So OK, I know they’ve only just gone back to school, and I know they have to be super serious about their school work, and home work, and I know they’re getting to those crucial years when every little mark counts, but hey! – HOW could I refuse?!! tell me ….
when my daughter comes out of school with a girlfriend, enthusiastic and
smiling about their day, even though it was 6pm and they’d been working since 8.30am !!
smiling about their day, even though it was 6pm and they’d been working since 8.30am !!
when you are blessed with the most fantastic indian summer sunshine,
I mean we’re late September and we’re in t-shirts and shorts – unheard of !!
when there are two horses up in the fields who are longing to get out into the forest ….
when it makes everyone happy, including the dog ….
well, you would do like me, throw the saddles into the boot of the car
and get them up to the field as fast as possible
You are absolutely right – it is the little pleasures along life's journey that enrich our lives.
Your autumn photos have me wising I was in France now. Enjoy the beautiful weather and the weekend.
There is nothing as wonderful as a true Indian Summer. Sharon, it is marvelous that you take the time to enjoy these moments, add them to the string of moments that are our lives so one day we may look back and simply smile.
Homework comes around every day, but weather like this! our paper tells us the last time it was as hot as this in September was 1895, so enjoy every ray while we can.
Amazing photos and colors!
Beautiful blog.
Have a great weekend:)
O yes a perfect autumnsummerevening!
♥ Franka
Hi Sharon!
It looks so gorgeous!
Our entire time here in France has been perfect weather- amazing…
Hi Sharon, How beautiful and Gibson looks so happy barking along. We're having a fabulous Indian summer too, love it!
I'm so glad you took advantage of that perfect moment in time. The pictures are great. They tell the story so well.
Can we trade places just for a weekend? Pretty please? I will be happy to hand over my crazy, chaotic, packed to the gills, non stop, frantic, always sitting in traffic schedule! Would be so happy to escape into the country where you actually hear the birds and crickets and breath fresh air…all on horseback. So dreamy!
Ann G.
Of course you had to take advantage of it! Life isn't all homework! And one day won't hurt anyway. I am glad they enjoyed themselves, and you.
Amen Sister I hear you! I grew-up coming home from school and having the pleasure to also take my horse out for a ride, nothing better than that~Cheers Kim
Elles ont raison d'en profiter ! Quoi de plus délassant après une journée d'école que de prendre l'air à cheval….
So pretty and such great memories are made while riding a horse through fields and woods.
There's nothing better and a great escape from studies.
Positively perfect!
It has been the perfect weather here, too, lately. I am loving your posts. I had horses my entire childhood and teenage years until moving away from the East Coast for college, and your photos bring back much joy for me. Your world is so lovely. So, so lovely!
xo isa
Life is too short not to enjoy wonderful times! The ones you photographed are incredibly awesome, what a wonderful post! Thanks for the treat, I would have loved to have been there!
Absolutely! I wish I could still do it, but the grandchildren do and oh I envy them, but I can look back on magic rides as well.
Fabulous Sharon
I'm jealous of the weather.. it's raining and cold again here.. Your gorgeous shots make me want to be back there… Glad the girls had their ride and enjoyed the perfect weather.. That's such a long school day..
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.. ciao xxx Julie
Yes, you said it perfectly! One of life's rich rewards is the chance to take these small moments. I am sure they were refreshed and ready to take on the rest of their work for the day/