With the Indian Summer we’ve been enjoying here, it seems that we are falling into Autumn a little later …
french village life…..
I am a strong believer in being in the right place at the right time; in walking through open …
Tomorrow is market day. “So what?!” , I hear you say, but if you were living here you would …
If there is one thing that says ‘summer holiday’ to me …it has to be the siesta. Taking the time to find …
When my husband was a little boy, spending the hot summer months in a mountain village of the French island …
A slightly fictionalised account of a recent lunch. No actual photos of the day, because sometimes a camera can just …
When we first moved to this house 17 years ago I was expecting our fourth child and my first …
French villages have a reputation for hanging on to memories, but who would have thought that what a young girl …