autumn work to do

by Sharon Santoni
We have got to that stage in the season where I walk out into the garden and think UGH …..  there is so much to do, to cut back, to get rid of, to change place.  This is not the moment for a ladylike wander around the flower beds with a small secateur and a cutting basket, no way!  This is the moment for boots, gloves, shears, wheelbarrows, the moment when the compost heap will grow to giant proportions.
There is no way around it, I shall have to bite the bullet this weekend, the sun is shining, I have no excuse.
Here are a few shots taken on crisp frosty grass this morning, as I walked around summoning up some courage.  Because now I’ve made it public, I have to do something about it, right?!
A happy weekend in the garden to you too.


Mouse October 15, 2011 - 9:44 am

actually, everything in your garden looks lovely but you could always adopt the 'wild garden approach' which involves letting it run rampant while you sit and sip coffee and browse House and Garden?

Teagarden October 15, 2011 - 9:55 am

I know what you mean…
There ist so much work to do, but who cares…someone should do it.
So, take a cup of hot coffee, pack your secateurs, your gardening gloves and a rake and let's do it.
I do. 🙂
Have a nice gardening day,

Rosemary October 15, 2011 - 10:30 am

Feeling exactly the same, runner beans to dismantle, hedges to cut, and old plants to be removed. I shall make the most of this weekend whilst the autumn sun continues to shine.

Lost in Provence October 15, 2011 - 11:58 am

Now, I know this isn't what you want to hear but I would trade places with you in a heartbeat! We moved in July and no longer have any outdoor space let alone a garden, how I miss it!

So this weekend I will be weeding in the gardens of my mind! 🙂

becky October 15, 2011 - 1:05 pm

Enjoy!!! I've been pruning in my Florida garden for a week now…loving the fruits of my labor. Yesterday, I took to the hammock.

Judith in Newport October 15, 2011 - 2:50 pm

I made the mistake of planting Morning Glories several years ago on one of the fences. They have invaded everywhere they can find a molecule of soil. I love them in their place but they have turned into monsters!!! This afternoon I will be eradicating the outlaws! Yes, so much to do……but come Spring we will be glad we did it!

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. October 15, 2011 - 4:28 pm

Your home is so beautiful. Worth all the work. You will be exhausted yet very satisfied by the end of the weekend. Good luck.

My Little Home and Garden October 15, 2011 - 4:41 pm

I don't have nearly your space, but my corner of the planet needs attention as well. I sometimes think I can spend more time finding excuses not to do a job than it would have taken to accomplish it! I like Markus's "take charge" attitude!

hopflower October 15, 2011 - 4:55 pm

We all know tea and gardens go together very nicely. I am doing the same at some point this weekend, but I do not have the garden that you do!

Lorrie October 15, 2011 - 7:21 pm

Here I am, in my gardening clothes, reading blogs. Procrastinating. But the sun is shining and there is indeed work to be done in the garden. So I'll think of you in France putting your garden to bed for the winter while I do the same on this side of the world.

My Grama's Soul October 15, 2011 - 7:55 pm

Good morning Sharon…..I had to smile at your post this morning….I'm up to the same thing here. Your garden still looks mighty inviting to me though.

I have my daughter with me now….so I have set her to work with clippers, a sun hat and a trowel……she will have a new appreciation for making a "garden grow". LOL



Mariette's Back to Basics October 15, 2011 - 7:56 pm

Dearest Sharon,

Indeed, great looking gardens don't happen over night! That means hard work in the fall and spring to make it look its best for the 'green season'. Enjoy it while the sun is out; that's a free bonus…
Lovely Sunday to you and love,


PS LOVE your gorgeous rosehips; we don't have that here in the southeast of the USA…

Pamela Terry and Edward October 15, 2011 - 8:07 pm

Oh don't make me feel guilty! I'm heading to the car… going boot shopping!!

Blue Muse October 15, 2011 - 9:27 pm

Your gardens are lovely even wild. I have to get out in mine, too. It always seems daunting, but once into it, I love having my hands in the earth and the end result always feels good… but sometimes my back… not so good!
Have a wonderful day in your gardens, and thank you for sharing your gorgeous corner of the world.
xo isa

Bonnie October 16, 2011 - 12:22 am

I would trade places too. As I viewed my garden today I felt just as you do. So much should be done. My problem is I have to cool it. Hurt my back in March and I have hand issues too. I love to sweat and work hard and must refrain.

You'll get it done. Your garden is lovely.

Heaven's Walk October 16, 2011 - 5:03 am

Oh Sharon….your home is so breathtakingly beautiful. I love the wild abandon of your garden and the roses clambering over your house. ♥ I've been battling falling leaves here in Michigan – and I hate it! It makes my garden look so messy! Ugh! 🙂

xoxo laurie

Elizabeth Eiffel October 16, 2011 - 8:25 am

It's just perfect… don't touch a thing! (I can't see the weeds.) Your lovely house is framed beautifully by its green crown.

Julie@beingRUBY October 16, 2011 - 9:46 am

Hi Sharon
Well your garden always looks lovely to me.. Of course that's because of all the hard work you put into it.. Hope you enjoyed some of the weekend for down time..

Have fun.. ciao xxx Julie

Dusty Coyote October 17, 2011 - 4:59 am

Your place is paradise! My dream! It's gorgeous no matter what you do,

Millie October 17, 2011 - 12:28 pm

Good gardening Sharon. I'm sure you'll whip things into shape pronto. If you'd like to borrow MOTH & his chainsaw to do some 'light' rose pruning, just yell. Of course he'd need to stay with you for a couple of months to get his rusty French language skills sharpened up. Now wouldn't those blog posts be interesting – MOTH let loose at Chez Sharon!
Millie xx

Outdoor blinds October 18, 2011 - 12:02 pm

Everything is looking beautiful in your garden. Happy to see this.

Cheap Blinds Qld October 19, 2011 - 8:45 am

Your garden is looking like heaven on this earth. I am very happy to see this.

Shayari November 13, 2011 - 10:51 am

Garden is looking really beautiful.


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