging and rewarding and we’re so glad we did it. I retired last year and I’m hoping to begin a blog by the end of this year (you never think anyone will read it though do you?!) But it’s time for that ‘new phase’ of life and I must give it a go! Well, sorry to waffle on! I’m now just popping over to your blog….. Have a lovely rest of the week.
Being 75 yrs old I have re-invented my life several times and doing so meant many changes in scheduling etc. Started out as a working pediatric nurse for nine years, married but without family. The first big change began with a 4 month journey, with my darling ,traveling our country and searching for the “perfect” area to really settle in, start our family etc. We had left busy California where we enjoyed extended family, friends and ocean beaches but yearned for more time together, not on separate schedules, and a simpler lifestyle. We chose South Eastern Washington State and my old home town. Excitedly, we bought our first cottage home and I leisured in staying home to build a garden, decorate our home, and enjoy some creativity. Just prior to this I had helped to set up the town’s first cardiac care unit and the stress was more than I desired. We started our family by adopting two special needs children, siblings ages 1 and 2 years old a boy and a girl. Wow! That consumed most hours of the day and night but we were so happy to watch their progress and really be a family. Five years later another huge move….this time to the country where we became pretty much self sufficient, raising our own food, having goats, horses, and chickens to care for etc. We all worked and played hard and enjoyed the fruits of our labor. The children went to school and thrived despite many difficulties behavior wise and physically. As they became more independant we were drawn to sharing our clean and simple life with others and also making some recreation money by having a home business. In 1981 we opened our herb farm with gardens of fresh herbs, a small cottage shop where we sold herbal crafts, culinary and medicinal herbs as well as herb plants of 100 varieties. Hubby kept his day job for security but joined me when he came home to serve our customers and work the farm. We were a little before our time and though we enjoyed our work and the many loyal customers for eight years, the valley had yet to become the tourist attraction, wine country, and gourmet restaurants that it now is. Our children had flown the nest and soon we took in another special child, our first grandchild, to raise as our own. Reluctantly, we closed the chapter of our home business and transformed our cottage with the secret garden into a special place to escape for special occasions away from busy phones, t.v. etc. My husband could enjoy his art work from his studio looking out at the blue mountains and onion fields across the road. I could create and sew in my own little antique room. We had two lovely guest rooms to entertain visitors and also celebrated all birthdays and special days there, Some weekends we would pretend to be on vacation and spend the entire time away from our main craftsman farm house. In the nineties we were busy raising our granddaughter, caring for ill family members and planning for retirement. What we hadn’t planned for was the ugly truth that my husband had a rare inherited illness that would slowly change our plans and lives. Again, we adapted, and moved back to town buying a victorian home just blocks from where our first cottage was and just down the street from the hospital where I was born and also worked. We embraced the excitement of remodeling to make it our own, transforming an unused bare attic into a lovely living area with two bedrooms and separate full bath for our now seven year old and future guests. We were close to town and the beautiful college campus where we could take walks. Our property was well landscaped with a lovely stream running through the back yard and established trees and grape vines. Immediately, we found the sunny spot for my herb and salad gardens and I transformed a tool shed into my still room to create my secret potpourri recipes etc. My husband passed on thirteen years ago, the children have moved out of the area, and it is much less active and extremely quiet here. I no longer must follow a strict schedule and though I arise early, I often linger in my robe, sipping my morning tea, writing letters, or catching up on some project. I still am an avid gardener and enjoy my David Austen rose garden, flowers, and salad gardens but at a slower pace. I am grandmother to seven and don’t spend as much time as I would like with them but when they do come to Nana’s it is old fashioned fun! We play games, create wonderful meals, crafts, and outings. So you see we are all in transition and being reinvented in this process of growing older. Each chapter has it’s own purpose, joys, and disappointments….God, alone, knows what awaits us next.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It sounds like you have experienced a meaningful life because of your willingness to take chances. what a wonderful example of a life well lived.
Mayree, May I come and share a cup of tea with you? You are right, God alone knows what awaits us next. My favorite part of your wonderful story was “I no longer must follow a strict schedule and though I arise early, I often linger in my robe, sipping my morning tea, writing letters, or catching up on some project.” My sentiments exactly! I just turned 73 and love every single day! My “Big” project at the moment is developing a botanical garden at our City Hall, with my garden club! I volunteered at a free local medical clinic (social services) for 3 yrs before it became a job and not any longer fun. One day a week I help my DIL with our almost two twin great grand-girls…the world stops and everything is just right for those 3 hours!
There is a book in this! Mayree you write beautifully and it would be a wonderful story to write down and relive your life to show others how much we can thrive in life and also help others. I am sure you have photographs of your busy life and with your writing skills could write your memoir.
All the best for an inspiring post,
Cheers Elise
Sorry, I wrote Mayree when it was Beverly Poag who wrote the email I commented on. I will read Mayree’s post later in the week and also the other posts as I am in the final stages of reading through my proofpages for a novel.
Cheers Elise
Sorry again…to both Mayree and Beverly for confusing their posts…again!
Yours is an amazing story Mayree! Thank you so much for sharing and enjoy the next chapter in your very rich life
Hi Mayree, what an incredible life you have led, I was really moved reading your story, wow, your grandchildren are so lucky to have You, I hope you share lots of stories of your travels and life with them. Have a wonderful weekend. Susan x
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have had so many transitions in my life also. I am currently enjoying tremendously where I am currently, in all phases of my life. A dear friend is downsizing but in the process reinventing her business and starting a yoga studio also. It has been very interesting for me to watch and given me much to think about. I think about what I should do to prepare to downsize also and what I would like that next period to look like. Stories like yours help to realize that it can be very productive and rewarding.
What an amazing life Mayree – such love and compassion and hope. Your post made me stop and think. xx Sandra
I also work from home. Biggest issue when I started (12 years ago) was to make my family members understand that when I’m at my desk, I’m working and not to be disturbed unless the house is on fire or someone is bleeding to death; also, they must be quiet when I’m on the phone. They are now trained but it took a while! Having structure to the day is very important to me. My last task of the day is to plan out the next day, what needs to be done, in order of importance.
Another thing to keep in mind is that even in a traditional office setting, it is not 100% productivity all the time. There can be down time and plenty of distractions there too.
This geeky hermit prefers pajamas. All day if possible.
I work from home now too. I approach it like any other job. I set office hours, sit at my desk and not a table (I am a professor who teaches online). I do love it and I love your photos. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.
I agree with so many of your tips. I have a separate studio where I do my artwork (which I sell and showcase online through my blog and etsy) and I find that I get up early, have my tea and a bite, check emails and a few blogs and then, most importantly, GET DRESSED to go out and start my day. I used to take my dog out first thing in the morning which was another reason I would get up early. Sadly he died almost a year ago so that has been a huge change in my morning routine. It was so devistating and the challenge to get going again was a slow process. The thing is that you just have to make one step in the direction of ‘doing’ both mentally and physically. Once that step is made, then I’m already there. I do try to take a bike ride if weather permits and I find that the bit of excersise is a ‘feel good’ reason for sitting for hours at a time. I also used to take the dog out at around 2 pm so now that is still when I take a break to go to the village or go for a walk with a friend. I feel blessed to be able to do what I love. Blogging with lots of photos is also part of my routine and keeps me out and about.
Good points, all. I think that “rules” could vary, depending on whether your home work involves sitting at a desk or more up-and-about doing, but a good breakfast and organization of whatever kind are critical.
Like you, I jump from one idea to another, but generally find over time that they all hang together, somehow.
I set myself a daily word target for number of words written. They may not all be usable, but for me putting words on paper or screen is critical. And while I don’t always make the target, it’s out there.
Totally agree about the clean desk. Although it’s honored more in the breach than the observance, as I tend to scrabble through stacks of notes. But *I* know where things are, 🙂 she said hopefully.
To quiet the revved up monkey mind, I find that sitting quietly and/or meditating for a while helps greatly.
Forgot to add (organization much?): It’s important to have your own, dedicated space.
Virginia Woolf wrote about it, and it’s so true, even if the space is only your own laptop on a counter. A desk or corner is even better. I’m lucky enough to have a whole room as an office, so I can walk out and close the door at the end of the day.
Not that you’ll ever catch me working on weekends, mercy no. Ha.
What a lovely post, Sharon! I work from home and feel blessed to do so. I’ve always been a homebody, so it suits me. I love old textiles and find them at flea markets or online, and since I also love lavender I combine the two and make vintage inspired lavender sachets. As a result, my studio always smells wonderful and is most definitely my happy place – I can spend hours in there, simply making things! I arise fairly early (and make the bed because, as it does for you, it means my day has started) and I’m usually busy by 8 or 9:00. My children are grown and my husband frequently works away from home during the week, so I can work late if I like and I’ll often put on a movie and jump into bed with some handwork to do. My time’s my own and I admit I don’t pay much attention to hours. We’re looking at a move in March, and I’m already thinking about my new studio and how I want it to look. For me, having a room of my own that reflects me and the things I love goes a long way towards creative success.
This is a great reminder for me about how to structure my day to make sure I get plenty of time for writing. Thanks Sharon…it’s one post I will keep to refer back to…it would be good to put it up on in front of my computer but like you I have my computer in front of the window although my view from it is far from what your view would be! It would be lovely to see what you look at each day when you go to work (it might be something I missed if you have already posted it).
Have a great day/evening
Lovely post Sharon & your # 6 and 7 hit me smack between the eyes! Balance? Who me, still looking for it at this late stage. I do keep striving for it. I do love what I do but when to quit & get out & about is my challenge still awaiting to happen. Yes, I’m a geek, you have no idea just how geeky I’ve become.
For whatever reason, some clueless man once said to me, you must have a huge shoe closet, my reply was me? shoe closet? never! but you should see my 27″ computer iMac, multiple monitors, hard drive & endless supply of software & what I can do with all of that would blow your hair back…I have bundles of that you idiot (but I said that last bit silently) X
The writer, Dan Brown, works in his pajamas.
I do work from home, but because it is home, I’m comfortable, and it’s very quiet, so I get my coffee and go to my desk to write and do research every morning. Before I know it, the day is half gone while I’ve had my nose in a book, and I haven’t made any of the calls on my agenda. I dread making the phone calls, but they have to be ‘made, or working from home won’t work. I just hate having the peace and quiet interrupted. Discipline is the hardest thing when you’re working from home.
Love your blog. I’m a new follower. The photo was what grabbed me. I’m in the process off redoing my bedroom just the way I want it and my desk was & is really bothering me. That photo is my inspiration piece….thank you so much! Will send you a before & after at some point.
I so love reading comments on certain blogs, depends on subject matter. Am actually embarrassed to say I am not too disciplined. I don’t make our bed except on day I change sheets every Monday. Seems like once I leave our room to start day, usually load of laundry, let dog out, and whatever else comes up, the bed is forgotten, especially in winter time, too many covers to deal with. In summer it’s so much quicker and actually get it straightened up anyhow.
Right now my time first thing after some breakfast is doing my physical therapy exercises or I get going and forget to do any, (bad girl). Had right shoulder replaced on Dec. 7th so have to get shoulder/arm working as they should.
I go pretty much on inspiration at the moment, whatever pops in my head I want or need to do is what I’ll start anyway. I’m not too good at staying with one thing to complete. I’m 75 and have had lots of comings and goings as other commentors have. Any crafting I do or decorating is strictly spur of moment but somehow seem to get things done, eventually, lol, even doing laundry and cleaning house.
I feel like I did what I should and when for many years raising four kids and working, keeping a home. Now it’s my turn. Hubs doesn’t seem to mind my do whatever habits. Usually by time he’s getting fussy I’m ready to tackle a job needs doing now, it’s bugging me also.
We have our dog/cat and 5 chickens which are very much big part of our lives. We enjoy them all so much. All our kids are grown up with families of their own, two of them live fairly close, we don’t get to see one of them/family. His wife doesn’t like us, never has, we don’t have money, live very much within our means, drive an 8 yr, old car which was recently paid off and live in a single wide mfg. home which is all we could afford here.
Not a place for people that live on SS but we’ve found ways to survive, pay our bills and even get to go to Burger King once in while or even Chili’s for special occasions, We’ve moved and started over several times, where we live sure isn’t our dream house but we do live out in country, have 1/2 acre, very quiet and have one heck of a view. It’s nice our youngest daughter/family live in small town just few miles to east of us. We can’t afford to go traveling but we are quite content in our little house and enjoy our lives.
It’s hard not to have youngest son in our lives but he has made his choice and we respect it.
Reading others comments helped me feel not too bad about what we’ve done in our lives. We have 4 children who are hard workers, honest, have integrity, honesty and care for their families, how it was important to us to raise them. We hear about them if we don’t see or hear from them but have realized the days go by and we are ok with what our lives are about. Two of kids live in San Diego area and we live on western slope of Rocky Mtns, in western CO. We’ve lived a few places away from them so they’re used to their nomad parents, especially me.
I expressed desire to move back to MT or Tucson but hubs says he’s done moving now, we’re where we’re going to be.
Have wonderful week everybody, sure enjoyed reading about others lives.
Was touched by your comments. I am having my 74th birthday today and looking forward to a “gratitude walk” downtown to enjoy the Spring flowers and walk on the bay. It sounds like you really have all the important things….beautiful natural setting, loving husband & children close by and most of all the gift of “time”. I’m so conscious of how I use my time and I bet you are too. Making the bed isn’t the most important thing in the world anymore, is it? I love that. Have a wonderful day!
Sorry above “comment” was so blasted long.
Yet not too long, because it’s lovely having a peek into each other’s lives, and sharing the rich textures and unique colors of lives fully lived.
That kind of sharing is a gift.
And it brings you total strangers wishing you well as we picture you on your half-acre with the lovely view and your loving, accepting heart, creating a peaceful enjoyable life in your very own way.
What a truly wonderful community Sharon has given us a chance to develop, all drawn by her soul-satisfying and ever-delightful blog!
The list the wonderful list. The one on the refrigerator, the one on the desk, the one in my purse, excetera excetera excetera. I also find great joy in checking off my completed list. They keep me on task and they keep me focused because I also flit from project to project. I recently retired and I’m trying to reinvent myself by starting a home bakery. The lists help me make time for baking and to continue with responsibilities of a home. I also like to paint furniture, decorate, sew, garden, read and of course read your blog. Goodness see why I love my lists. I also make my bed partly to keep the cat off my pillow. Thank you for the blog. Maybe I will meet you one day.
Hi Sharon, Actually your blog is wonderful and I read it carefully everyday you post. My life has been very busy also. I have worked in the airline industry for about 37 years. It took a lot of travelling, meeting new people and enjoying the charm of being one day in Paris, the following day in Istanbul and then back home in Madrid. I had the chance to be only 10 days at home in a month! Anyway, my home was a mess sometimes and didn´t had the chance to be organized or being able to entertain family & friends. But when I retired, I had the world ant my hands and decided to go back to college and sudied a degree in Modern Languages which was a big challenge. My degrees were all high (higher tan expected, really) and I started a job as a particular teacher of English and German as well as a frfee-lance translator. I work from home. Now I have learnt to be organized, to programm my day accordingly and to be able to enjoy the everyday life as it comes. Unfortunately my hubby passed away a few years ago and my two daughters both have their own lives and live in Holland so being on my own with my dog and my cat is one of the best things I could enjoy.
I wanted to email you, but that link didn’t work.
I have to say, I ordered your book and I was so surprised….I enjoyed it more than I even expected!! It is fantastic! The writing is superb and the photos are delicious!
I absolutely love it and ordered one for a friend…
Thank you for brightening everyday !!
Hope to see you in 2017
A great post subject Sharon! I’m recently retired and I do struggle with settling down to one job. It’s so easy to get distracted and the computer is mainly to blame! I always get up as my husband leaves for work and I always make our bed. I love having it looking beautiful and inviting and bought a lovely French linen sheet with embroidery along the top that I have showing. It would be such a waste not to make the bed. It also feels, to me, a bit slovenly if I don’t do it (and there have been times….!) and like you it psychologically ends the night and starts the day.
I too have to make lists and it’s so rewarding crossing things off! Feels like you are moving forward. The hardest thing is the self discipline to stick at one task and I guess making a work list for the following day will help with that. I think we all need some sort of structure in our day – not rigid necessarily but a pattern to guide us, otherwise we can be in danger of wandering aimlessly through each day. And there’s so much we can do once we have the time at home!! Life is full of transitions and phases and our only limit is our imagination. But for now I must try and take on board yours and your other readers’ inspiration and get a balance between being productive and enjoying time for the pleasures of life. Thank you.
Definitely always a list. I make my weekly list on Sunday. Sometimes things get shifted around, but I try to get it all done by the end of the week. The one I struggle with is getting a start in the morning. I am up early, but my husband sleeps late. I don’t feel like I can get dressed and get going until he is out of the bed and I can make it and get started. Haven’t quite figured it out, but seriously thinking about it.
Hello Sharon, I “worked from home” as a field based sales rep for about 30 years. Much prefer it to working in an office. I was not slowed down by having to share the printer / FAX or any other office equipment. If I felt like working on a project at midnight, I did. (However, had to learn NOT to send emails after to 8 pm because other people may have had their cell phones set to ring no matter what the time of day.) If the traffic or weather was miserable, I could accomplish most of my work from home. Now that doesn’t mean I didn’t have to make face to face calls, but could set up many more appointments from home.
Now that I have my own, home-based business, I get up at 5 am, do some work so that I can see hubby off to work. Hubby sleeps like a log he so does not notice when I get up.
My children and grandchildren live out of state so no distractions from them anymore. The biggest challenge is that I, too, have lots of other “projects” that grab my attention. Unwashed laundry and dishes bug me, although those can be slipped in in between phone calls.
I actually have been diagnosed with ADD so staying focused has always been a challenge. Having other people talking or having the TV on is very bad for me. White noise such as a fan or even the sound of the fireplace helps to keep me focused. Sometimes I use a list, but sometimes I forget. Still working on that!
All in all, I prefer working from home. I can be around people when I wish or, if I need to concentrate, not be around people.
Also love the fact that I do not have to work under fluorescent lights and my flower garden and view of oak woodlands, are right outside my door!
Personally, I like working from home even more than I do in the office. After all, now you do not need to spend time on the way to work. I set up an office for myself with these glass partitions and got the perfect work area