august fairs and modest loot shoots

by Sharon Santoni

August is a strange season for fairs here: sparkling dawns in sleepy towns; many people away on holiday; the pace slows down, and if you want to come home with some treasure you are forced to slow down to spot the good things.

But yeserday I still managed to bring home a few goodies, that I combined with last Sunday’s haul.  You can see from the terrace where I paused for a café and a croissant, that it wasn’t exactly buzzing!!

but once I got home and spread everything out, I was particularly pleased with…..

a beautifully painted tambourine , I am thinking it comes from the South of France

a particularly fine quality old nightshirt, with a lovely red monogram….

the sweetest tea service, from my favourite manufacturer Sarreguemines…..

a birdcage with some other odds and sundries, like the old laundry basket and coat hooks

and I rather like this huge bobbin of linen thread

I hope that you are enjoying my August giveaways, and that your summer is also feeling lazy and slowed down.  Thank you for stopping by …


elisa August 16, 2012 - 12:29 pm

the tea service is very beautifull..

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living August 16, 2012 - 1:08 pm

Beautiful photos! I love them all!

Magnolia Verandah August 16, 2012 - 1:17 pm

love that tea set.

Mrs. Sutton August 16, 2012 - 1:42 pm

Your loot shoots are pure beauty in their own right – like gorgeous classical paintings. I wish that I could scoop the whole lot up and place it down exactly like that at home!
Paula xxx

Susan August 16, 2012 - 1:43 pm

Gorgeous pictures! I love the street scenes!

PRINCESSGREENEYE August 16, 2012 - 1:51 pm

was für schoene Schaetze – aber das tamburin ist der schoenste Schatz von allem!
hab eine schoene Woche

The Snowdrop Project August 16, 2012 - 2:28 pm

Another great haul.
I love anything with a monogram, and love to imagine the life of the person that would have had their initials on their night shirt.
Hope you have a lovely day,

Elly's kleine idylle August 16, 2012 - 3:36 pm

Prachtige foto's…..En de theeservies vind ik prachtig.
Lieve groet..ELLY.

david terry August 16, 2012 - 3:41 pm

Dar sharon…..

Everyone's right…..those teacups are really lovely.

Not entirely by-the-way (I saw your photograph of the caning-jars)?….I told my mother about spending three days, this past week, canning tomatoes, and she told an anecdote about my younger brother's mother-in-law. I should emphasize that we all are from and (except for me) still live in the same, small, East Tennessee town at the foot of the mountains.

Apparently, my brother's mother-in-law (whom I've known quite well and liked for years)was canning a HUGE load of summer vegetables during the middle of a thunderstorm. She had just stepped away from the stove, and into the next room, to pick up the baby (my sister-in-law in her infancy) and changer a diaper….when a bolt of lightning/whatever came through the window above the sink, hit the stove….and about thirty glass jars full of boiling vegetables exploded. Presumably, it was horribly like being in a Baghdad cafe when someone sets off a bomb.

Fortunately, she WASN'T in the kitchen, standing over the boiling pots…..

as I told my mother, I'm not going to take chances, and I intend to do my canning when the sun is shining.

Advsiedly yours as ever,

David Terry (who rather obviously does not have a blog of his own to clog-up; I've gathered from emails that I need to make that very clear).

Jennifer August 16, 2012 - 3:55 pm

Oh, those tea cups! I guess we are all in agreement.
(David, you should have a blog)

Katherine August 16, 2012 - 4:13 pm

Love the tea set – I can almost hear the sound of the cups as they settle down on the saucer {one of my favourite things to hear}. So pretty.

Sarah Malone, European Farmhouse Charm August 16, 2012 - 4:16 pm

Birdcage, tea cups, lovely little treasures. I hope to find many when I visit in a few weeks time!

French Girl in Seattle August 16, 2012 - 4:30 pm

Ah, [Northern] France in August… so peaceful… 🙂 Love all your treasures, and there are so real finds there, but my favorite would have to be "La boite d'allumettes." My grandmother, who lives in Southern France in a small town named Meze, kept one by the stove in the kitchen. I wonder what happened to it… Maybe it made its way all the way to Normandy 🙂 Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

The Blue Farmhouse August 16, 2012 - 4:44 pm

I love the laundry basket and of course all the beautiful photos!

Kristie Franklin August 16, 2012 - 4:54 pm

Great loot shoot! Looks like you found some really cool items. 🙂

Anne August 16, 2012 - 5:53 pm

such beautiful things…

Ashley August 16, 2012 - 6:38 pm

Lovely treasures you have found! Wishing you a delightful weekend, Xo, Ashley

Vicki August 16, 2012 - 8:33 pm

My, oh my, do you have the eye for the most beautiful "finds." The jars…ahhh. And I have never seen anything like that tambourine. I also enjoyed as always the scenes from your environment/nearby locales. I can guarantee you where I live in the U.S., I have nothing even close to that lovely street with the sidewalk cafe, nor charming old brick buildings with flowers spilling out of the window boxes. If I saw something like that every day, my heart could be filled. I'm sure you must treasure what you see around you, even if sometimes you feel a tug for England… an equally-beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.

Vicki August 16, 2012 - 8:50 pm

I seem to frequently make a P.S. here, but just keep thinking how nice that tambourine would look, displayed as wall art, and probably easy to hang.

And I agree with the other commenter, David could have a good blog like Sharon's, but as long as they collaborate (as long as Sharon indulges him…just kidding, David; luv ya), I'll faithfully come every day. Sharon's is my very favorite, all-time blog, EVER. David contributes entertaining stories/vignettes relating to Sharon's interesting, beautiful and varied posts. It's all in such good fun and such a pleasing part of my day.

Can you imagine this giveaway: A stay in Sharon's guesthouse for a weekend, maybe a loot quest, a pat on the head for Gibson, Sharon's scrumptious food on the table amid the flowers in the garden or on the lawn, with David there to regale those who gather with one after another of fun and insightful stories. As long as I don't have to be reminded of the gross body-less Tiger's head. Dream on, folks…

MINHA VIDA DE CAMPO August 16, 2012 - 10:16 pm

I love your blog. Very nice ther pictures.
Have a nice week.
Anajá Schmitz

david terry August 16, 2012 - 11:08 pm

Okay…just for the record??….(and I know I've recently told this on one blog or another, so forgive me if I repeat myself here)…..

About ten years ago (when I had scarcely learned about email or websites), I was at an afternoon party at a big, old, grand house-belonging-to-longtime-friends in Virginia. I(since I was a houseguest and didn't have to drive) had allowed myself more than a FEW drinks. It was VERY HOT that summer afternoon. I was out on the back porch when the daughter of the house (who's my age, and has read my many letter to her mother over the years) said to me "You really should BLOG!".

I (thinking that I needed to excuse myself and go far upstairs for a nap before dinner) politely reponded "Huhh?…What?"…and she repeated "You REALLY need to blog. I really think that!".

I'd never heard the term before.She still teaches adolescents, and she knows their slang. I thought she meant that I should up-chuck over the porch-railings and just rid myself of the afternoon's bourbons&water.;

I told her "Excuse me…I know what a toilet's for, thank you….I was just about to go upstairs, Lisa…."

We had a very confusing conversation for the next ten minutes, until I finally excused myself….having firmly decided that I would ignore her suggestion and never "BLOG" off one of my best friend's back-porch during the ,middle of an elegant cocktail-afternoon…no matter what her daughter advised.

I'm not making a bit of that up. I've since learned what a "blog" is…both the nominative and the verb.


Sarah August 16, 2012 - 11:39 pm

That little cafe shot looks just like a spot I've been to. Guess it's a pretty common sight in France. LOL
Lovely finds, especially the cups and saucers, the aqua canning jars, and the copper piece.

Anonymous August 17, 2012 - 12:38 am

Sharon, I just got home from work and my days lately have been crazy busy. Your beautiful photos lowered my blood pressure I think 20 points. Thank you for your wonderful blog that I enjoy every day, especially today! Janet

The Moerks August 17, 2012 - 2:50 am

HI Sharon, that little wire cake rack caught my eye, what a find. Pretty photos today, I love the town and round about.

(Karen) Lisa Daley August 17, 2012 - 7:20 am

I think you did quite well – the tamborine is lovely and very unusual. Your loot looks pretty clean – that certainly isn't usually the case here!

Anonymous August 17, 2012 - 7:41 am

Every week you find such lovely stuff. What in the world do you do with all of it?

kabayoz August 17, 2012 - 7:56 am

It's hard to pick a favorite with so many lovely loot on display. I like the old jars and tea set.

Greet Lefèvre August 17, 2012 - 8:16 am

Beautiful!!!! The nightshirt and the tea cups are gorgeous!!!!!

Rowan August 17, 2012 - 8:21 am

I like the tea set, it's really pretty. The town square looks so peaceful, what a lovely place to stop for coffee.

Veronica August 17, 2012 - 10:30 am

Bellos objetos! unas fotos preciosas!

Los Mundos de Nika Vintage

Marie Antionette August 17, 2012 - 1:38 pm


What lovely finds and you have them in such lovely setting! I especially love the red & white cups and saucers… parfait!

Bisous, Edie & Marie

MINHA VIDA DE CAMPO August 17, 2012 - 2:37 pm

Férias que sonho. Para nós as feris são em janeiro, o tempo esta louco. Esta fazendo dias de verão em pleno inverno. Parece que estamos em férias também. Amei todas as imagens.

PURA VIDA August 17, 2012 - 3:47 pm

I would go crazy over these finds!

Marc August 17, 2012 - 6:40 pm

Sharon, Thanks for posting your photos, especially love the painted landscape on the tambourine. Reminds me of the artwork done on bass drums in the early 1900's. All very inspiring!

peggy braswell August 17, 2012 - 6:47 pm

I would have picked them all! Great pictures.

david terry August 17, 2012 - 9:09 pm

P.S…..I, along with many of your other readers, really do love that painted tambourine.
I don't know how old you are, but?….when I was growing up in the late sixties and early seventies, the tambourine was ALWAYS the instrument-of-choice for the designated "She's the PRETTY-One" (read: "She doesn't actually play an instrument or sing very well") girl in any band (remember the Mamas and the Papas?…or Susan Dey from "The Partridge Family"?). You didn't have to have much in the way of musical/instrumental acumen, skill, or training to slap that thing around while you sort-of sang sort-of-maybe harmonies?…..but it LOOKED good, and it gave you something to do with your hands while you were swinging your hips around on stage.

In any case (and despite having spent thirteen early years of studying classical piano under Wanda Landowska's last student) I've often told Herve that, if nothing else, I can always try-out being the tambourine player in a pop-band. He's reminded me that, to qualify for the job, I'd have to have mid-torso length, very-blonde, and VERY-straight hair that you can shake from side to side as you "groove" to the beat. Not to mention somehow being the opposite sex or at least fooling at least SOME folks into thinking I was.

For a True & Tantalizing, Terrific Taste o' Tambourine?….go to the following link (I just looked it up and happily discovered that my favorite song from age-eight is on YOUTUBE….what isn't, these days?). You hear the ever-inimitable Mama Cass smacking and banging the hell out of her tambourine and and singing my favorite (after four degrees in literature and linguistics) profound lyrics EVER-EVER-EVER!!!!!…."A little ray of sunshine/A litle bit of soul!/A little touch of magic/you're the greatest thing since rock 'n roll!!!! Oooh…Oooh.Oooh…!"

Only about two years ago, I was extremely irritated with the admittedly-tired Herve (after a twelve hour flight and a four hour drive down from Madrid), and I made a loud-point of singing this to him at a table in Cordoba just as the waiter arrived. Doing so embarassed everyone involved, but I didn't care. I was more than a little fed-up with the notion of travelling 3000 miles just to placate a justifiably-tired husband. At the time, I said "I don't know why we came all the way back to Spain…we could have plenty of fun just sitting around back-home in the kitchen in North Carolina and playing this song….."

In any case, advocates and devotees of the Tambourine should go to:

Advisedly as ever,

David Terry

KAM August 17, 2012 - 10:06 pm

So many lovelies you gathered up! The tea set is wonderful and oh how those blue jars speak to me…the pieces are so beautifully displayed in the photo shoot that I am busily rearranging my home to accommodate everything.

carolyn bradford August 18, 2012 - 1:31 am

Your posts are always amazing and leave me longing to be there! I love the tambourine and find it funny that I've seen so many here while in New Orleans as well as when I went to view a shipment of antiques at home! I almost bought one and wish that I had now! They must be the next "hot" item! Thanks for sharing such great finds and beautiful photos!

zanetastyle August 18, 2012 - 4:16 am

Hello! Stunning tea cups and i learnt from you that this is missing in my Collection od Antiques cups! Thanks (: z

Michelle August 18, 2012 - 4:18 am

I'd say you brought home a lot of goodies. I love the tambourine and have never seen one painted. The blue jars are my favorite. I have a thing for jars and ones that are blue. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful goodies.

Anonymous August 18, 2012 - 5:42 am

Your "loot" literally makes me ache with envy. That adorable little white match holder particularly…..Love your entire blog site!

Nancy, Toronto Canada

Cécile August 20, 2012 - 5:45 pm

I just love all those things, your photos are beautiful!

Barren @ apartments in Chelsea August 22, 2012 - 8:43 am

Love the place ,its really cool and amazing place to stay in with the stunning surroundings.

Allen @ Adwords Google Management August 22, 2012 - 8:48 am

This is the perfect place to have in your desired apartments with the beautifying environment…

CHI Straightener USA June 14, 2014 - 2:19 am

Do you have any video of that? I’d like to find out some additional information.


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