packing for Paris shopping – chic comfort

by Sharon Santoni

I have a busy and exciting week ahead, with a special client coming from the other side of the world to shop with me.  We’ll be visiting my usual haunts in Normandy, but also doing some chic stuff in Paris, and for the days away from home , I need to pack carefully.
I know that our days are going to be full, and tiring, but I’ll still need to be presentable, and comfortable, and wear clothes that will follow me through the day.
Virtual shopping is fun, I don’t pay any attention to labels or prices, just pick out the stuff I like’… I put together these combinations, imagining some easy packing.  The weather is still uncertain here, so for each outfit I was looking for a basic pair of pants and a coat, that could be worn two ways, one slightly more dressy than the other.

Set number one is nude, grey and white.  I actually started off with a pair of soft pink pants, something I am enjoying this summer, but then opted for the white that is so easy to team up.

nude & grey

Set number two is looking for comfort and a more relaxed look for the day.  I love the scarf, and I adore the bag, but in the evening I’d have to leave the bag behind, since it really looks too harsh with the nude shoes and lacy top …

navy blue

Set three is very classical but still comfortable.  Anyone who has been here can tell you that this is not my normal attire for flea markets, but for some shopping in Paris, why not?!

The handbag here is a little happy extra for a charming mademoiselle K who came shopping here with me in June, and found this exact bag in vintage!  You see K, I said it would still be up to date!!

Do you ever shop virtually like this?  It’s sort of fun to try out ideas before actually hitting the stores, and it helps me stay more focussed when I finally come to buy.
How carefully do you pack for going away?  Is it just a ton of stuff thrown into a bag, or do you do minimalist packing and buy as you need more once at destination?
Do tell, you know how I love to hear your point of view!


Sussi.Sussinghurst July 3, 2013 - 3:48 pm

Fell in love with the blue rain coat in set number 2 – and very usefull here at the moment 🙂

Sarah Malone, European Farmhouse Charm July 3, 2013 - 4:02 pm

Hi Sharon,
Your upcoming week sounds like such fun! Love all the coat choices here :).

Ms Lemon of Make Mine Lemon July 3, 2013 - 4:15 pm

I love your choices, but really love the first grouping, the colors are just gorgeous. I want that sweater. However, I don't know how long I would last in the heels. I like the purse that has a shoulder-strap so I can keep my hands free. Just a personal preference on my part. You are going to be very chic for your trip.

Tara Dillard July 3, 2013 - 4:19 pm

You have no idea how helpful this is.

Trusting your judgement. No time to peruse magazines. What you give is far superior anyway!

Magazines are all about sales, you are on topic about reality & the clothes to choose.

Garden & Be Well, XO T

Anonymous July 3, 2013 - 4:38 pm

If you were going in August how would your choices change? I'm going in August with my 18 y.o. daughter, and I hear it's pretty hot, although, maybe it won't seem so bad after the 106 weather we've been having in California!

Are wide-legged pants too out of style? I'm not a skinny jeans person. Are long dresses fine (not maxi)? Is sleeveless okay? I'm definitely not a fashion diva, but I don't want to feel dowdy.

My daughter desperately wants to wear shorts. Will that be too out of place or does it depend on the style, length and where we are going?

Thanks for any suggestions!


I Dream Of July 3, 2013 - 4:49 pm

You've done some great virtual shopping – there's so much here I would love to add to a Paris suitcase, or just wear around town here in Seattle. I try to be a strategic packer, but in the end, my suitcases never end up so very well planned and I nearly always over-pack!

I hope you and your client have a wonderful week. Happy hunting! XO

Gina July 3, 2013 - 5:46 pm

Dear Sharon, I love all of your chosen items in picture No. 2. For me, packing for Europe is easy. I know what works for me, I take a limited wardrobe but I take the best I own.

Chicatanyage July 3, 2013 - 6:04 pm

I love virtual shopping. So sin free and you are right it does help me get clearer on what I actually need to buy. Love your selections.

Emm July 3, 2013 - 6:12 pm

Nice choices, and I really like that tied sweater in Set 1, also the pink bag. But 4-inch heels for shopping? And uh-oh, I've just realized you have links on all those items, I am so in trouble.
For travel, everything works with everything else, doesn't need a lot of attention and can mostly be hand-washed, and is reasonably chic. Plus, lightweight.

sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:21 pm

I know! I've never had a blue raincoat, thinking this could be the right moment!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:22 pm

HI Sarah

I think it will be serious fun, I'll be posting pictures so you'll see what we're up to
Hope the house is going well


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:32 pm

Hi M

I no longer wear heels like that for a whole day, but sometimes in the evening, it is nice to walk tall


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:33 pm

Well thank you Tara, I don't consider myself a fashion guru by any means, but mixing and matching the outfits this way is certainly fun


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:36 pm


The weather is being so weird this year. It really should be very warm by now, and I am sitting here in jeans and a light jumper.

In theory you would want ot dress light in August, although Paris rarely gets humid, just warm.

Wide legged pants are certainly still acceptable. This year there are all length dresses around, and sleeveless is fine too.

If the weather is hot, there will be a lot of people in shorts, although they may be too casual for any where dressy.


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:37 pm

HI Jeanne

I don't think my real packing is ever this well thought through, but a girl can dream right?!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:38 pm

There is an ease that comes with light packing, and of course it's always an excuse to buy something new here!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:38 pm

sin free, that is it exactly!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 3, 2013 - 6:39 pm

Sounds good to me Emm, … you'll see from the links that my shopping basket is very eclectic


Marsha Splenderosa July 3, 2013 - 7:15 pm

Spot on, Sharon! Love everything you've chosen and I know you will be wonderful from morning till midnight. I have been known to over pack, but no longer. Each piece must work with something else, stay lovely & be comfortable & chic. I never shop for clothes when I'm travelling; accessories, yes. And beautiful things for the home. I am absolutely not a jeans girl, much prefer gorgeous slacks or a long maxi skirt. Gosh, is it cool enough for jackets in Paris in July? Here, of course, we are in the middle of a horrid heat wave and no one wants to be outside at all. I want to hear all about your trip, take lots of pics for us! xx's

Helena July 3, 2013 - 9:54 pm

I think its important to remember that warm in Paris, even if not humid, is not a pleasant warm when you are a tourist rushing around, and there is air pollution, hot metro etc. Parisians are quite classy people but casual dress is fine. However, no sweat pants/workout type outfits… Jeans, longer shorts and flared shorts are fine. Skirts are always a great option with a top, cute t-shirt. I have heard that the weather is a-changing from next week and it could be stifling hot if its above 25c.

E. Ericasta July 3, 2013 - 11:49 pm

Hallo Sharon,
das sieht alles ganz toll aus auf den ersten Blick … Und dann fange ich an zu sortieren, was kombinierbar sein könnte. Bei den Taschen gefällt mir die helle von No. 1 am besten!

Cheers, Heidrun

Magnolia Verandah July 4, 2013 - 12:20 am

This is so my style. I always pack far too much stuff and end up not wearing some of it, so now I lay everything out I fancy then cut it by 1/3 – seems to work for me.

Karen Albert July 4, 2013 - 2:25 am

Dear Sharon, I love all of your choices, very chic, pulled together and comfortable (except for the heels!!)
I think you can be perfectly dressed for any occasion with your wardrobe!

2013 Designer Series

david terry July 4, 2013 - 5:35 am

I'm a lucky boy; when we go abroad (which is about four times per year), Herve chooses and packs clothes for both of us. As a general rule, I'm busy closing down the house, getting the dogs settled for the sitter, and dealing with the garden.

Since Herve's the one who has to look at me ( I certainly never do so) while we're back in France or Spain, I figure it's best if I'm wearing what he likes to look at……it's not as though I'm going to Europe to build a better mantrap.

So…I have no advice to offer, except to get a nice husband who does it all for you and afterwards enjoys (or so I've gathered over the years) what he has to look at.

—david terry

Kathysue July 4, 2013 - 6:25 am

I want your shopping list, so many of the pieces you have pictured are things I would wear, just beautiful, great job,

Colleen Taylor July 4, 2013 - 6:36 am

All your choices are so right on Sharon. My style in a number of variations. I try to be a minimalist when I pack, not that I want to, it's just easier that way.

sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:21 am

The pics are promised Marsha, and phew! I'm so glad my choices were up to scratch for you, a style goddess in our blogosphere! 🙂


sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:23 am

Hallo Heidrun
Ich liebe auch die helle Tasche am besten, und sie wäre auch genau die gute Grosse mein Photo Apparat mit mir su nehmen
schöne grusse


sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:24 am

how very very wise! 🙂

sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:24 am

Come on Karena, we can still manage heels for a couple of hours in the evening!


Debbie July 4, 2013 - 7:25 am


Great choices. I love the grey cardigan with black bows, grey shoes with buckle and the black vintage handbag. I'm not a last minute packer so I'd be no good at packing for a spontaneous getaway. I usually start packing two weeks before if I'm going overseas so the last week can be spent going through my luggage to make sure I'm not taking too much. I make a list then pull everything out onto the bed and try it all on. I usually pack too much and have to go through it all about 3 times, otherwise I'd end up with too many items not used or worn. My biggest problem is shoes. I never know which ones to take. Handbags….one for day and one for night.
I love the outfits you put together. You have good taste. Have fun in Paris.


sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:25 am

Well well you lucky boy! And you've realy never arrived in Rome/PAris/Madrid … and said Darn, he didn't pack my favourite sweater?!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:26 am

thank you Kathysue, it is easier to achieve virtually than for real! 🙂

sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:27 am

Yes Colleen, there is a definite freedom to travelling light … just wish my daughters would understand that!


sharon santoni at my french country home July 4, 2013 - 7:28 am

Goodness Debbie, I never have the time to be that organised, you must feel serenely confident as you step on to a plane, unlike me who inevitably thinks of the things I should have packed and didn't!


manuela carvalho July 4, 2013 - 10:36 am

Boas escolhas e muito bom gosto!

vicki archer July 4, 2013 - 11:48 am

These picks look just like me , Sharon! Love them all… and I always plan before I pack… even when I go between London and France… xv

martinealison July 4, 2013 - 12:21 pm

Un billet très amusant…
Personnellement j'emporte beaucoup de choses si j'ai de la place dans ma voiture ou si je peux prendre plusieurs valises !
Autrement je minimise et je pars la tête légère en me disant qu'après tout j'achèterai si j'ai réellement besoin…

Vos choix me conviennent !

Gros bisous et prenez des vitamines pour cette chevauchée…
Gros bisous

Pamela Barber July 4, 2013 - 1:09 pm

LoVe pink & white, then again I LoVe them all…emm my birthday
is coming up ''Sharon'' xx

david terry July 4, 2013 - 1:33 pm

Just for the record, Sharon?….the one time I did pack for a trip we were taking (Herve was gone on a business tripand wouldn't be arriving home until two hours before we left fort the airport), the telephone kept ringing..and interrupting my methodical, go-drawer-by-drawer packing-method.

Consequently, we arrived for a two week trip with no nicorette (disaster; we both smoke),no socks (except for the ones on our feet), no underwear of any sort, and no scarves. It was January. We were landing in Berlin and promptly heading far North to Lubeck….on the edge of the Baltic Sea.

As you might guess, we hit the department store the first day we could find one. I've never been allowed to pack since then.

Advisedly yours as ever,

David terry

Botanic Bleu July 5, 2013 - 6:41 am

At this stage in my life, I pack as lightly as possible for overseas trips. My checked bag for my just completed trip to China weighed 7.5 kg (about 16.5 lbs). I do not take extra jewelry or belts (weigh too much). I wear one pair of pierced earrings, a watch, and my wedding ring…no other jewelry. i take one small shoulder strap purse that I wear diagonally across my body with the zipper side next to my body to keep my passport and money safe. For clothes, I take slacks that in the same family color and about two tops per slacks. i wear one pair of shoes and take one extra pair in case my feet get wet. i take enough lingerie that I have a couple of sets more than I think I will need in case I'm drenched during the day, have coffee spilled on me, or have my trip extended unexpectedly due to flight cancellations (happened on this trip…Shanghai flight home was cancelled on the runway), etc…

Now, for trips closer to home, especially by car, I take many more outfits, shoes, belts, scarves, etc…


Karen (Back Road Journal) July 7, 2013 - 8:52 pm

Virtual shopping is so much fun as everything fits and looks fantastic on you. Real life shopping can be another matter entirely. I know you and your client will have a wonderful trip.

Christina July 8, 2013 - 7:49 pm

Your post couldn't be more perfect!- My husband and I are just planning a trip to Paris for the early fall! Of course what to pack is high on the priority/anxiety list. Invariably after every trip anywhere, I vow to be more organized and pack lighter "next time". I love the classic, polished and chic look of the outfits you chose. Think I will print them up as a guide. Bon Voyage!

Christina July 8, 2013 - 7:50 pm

Oh That is a riot! 🙂


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