We are scheduling some work here at home. This winter we need to replace and repaint several of our shutters on the facade of the house, along with a few complete window frames that have simply gotten too old.
Our house is not that old, we think it was built in the 1850’s, but we are lucky to have a lot of the original fixtures such as doors and windows, and we try to take care of them, but sometimes the wood just gets too old and needs a little or a lot of TLC.
I like to think that I will be able to re-use some of the original window panes, I love the way they give a slightly wobbly image, but I know it’s a big ask and doesn’t thrill the carpenter who will be making the windows for us.
But before all of that, I wonder if I can ask your opinion please? It’s about the shutter colours. The shutters and windows on our house have been white ever since we moved in 20 years ago. Now that they are to be re-painted, I am thinking of changing colour. Nothing too violent, or too provencal, but possible pale grey.
Our guest cottage across the lawn has shutters in dark grey, although we kept the windows white …..
and the doors on our stone barn are also painted grey ….
and I like the way the light plays with that colour ….
But the facade of the house is somehow a different prospect. Keep it all white? paint the shutters grey and the windows white? or go all pale grey?
I look forward to hearing what you all think …. thank you for your help on this!
have a lovely weekend
Oh, this is the week of being asked for advice on shutter colours….. you’re the 2nd one 🙂 Oh the fun!!!
I too live in an old house, built from local stone, and we REALLY should replace the windows too – but we have even more ‘tiny squares’ than you do and none of the window frames is at a 90° angle – so the short but cruel truth is We don’t have the money to replace the draughty but perfectly beautiful and otherwordly windows ….. We put ‘boudins’ under the windows to conquer the drafts and put on an extra jumper! (just for comparison: Our windows on the ground floor are 48 squares plus several ‘slim’ windows with 16 squares each resp. 32 squares….) Similar for the 1st floor. So, really – good luck and hope that really all goes well!
I would love to see either white shutters again or very light grey ones. I would even suggest a pale blue (feathery, egg-blue…. – faded like ‘tired’ lavender maybe). We have white (and also quite rusty in some places) metal shutters and I’d never go for anything else. BUT having said that, in Switzerland we had our wooden shutters painted a dark green and it fitted the surroundings beautifully. The green seemed to blend perfectly with the different greens of the terrace plants and fitted the age of the house wonderfully. (house from the 18th ct).
Whatever you’ll decide however, you know that the colours will fade anyway – so I wouldn’t worry too much about getting it on too strongly. It will look wonderful, knowing your impeccable taste. 🙂 Bless you.
forgot – window frames WHITE – perfect…. makes them look fresh & inviting! 🙂
and – dare I say it – I’m insanely jealous that your abode IS getting new windows and ours isn’t…. I just look now at the flaking off paint, the poor, several times over, ‘kitted, painted, repaired’ wooden frames and I feel like crying out: I know you deserve something better but it just isn’t possible. And we firmly refuse to put ‘new’ triple-glazed whatever windows which would destroy the character of the house. And also I understand that you love your irregular glass, same thing here – it gives those funny, flurry views with distorted outlines where a uneven or thicker piece of glass was fitted…. Oh the love of OLD – old and used, but so full of character & history.
I would consider the colour of the wisteria across the front of your home & paint the shutters a complimentary colour either paler or darker, when it flowers in Summer I think it would look stunning .
Your home is so beautiful so keep it simple & classy.
This seems the most interesting and artistic idea.Deeper color than the Wisteria if it is pale in color or really light if the Wisteria is brighter in color. Contrast is important.
I would suggest a color that will complement and work with the color of the roof. I suggest leaving the windows white because the panes are like the iris of the eye and the window is like the white around the iris. It opens the window frame like a bright alert eye in a beautiful woman. The shutter will surround the eye, much like an eye shadow sets off the eye. So enhance but do not overdo with too much color. I’d try a medium grey with a touch of blue in it or a medium grey with a touch of green. One will work with the roof color, the other with your beautiful garden. Try a sample on two shutters and stand back to observe the colors at different times of the day as the sun will move across the house and effect the colors from early morning to dusk. Can hardly wait to see what you decide on.
I must be the only reader who really thinks to keep the windows’ panes old!!! It is not that much more to use the old panes and they look so much better. I bought an 18th C. secretary and many of the panes were broken. I raided old houses that were to be torn down and saved the old glass. I learned how to cut the glass (actually very simple) and then how to use patterns for each of the broken areas. Then I re-glazed the doors. There is also material that you can use here in the US to rework the rotten wood frames. We live in a house built in 1899, and I love the view from the old panes, although some time I just can not see some of the birds through the squiggles. The windows have survived countless hurricanes including Camille and Katrina. Good Luck saving those old windows.. the extra work for the carpenter will worth it!!!
I would say to consider the buildings you admire in your area, because so much depends on the light and the local building materials.
Our house has deep blue shutters, the shade of the sky on a beautiful summer day. Our apartments have pale gray–RAL 3075 to be exact (RAL is a European color system like Pantone). That color was dictated by Bâtiments de France as our apartments are in a historically classified building. But we like it–it works well with the shade of stone and stucco.
To Kiki: we replaced all the ancient, leaky and HUGE apartment windows at great cost, but the results are worth it–the old ones were difficult to open and close, and they were so drafty. Now, the insulation is fantastic, both thermal and acoustic. Really worth the effort.
i was thinking blue also.
I think a pale grey or a dusky blue…greyish blue.
My first instinct was pale grey ~ so I’m with you on that!
me too
Ditto the grey would be lovely
First choice would be pale grey for both windows & shutters. But for something different how about the palest, soft teal blue. Should be very soft.
I agree with “Taste of France”: I mean you should consider the buildings in your area, but I also think white shutters and white windows, as you have now, are very beautiful and appropriate for your house. I live in an old stone house and when we restored it we left all white (also the new ones) as it was. I love them. claudiag
Navy blue, definitely navy blue.
My first preference would be pale grey, second would be pale blue. Good luck with your choice!
I agree on grey or soft blue, depends on your roof colors also.
Grey. I love grey.
White windows, grey shutters – any shade from light to dark grey
totally agree with Francoise
Agree! Grey would be really nice.
Wouldn’t you want your “buildings” to coordinate…course, I’m a symmetry person…grey it would have to be…franki
My first and only thought upon considering your shutter color was: A soft grey-blue to coordinate with the roof color. I’d call it medium rather than pale. Leave the frames white.
That was my thought as well. Hildred
mine too!
I agree. Penny
Yes. Perfect
Have you considered a soft pale green…which relates to all your beautiful landscape and would be a nice contrast to the creamy stone hue and would frame your windows… Just a thought…. But I do love French blue as well… Your home will be beautiful no matter what you pick…
I agree with Teresa Person. I see your house with soft pale green shutters or my second choice a soft French blue. But green would be my first choice. Just a little color please! Margie in Orlando, FL
First choice would be a soft robin’s egg blue, second would be all grey. Beautiful home:)
Hi Sharon,
As a decorator/designer, my suggestion would be white windows, darker gray shutters. It will weight the look and heft of the roof. If you choose a color like pale blue, although pretty, it will give the house a lighter look, but will need more definition with flowers, bushes etc. Hope this helps…..
I agree with with Sheri. white windows and darker gray shutters. I feel the house may sink back instead of be a focal point for the yard. I assume the roof is more gray. How dark the gray can be measured chosen by what works best in your light.
It is like details of a painting…not sure what draws one to the whole, but it is the whole yard and house at any time of year that will always the eye, without knowing what the secret is.
Grey all the way!
I love your home and garden, it’s so beautiful! I am always a sucker for all white which I think would be elegant and fresh. I also like the idea of a shade of grey. It’s difficult to tell from the photo however it looks as though your eaves/roof might be grey bordering on blue tones. It might be pretty to tie in a greyish/blue or even greyish/lavender which could tie in with the shades of your garden.
I thought the same as Jess, the eaves/roof border on my computer screen appears to be grey/blue and I think a lighter shade of this same color would be perfection and again as Jess said, it would be beautiful with your garden. No matter what you choose it will be gorgeous!
My apologies, I should have said Jane, not Jess!
The colors are lovely as they are…but, I LOVE Kiki’s suggestion…I would think pale grey with a whisper of faded lavender would be stunning! Over the years I have infrequently seen shades of purple used on exterior homes…always catches my breath and stays in my thoughts. Twelve years ago we built out home in NW Connecticut, the foothills of the Berkshire mountains. I wanted a bright and colorful home as we are surrounded by woods. We selected a lovely soft medium yellow shade with no green or orange undertones and guess what…a deep purple door. Everyone comments on it and we love it. Last summer we painted the house white but kept the purple door…..”You have a purple door…I love it”…we hear this from every delivery person. The porch is loaded with neutral pots filled with white and deep toned Burgandy or purple flowers…right now with white and pale grey/blue pumpkins. I feel shades of purple are underused and when used…much enjoyed. I would definitely consider Kiki’s suggestion and find a way to add just a whisper of faded lavender. Your taste is lovely and whatever you select will, without a doubt, be gorgeous!
Sharon, I have always loved the beauty and simplicity of the colors of your home. With all the beautiful foliage, and lovely climbing plants you have I really think the beauty of the white is perfect. Maybe a change in the front door to make it “the entrance” to your home? The pale, weathered grey on the door with all the great glass panes, and keep the shutters white.
Blue grey ! It appears that there is blue/ green in your landscaping and the blue
grey shutters would bring out the landscaping. A soft blue/ grey I should add.
I vote for a soft green/gray/blue….
with frames left white…color choices can be overwhelming,can’t they?! When we repainted our interior, I spent untold hours on Pinterest and Houzz checking out colors…
Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend too!
Your home is so beautiful! I’d weigh in with medium grey!
First let me say your house is lovely and with your impeccable taste I’m sure whatever you choose will look beautiful. However, you did ask for opinions……..looking at the image of your house, it appears to have yellow tones and pulling it in closer it appears that the facade is a blue colour. Therefore, I would choose the same colour as the blue (light/med) as the facade would be my choice, keeping it rustic looking.
Love French style. When we were trying to choose a paint color for a sunroom, one of my choices was French Grey by Benjamin Moore. Not sure you have that brand in France. It is a beautiful grey with blue undertones. But the subtle French light blue/grey would be my choice. Still loving your book “My Stylish French Girlfriends” purchased in Marietta, GA, USA.
It is fun to have a change and I vote for a pale, pale grey; you could experiment and paint just one lower shutter to see if you like it. I love the picture of Ghetto gracing your front garden! Your home is so very beautiful.
I like pale, pale blue.
Rosanna – Sydney
Hi Sharon,
I think – white windows and pale, pale blue shutters. You seem to have a lot of blues in your beautiful garden…
No matter what you choose, your house can’t be anything but beautiful! However, I am partial to gray.
A little blue-gray for,the shutters; white window frames, please.
I am with you on pale grey. I also think that softest aqua shutters with white windows would look very nice.
Another trend that I am observing in US is to keep everything including muntins, window frame and shutters etc. a neutral color and paint the door in a different color which gives the facade an unexpected pop of color. For your home, I can envision everything else in white (including door and shutters) and paint only the door a soft grey or aqua. Your home is so pretty.
I love the all white and I definitely think the windows with the beautiful glass should stay white. For the shutters, if you don’t stay white, I like the blue gray idea.
For the shutters, a dove grey, which is a grey that has a little blue in it. The window trim light grey and the house white.
Dear Sharon … white and pale blue is never a mistake !
But be courageous and think about BORDEAUX – RED …
Think – think – think … and you come back to white !
Lots of ideas … Veronika Kiehn
I Love Love the color of your stone, paint the shutters the palest gray blue with white stain over the top for an aged effect. Your home is lovely…
I think the shutters should be soft grey/blue – and whoever mentioned to bring in the roof colors was brilliant. Yours is a beautiful home but it would look slightly more harmonious with the roof and your beautiful flowers without the white shutters
Please keep house white, with pale grey/blue shutters and white windows! So appealing to the eye!
Go with a grey that works with the roof tiles. How fun for you!
Absolutely match the roof color on the shutters❤️❤️❤️❤️
That was my immediate thought. A slate grey to tone with the roof. You have a beautiful home.
Grey shutters, white window framing.
I agree with Sheri the designer. Darker gray to coordinate with the roof, with white window frames, and leaving the doorway all white so it really stands out. It will look lovely in the summer with all your beautiful plantings, but will give it a warmer, grounded feel in the fall/winter months. And it will make all the buildings on your property look united! Looking forward to seeing your choice.
What fun! I would definitely keep the Windows white and the shutters possibly a very soft pale grey, almost to match the colour that the original white shutters have faded to. I know it’s a huge job, we replaced a couple of doors and windows and that took months as, like yours, they all had to be hand made. It will be worth it and will look fantastic.
Grey!!! Paint the front door grey as well!
Hi Sharon, I love the way the colour of your barn door plays with your beautiful garden. I was admiring the colours they have used on the Laduree buildings. It’s midnight over here and I’m sitting watching free to air TV it’s Paul Hollywood City Bakes, he is going around some beautiful bakeries in Europe, he was in Madrid and now it’s Polands turn, and bonus it’s been filmed in winter. I am loving the colours and architecture of these cities. Have a wonderful weekend, till next time, regards Esther from Sydney
Hello Sharon –
I think pale grey would be beautiful. It would go nicely with the roof color and its seems to work well with that more northern cast of light. Your home is absolutely gorgeous.
I would do the windows and shutters the same color and I like the suggestion of a medium grey-blue, taking inspiration from the roof and your lovely garden. Good luck! Whatever you decide will be lovely.
I agree with the medium grey blue, lighter than the roof. As it looks like your house has a tinge of yellow, it would be very complimentary and give it a fresh look with all your lovely garden plantings. It also would be lovely on your door. White windows though as it looks so clean. Thank you forshsring with those that would love to be living in your beautiful area.
Oops-Thank you for sharing!
I am a graphic designer and love color. My first thought was a light grey as well. I would look at the color in the stonework and draw a gray from that. You can sample colors in Photoshop and see what the colors in the stone would look like on the shutters.
Another thought was to use a gray-green. Or choose a middle grey and add another
color to it, just a bit. I would go subtle thought… not too much contrast with the house color.
Have fun!
Victoria Pearson, California
Interesting before reading the comments, I had the similar feeling. Farrow and ball Manor House Gray shutters, with Pitch Blue front door.
Can’t wait to see what you decide. Whatever it is, it will be stunning!
I would definitely go with the pale grey. Thanks for a beautiful blog. Your photography is truly beautiful and I love every photo. Kind regards, Lyn
I would think a lovely soft warm gray for both windows and shutters. Grays are fickle and vary. Having both the windows and shutters the same expands the space and would make them look larger.
Hello Sharon,
Good morning from Ontario Canada! I do like a dove gray, however, I would paint the shutters “Monet Green”. I believe it is a warm and welcoming colour and looks great during all the seasons.
Kind regards, Laura.
White frames, pale grey shutters, just enough to be happy with the roof. Perfect. Then, all your buildings (guest cottage, barn) will be in harmony, though of different intensity.
Your charming book–My Stylish French Girlfriends–was a HIT at my niece’s birthday party this past weekend, here in Pennsylvania. She asked me if I’d read her mind, as she is “doing” her house in the French style! And has lots of (sorority) girlfriends! I knew she’d just love it.
Must be painting season: Our contractor arrives next week, and we’re staying w/grey. Must be finished during what we call “Indian Summer,” before the snow flies. Good, good luck, dear Sharon!
I would paint the house a medium grey and keep the shutters white. It would give you some contrast. Also would blend with the other buildings. I am sure it will be beautiful whatever color you choose
I love the idea of pale grey and white windows. Seems classic French in my humble opinion. I love the grey in the 5th picture with the roses flanked across what looks like a wooden door. Have fun! BTW… what color is your house? In the pictures it looks like a salmon color?
Forgot to specify that I meant pale grey for the shutters!
White windows and white shutters, absolutely!
Pine green door.
This combination always looks fresh.
A french blue with a slight gray cast to it.
I love the white windows and pale grey shutters!
Pale grey always looks like primer to me awaiting its next coat! I think a nice sage green with warmth and not blue hues
Hello Sharon,
At our holiday home in SW France we have painted the shutters pale grey, with just a hint of blue – they look fabulous, particularly in the strong sunlight!
Kind regards,
Pauline Stoddart
I love the idea of a pale French blue-grey! With white windows, of course.
Shutters should be GREY to match your roof!
I love your house and how well it shares it age with viewers of the home. While gray and yellow are traditional color combinations, I truly believe you will have too much gray in your palate if you repaint the shutters pale gray. I think a pale blue with gray influences would be a nice change and would make the white windows stand out with more clarity. The blue would also help to bring some of the sky down into your colors. Just my opinion; ultimately, it has to be a color that pleases you, Sharon, and your family! Bon Chance!
My first thought is everything now is close to the same value, so nothing pops. I like a depth of contrast – something to frame the white windows and add interest and pull out the color in the beautiful stone of the house. I would vote for a more saturated color that can add depth to the house.
Dove grey shutters and white windows…but a soft aqua with a stronger shade of aqua for the door would be lovely too. I suggest painting a few shutters ( buy new cheap ones)
in two or three of your favorites. Then you can actually see the difference and the way
the light and surrounding gardens play against your choice. Sometimes you just have to
actually see the result before deciding. I have seen houses with four different colors on
the exterior as a palette tester…color choice is easier with clothing and linens!
Pale blue
Navy Blue
We are just about to move into our new – but made to look “old world” French country home and we painted shutters a French blue-gray. I would vote for that on your gorgeous home. I love the contrast & depth they bring. They are more bold. Now I’m known as “the lady with the house with blue shutters”.
I’d go with a light to mid-range periwinkle blue for the shutters, with white window frames. It would give more definition than white or pale gray, but not be as stark as a darker color.
Would have to agree that the pale grey of your barn doors would be fabulous, would give an amazing backdrop for your lovely plantings… Do a test and see how you feel then..
Hi, Sharon! Your home is beautiful! I always choose to keep window frames .white and paint the shutters a contrasting color. The gray is perfect! Can’t wait to see what you chooses! Kathy
Love gray.
Love gray.
I do think one has to consider climate, geographical location and style of the building. We have just painted our windows and shutters a soft mossy lichen colour but we live in the Périgord in a small farmhouse. For your house I would agree, go for pale grey or white throughout. Thanks for asking! It’s fun but you don’t need to ask, You have impeccable taste!
Blue grey shutters with white window frames and a slightly darker blue grey for the door. It is a beautiful house as it is but maybe needs a fresh hint of colour.
If it were my house, I would paint the shutters icy aqua — a very, very pale aqua and leave the actual wood of the windows white.
I agree with Barbara, to coordinate with the soft grey blue roof and leave the frames white.
All grey — it’s the most dignified. Bringing in white as a third color makes it look too busy, too choppy, IMO. Good luck!
I vote for leaving the windows white but changing the shutter color to a soft gray or a soft bluish gray. You will make the right choice.
A rich Blue would be absolutely gorgeous! Love your home.
My goodness, you won’t have time to read all these replies but here is mine anyway. I spend six months each year living in the north of the Pays de la Loire just a few miles south of the Normandy border. My French neighbour here has pale green shutters; perhaps you would call them eau de nil, pale anyway. They would complement all the greens on the front of your house and go beautifully with the wisteria flowers in the early summer. White and grey, as many people have suggested, are so cold in the winter and white anyway is so glaring in the summer.
I like the idea of grey with white trim. Change is good although I also like the way they look now. But when you change colors, it feels fresh and different so I think a change is the way to go. Good luck.
I vote for grey shutters, and white windows. Although, for high contrast, consider black. My house in Texas looks almost identical to yours – we have a light stone colored stucco body, with black shutters, and it is beautiful!
My first thought was a darker than pale grey; something along the lines of the roof color. I do love the color of the doors on the stone barn as well. Perhaps try painting just one set of shutters and take a look at different times of the day to get a feel for it. You could then put them back to white and touch up the others if you decide not to go with grey.
I love grey, I have just painted our home office mid grey and white, and I am so happy with the result. My second choice would be a lovely soft duck egg blue, or maybe a soft lavender grey or maybe…… I’m not being very helpful, am I? Too many possibilities, all would look beautiful against the stone of your house.
Let me first start by saying – Love your blog! Regarding the shutter colors you might try going this Royal Building’s site. They have an area where you can up load a picture of your home and then apply different colors for almost anything (e.g. siding, windows, shutters, etc.). This is the link: https://homeplay.chameleonpower.com/
No vivid blue in Normandie where the light is so delicate .
Don’ t change, yes, white windows, white shutters , perfect .
Here’s my opinion as an artist. Grey has the ability to make other colours shimmer. I would choose a grey for the shutters a tone lighter than the roof tiles, with a hint of blue in it. (not pastel) White is safe for the frames, and looks clean. However if you like a splash of colour you could match the door to the gutter, which looks to be a slate blue. Blues I find a cold colour though, unless you’re in a warm climate. You have some lovely warm brick colours in the chimneys you could match, or my favourite, a warm celadonon green. The green would tie the house to the garden. Warmly, Terry.
PS, get out your paintbox, and splash about on some paper. You might come up with the perfect match.
Love the dark gray shutters on the guest house as it works well with what looks like terra-cotta roof tiles. The dark gray looks too heavy for the main house.
The soft blue gray roof on the main house dictates to me a lighter touch on the shutters. Soft gray would be lovely, and keeping it all white, I think, also works well. If you go with the lighter gray shutters, I’d keep the window frames white, along with the front door. And, as it’s difficult to capture the true roof color in photos, I’d choose a soft gray which compliments the roof…more bluish if blue and more gray if roof tends to lean to the grays, keeping them a soft weathered look.
GREY………….I think you will like the change.
I would like to see the pale blue greys reflected in your lovely garden.
My own shutters on a house much like yours are a pale gray/green. I just had them painted, so I can’t say for sure how this will work. It does make the house look light, somehow even lighter than when they were white. I chose this color because I want the house to be a backdrop for the garden. I wanted the house to read as a single unit and was worried that a strong color would make it look choppy. Also I worried that dark gray, though it would look fabulous with the slate roof, would, when the shutters are closed, make the house interior seem dark and depressing. The window frames stayed white. Sorry to say, we sacrificed the lovely old glass to new thermopanes — apart from one pair, which a local cabinetmaker used to front a storage unit. We kept the smaller panes and wood frames but now the house is toasty warm. I don’t miss the draft and I love being able to securely close the windows.
I love the idea of white windows with pale gray weathered shutters. Do a ‘test’ suttee and see how you like it. ❤️
I have not read the above comments, and am probably repeating something. My advice would be to find a paint chip palette -One that matches your roof, and one that matches your brick or stone. Play with the tones, either darker or lighter. I am thinking if your roof is dark gray, go up the paint scale for a lighter hue of that same color. The shutters on both buildings should match. Suggestion: If you stay in the charcoal family, use the same color families for the roof, shutters, and door. Remember, the door will recede the darker it is. It just depends on what you want to highlight…happy playing!:)
White window frames with “tired” lavender for shutters…..will look superbly fitting!
Bonne travaux !
I think I ‘goofed’ on first reply or the ‘how to’>>>I found a Guilford green which wasn’t my original thought, but could find the blue I had in mind. The green is by Benjamin Moore and I think you might like it a shade lighter.
I think a pale blue grey would really be smart looking. Keeping the trim white.m
Love all gray! Your home is just beautibul
Living in the USA, I would never have chosen white shutters but with the age of your home and the external coloring of your home – it makes sense. But I would also consider a very pale blue grey. Do keep us informed as to your final decision.
Your home is beautiful just the way you have it now but sometimes a slight change
is uplifting. With the color of your home, I would chose a whitewashed pale grey blue
color for the shutters. Keeping the white window frame.
I love the house the way it is with white shutters. If you are going to change I would go for grey. But I know what you go for it will be beautiful. Looking forward to see the result. Good luck !
Your house is lovely as it is but if you are thinking of a change, when contemplating I would take two elements into consideration:
1. Exterior – impact of the shutters in a color other than white.
2. Interior wall colors and use of curtains ( important if the shutters get closed when you are in and the curtains can block out the dark color of the shutters).
Under assumption all your shutters get closed when needed and curtains are used, I would stay with white for the windows and the door. As for the shutters my choice would be a shade of slate closest to your roof. This will result in the entire facade popping up instead of blending, if that is what you desire.
How exciting!, The best of luck,
We went thru this….
Put a sample board up in place (or two) hang them where shutters would be….trying a couple of colors to see what works best in the light….
A day or two should let you know…up against the house in place works best….
Try it…..it really helps and worth the time….
Sharon, the windows are like the eyes of a face. You get to chose the eye color of this face. Blue eyes are so lovely to look at. They draw you in. I was looking at the photo of the roof line… the edge. It appears to be a french blue or a medium grey-blue. It is bold enough to follow through with it on the shutters. Of course the windows should be white. When you stand back and look, your house has a soft yellow tint to the stone. Blue and yellow are wonderful together. It’s the ying and yang. And you have to use the shutters to brighten up the total look of the house when it is full winter mode. Remember the plants have lost thier leaves in winter and the flowers have gone too. So you are only left with the shutters to provide color. You don’t want the house to have a sad, unhappy wintery look like the last picture in the blog. It really needs some happiness and that blue-grey would do it. In America the paint companies have developed an exterior paint that is guaranteed not to fade for 20 years. Arizona sun is very hard on homes. Check it out. The color you pick is the color you get for a long time. It may be more expensive, but it will not have to be done again for years. Happy creating my dear! I looks like you have a lot of suggestions.
With my background in art history, design and fashion, I’m thinking the darker gray would be superb with the roof color. Giving the colors more saturated color would, to me, balance the home perfectly. It’s beautiful as it is, of course. If it were mine I might go for a
beautiful British Racing Green, a deep green to blend in with the landscaping. Love you! Miss YOU !!!
Given the color of the stone, I think either pale robin’s egg blue or dark blue/gray would provide a nice contrast without being too trendy or predictable. Beautiful house and garden. Best of luck
I am for a robin’s egg blue also with the house a soft creamy white….not yellow creamy, but a grey creamy. When my little house was board and bat wood it was light grey and light blue…loved it. Then I put shingles on the outside as a means of insulation. They darkened so I did the shutters and trim in “Chianti Red” and the windows in a soft light tan.
Next year might be time to paint the shingles….they are looking a bit rough.
Hi Sharon,
We are currently building a French chateau design house. We used limestone and light grey windows. Looks fantastic Lots of positive comments! Maybe light grey shutters & paint the windows light grey as well! We liked the look so much that we are painting the inside trim light grey also:)I’m sure whatever you choose will look great. Your home already looks beautiful!!
Windows white or light gray with shutters in a deep blue gray. Creates a nice contrast and adds some color in winter.
Frame white, shutters blue.
I love the face color of your home, it reads authentic and lovely, I wouldn’t change it, at least to from here. Maybe a grey much like the Parma Grey from Farrow and Ball. Love to you! Let us know what you choose. xxRié
I love the blues. A gray blue or even maybe a lavender blue if that would do nicely with your landscape.
We had a wonderful nursery in Dallas (Texas) that developed the perfect paint to blend into the outdoors…it was a wonderful grey-green sage color. It’s no longer available but many people painted the trim of their houses and lawn furniture and I think it would be a nice contrast that would compliment your foliage.
I think it’s very cute that you said “our house is not that old- 1850s”…definitely not something you would hear in the states! 🙂
I love the grey on your guest house- and the white on the windows makes it very crisp.
I wish I could be shopping with you this weekend!
I definitely believe you should have a different color than house for shutters. And a third color for wood window trim. But both colors should complement the house bldg material. I cannot tell in photo if house is creamy or white with tint of cold blue. Can you post a closeup?
No white. No grey on shutters. How about a very pale blue?
I believe gray will be beautiful and provide contrast from the color of your exterior walls. Love love love the look of your home 🙂
I would do pale grey…. not too pale .slightly lighter than the roof . In the photos the guest house roof appears to be darker than the main house .the guest house appears to be sheltered in the shade. I think the dark grey looks great. Somehow the main house roof looks paler . This structure is larger and in the sun .the paler grey seems much better. The grey of the main house roof doesn’t appear to be warm grey , it appears to be slightly on the cool side .so I would keep that in mind when picking color . I think a pale actually color on the front door would be good in relationship with the shutters. It should be much paler than the shutters so it doesn’t look spotty.
I think a very soft pale blue perhaps a blue/grey would look lovely.
A soft turquoise with a touch of grey so not bright but Interesting Have fun Ros
I agree with all the previous comments, I think all the choices would look great, I originally was thinking all of those, light grey, darker grey, pale blue, smoky blue etc. myself. I imagined the suggestion for the lavender and thought that would be lovely, and it got me to thinking about a couple of houses in Burgundy that author Laura Bradbury (My Grape Escape) and her husband Franck have renovated as vacation rentals and they used turquoise. I think the effect is stunning. It’s just a pop of color to go with the soft neutral exteriors. You could look at her website (graperentals.com) to see what it looks like. It’s interesting that so many of your readers have like minds. It will be beautiful regardless of what color you go with.
What about a very soft Wisteria colour?
Lots of opinions here…
I like the white on white as is that looks so crisp and clean and contrasts with the guest house colors….
Alternative would be white windows and pale/soft blue shutters.
Hola Sharon,me encanta tu casa es adorable al igual tu blog y tus maravillosas decoraciones; en cuanto al color para las ventanas a mi particularmente me gusta el azul claro, cariños Sharon y felicidades con los arreglos a tu bella casa.
My first thought was pink with gray rub on runoff for a weathered look. Or a lichen green which has gray tones and would set off the blue. A color you want to highlight from the garden in full bloom?
I’d take a cue from the stone using the warm rather than the cooler gray. Overall, I prefer a light vanilla bordering on white for the trim, and a light vanilla for the shutters. To go bold, lavender shutters and ecru trim.
Gold! I’m pretty sure Ralph Lauren has it. Lovely home. I am sure that no matter what you do it will be Lovely. Not gold gold, but a soft pewter like gold.
Pale grey with a blue undertone would be beautiful!
I’m still laughing at the “not that old ……..1850’s”. Here in San Francisco my 1880’s Victorian home is beyond ancient for most people – enjoying the sweet contrast between Europe and the “new world”. Oh and as for the shutters, love the pale grey!
A delicate pale blue. Will contract beautifully with your lush front garden and the roses.
Pale to medium grey for both shutters and window frames. Elegant. Your house is so beautiful. Little Green paints are much better quality than Farrow and Ball.
Pale to medium grey for shutters and window frames. Elegant. Your home is so beautiful. Little Green paints are better quality than Farrow and Ball since recipe changes in 2010.
a faded blue shade
I Love the pale blue/green! Looks beautiful with your foliage!! At times it appears blue and other times green!! How fun is that!! Like Annie Sloans ‘DUCKEGG BLUE’
Can’t wait to see how it turns out!!
Your a joy and gift to us all!!
Black shutters will match the roof. Door burgundy with lime green wreath.
Hello Sharon ,just my opinion about the shutters,White House slightly darker shade of gray for the windows ,pale gray for shutters .Elvie
White window frames with light to medium grey shutters.. also, a pale, soft blue would be nice for the shutters.
Farrow & Ball
French Gray – 18
I would choose a color that would be similar to roof color. Both window and shutters.
I also feel a pale grey or a light blue/grey would be great. No matter what colour you choose I’m sure it will look wonderful
Having consulted and assisted many individuals on selecting their house colors, I would offer the following; white for the window frames to make them pop, a pale sage green for the shutters and a beautiful pinkish/peach front door! I think it would be stunning and would help the home incorporate the beautiful gardens/plants that you have growing. The colors are warm and would make you happy, even on a dreary day! Your home is breathtaking, so why not glam her up and add some eyeshadow and lipstick?
I like this combination which would be a welcome hint of warmth in the cold season, compliment the transitional seasons, and support the garden colors when in full bloom. Karen SF Bay Area
Hello, I have to contribute, white frames, light grey shutters have just come back to Australia after spending time in Provence and these colours are soft and elegant, good luck with your choice! Avril
Shutters in Dutch Tile Blue (Sherwin Williams: SW0031)
I vote for a color that has some “color” to it.
I think a color close to the color of a sterling rose (dusky lavender) would be beautiful.
You have a lovely home.
Gosh, what a lot of responses!
I initially thought a pale grey, but then looking at the house as a whole I like the match with the white front door/entrance.
But maybe a pale grey front door which would then match with pale grey shutters.
I think dark grey would be too heavy.
Definitely leave the window frames white.
Suggest that you change the color of the shutters as the white doesn’t show them off well. Pale gray or a very, very soft robin’s egg blue. Something that is lovely with the roof. The windows should be pale gray.
Dear Sharon! I can see how bewildering is the number of reply on the sceen,advising you of how to paint your shutters.Your home is yours,you have a very good taste in all arrangments.Get a brush and some paint ,draw a few watercolours cottages similar of your house and paint it on the paper.Choose the best you like and that would be the colour of your shutters.You have in France a very nice blue and grey choice.Good luck!
Kind regards,
Reading down through the comments, I discovered that it is true that great minds think alike. But before I even began reading, and after studying the front of your house, my suggestion had to be that the shutter color should be a very pale blue with a hint of grey. You don’t want the shutter color competing with or overpowering the color of the flowers in your garden. Will look forward to see what your decision turns out to be. Good luck!
I am also thinking pale blue would be lovely. Gray is not my color.
have a look on this colortable https://www.farb-tabelle.de/en/table-of-color.htm#blue
Votre maison a beaucoup de charme. Laissez la telle quelle ou alors optez pour une nuance de bleu ou de vert.
have a look on this color table https://www.farb-tabelle.de/en/table-of-color.htm#blue
Votre maison a beaucoup de charme. Laissez la telle quelle ou alors optez pour une nuance de bleu ou de vert.
Keep the original color just repaint
Definitely white for the windows according to me….Concerning the shutters, I would have said directly pale grey(before reading your post) or possibly a color between grey and celadon green…but don’t you have rules to follow where you live? What are the neighbours shutters like? I think it important to keep the local colors. For instance, I live near Toulouse but now, we have quite a lot of yellow houses with blue shutters,(and a huge olive tree in the garden) typical of Provence…but not at all local!
Your choice will be nice anyway, seeing your love of beautiful houses and objects!
Pale Grey with a touch of lavender would be perfect for the shutters. leave the window frames white.
Such a lovely blog…would like to visit France some day.
I would suggest a gray/blue…when looking at your house from a distance the grey blue of the foliage..it just seemed to fit.
I’m sure what ever you pick it will be fine.
Your stone appears in pictures to be very warm. I would suggest a warm gray or a warm blue-gray or even a warm gray-green. The undertones in the paint color will make the difference between pleasant and jarring. I would also recommend a warm white for the window frames. Cannot wait to see what you decide for your lovely old girl.
I like the window frames white, to accent the symmetry and give some definition to the spaces. The shutters would be lovely in French grey-blue, and would complement the soft yellow of the house (but so would the soft green or robin’s egg blue). I’m partial to the grey for a house this dignified. It’s been nice reading everyone’s contributions on a chilly Saturday.
I agree with those that suggested a pale to medium grey with a lavender tinge. I think that would give just a little pop to the house instead of the shutters kind of blending in and be a great compliment to your gardens.
Sharon, First, let me say that your column is delightful. About the shutters, if it were my house, I would paint them the same blueish-gray as the roof of the house. This would give the overall look of the house unity without making anything stand out.
Thank you for sharing your French life with us.
Hi Sharon
I read this a couple of day and ago and have been looking at your house and thinking about it. I would go for the pale grey with a hint of stone or milky white in it. Or a stone colour that is slightly grey. I think it would compliment your house’s stonework. And not stand out too much.
My second choice would be a grey that is very very slightly lavender to draw in your roof and garden tones. But you said not provincial.
We look forward to the result. Are you tallying all these comments??
Cheers Lorraine
Lots of grays, so many, I like white for windows, clean and fresh….
Lots of responses, WOW……..I love your peonies, :-)) XOXO dear Sharon
and another Sharon ~ the first one thru in some blues….sorry bout that…title said
gray’s…….XO from Florida, 30A
JUST found this Sharon, (from a perfect gray above) with little descriptions of how the gray’s change, depending on sunlight and other little adjectives about each color to ponder ~
White trim, light natural wood shutters stained with transparent soft, warm grey, one or two values darker than house tone.
Soft pale green with a grey tinge – sage green would pick up colours in the landscape and tie the house to the garden.
Oh the white on the window frame and grey shutters. Your home is so lovely.
I think the shutter color should be somewhat similar to the roof color, maybe some type of dark grey as that what it appears like.
Hi Sharon,
I enjoy your blog very much! I hope to see the places you show but live vicariously through your experiences. I wonder if a soft vertagries would look pretty, with all your greenery. The door could also be the same color, something that mimics old copper. Green and purple are complimentary colors and instead of the boring gray tone, your home would look fresh and happy!!
I like the idea of pale grey shutters with a hint of soft lavender. That’s the colour we painted our shutters recently and the result is almost whimsical. Definitely leave the windows white for a clean and slightly contrasty look.
Darlene Messina
Rockwall, Texas USA
Dear Sharon,
You have so many comments to read regarding colour, and I will not add to that dialogue… but I had to tell you, I had a giggle reading your comments of your house being “not that old” when it was built in the 1850’s!
Living in Australia, the oldest houses we have are from the 1880’s and they are ANCIENT to us! It does make we wistful for an old house that is actually old… haha!
IMHO- Paint those beautiful shutters a pale blue with a little grey in it. It will work with the guest house too. It’s such a hard decision!
A pale gray-blue would be very nice with keeping white windows, I think. Love everything you do so I am sure your house will be as lovely as ever, possibly better, when you are finished the work. Thanks for all your great ideas.
Sharon your house is very pretty in some pictures the shutters look pale blue .I am surprised to hear they are white .Pale blue gives it a romantic look even the front door blue .Windows should always be white.
I like all pale grey! Beautiful house and gardens.
Hi Sharon,
Your house has always been one of my inspiration homes for when my husband and I build our new home. It’s beautiful! I came across the photo of your home about 3 years ago while searching for inspiration on the internet. I saved it right away. I had no idea at the time it was your home or belonged to someone who was blogging. Well what an exciting moment it was when I came across your blog. I always enjoy what you bring to us readers and I’ve learned a lot, so thank you!
If your home were mine, I’d keep the windows white and probably go for a pale grey shutter. I love your white shutters, but since you’ve had them white for a good while, I can see why you might be thinking of a change. The soft grey doors on your stone barn are gorgeous and something similar would be beautiful on your home. I also think a soft pale green could be lovely too, however, might get lost when all the green foliage is in full bloom.
Grey shutters and white windows would look just gorgeous, especially with the grey roof.
Bonjour, Sharon. Je m’exprime en Français, c’est plus facile pour moi, et je vois que votre mari est Français , aussi pourra -t- il (éventuellement) traduire . Pour les volets je vous conseille de choisir une nuance de gris qui soit assortie à la couleur dominante de la pierre des murs extérieurs: Si celle ci “tire” vers le jaune ce sera difficile et dans ce cas ;il vaut mieux garder le blanc. Si la nuance des pierres est rosée, vous pouvez tenter un gris très pâle, neutre , ou très légèrement bleuté ; Dans tous les cas, gardez le blanc pour les boiseries des fenêtres, c’est ce qui amènera le plus de lumière à votre intérieur. Vous devez aussi considérer votre décoration intérieure car selon l’incidence du soleil sur les fenêtres ou même les volets vous aurez des reflets à l’intérieur ;
Bien cordialement, Dany
I’m late as usual, so maybe you won’t see this! But I’m thinking of Parma Grey by Farrow & Ball. It’s a pretty blue-grey and would give some depth and symmetry with the roof colour and tie in with the grey you have already used. Good luck, we will all be agog to see what you decide on!
I would paint them the color of the peach/orange rose in the picture. It would pickup the color in the stone and complement the grayed wood. So lovely.
Keep the old glass if you possibly can. So beautiful to look through.
And two cents from down here, Sharon. Grey. It seems more contrast. And it appears the grey view is in good company. Take care.
New to the blog but the designer in me couldn’t resist this temptation.
Everyone suggesting grey, grayish blue or white. One in the beginning mentioned lavender shades to go with/contrast the wisteria.
I second that but perhaps so that it isn’t too cookie cutter during the time when the wisteria isn’t in bloom, going with a lavender grayish shade, so when the wisteria is in bloom it stands out but the rest of the time it is elegant classic, that gray undertone would tie in the roof nicely. I mean you should have enough lavender in it to notice it isn’t gray, but still gives it a bit of a muted look to the whole picture, kind of like a Claude Monet painting….
Window frames stay white and door a soft gray shade.
Wisteria is something that dreams are made of, even the name is one of the few really pretty English words that evoke dreamy thoughts….
Remove the shutters. They make the house look way too fussy and cluttered. Paint your house as dark a grey as possible, all your plants and flowers will stand out much better. I love your yard. You have given me wonderful ideas. Thank you.
Hi Sharon, I’m probably to late for this but I shall give my two cents anyway. Your home is beautiful but with the windows being the eyes of the house – they are lost with the pale colours. My suggestion would be a dark charcoal grey or black. this would give the house more presence. Good luck with your project.
xo Cheryl
I agree with the gray in keeping with the color of the roof. The wisteria will be so beautiful with the contrast of the green and gray.
I vote for a lovely pale bluish grey color – it would add such softness and beautiful contrast to the stone.
I think Pale Blue would be gorgeous. It would give an inviting feel to the house.
But then again, your home always looks inviting.
We have the same problem on our French house. They are a weathered blue, almost grey and we would love to keep the colour but can’t find one that matches! We’ll keep looking 🙂