to tweet or not to tweet

by Sharon Santoni


What a buzz!   They created a record, they crashed twitter and of course they made their phone provider sponsor very happy indeed.    This is indeed a great picture full of energy and fun ….. but what is it really all about?

People keep telling me I should tweet.  I smile graciously, and nod, and promise to start tomorrow, while inside me there is a voice saying “why?”,  “what’ll I tweet about?” …

So I have created the account, you can find me HERE,  and oops! ….. there,  I just tweeted for the first time ….  so now? … what happens next?

I know I have to follow people, so I tried to think of the girls I know who tweet and signed up to words of wisdom from Jeni, Vicki, Erica, Marsha, Ellen (I am an unconditional fan!) and a couple more, then I sit back and think “OK, so what happens now?” …..

I really need your help here.

Would you please share with me how you use twitter, do you prefer it over instagram?   If so why?   do you always share pictures with your tweets or do you prefer just to share a few words.  And please remember to give me your tweet identities so I can start following you too!  Oh yes, and the hashtags, please tell me about the hashtags!

You can find My French Country Home



and now on TWITTER !!!




Heather in Arles March 10, 2014 - 10:25 am

Oh dear, I do not tweet, so I can’t help you at all, Sharon. I have only just finally took the dive into instagram (and enjoy your posts very much!) and am absolutely blumbering around with it. I will look forward to hearing if you like your twitter time…

sharon santoni March 10, 2014 - 10:35 pm

well Heather it is quite possible that within a week or two, I shall be back with the non-tweeters!




Cheryl March 10, 2014 - 11:26 am

I’m not a tweeter either. I made an account and thought it was boring, so I never look at it. I guess I really don’t get it, and I think we spend way too much time looking at our electronic devices anyway. But those who do it claim to love it, so there must be some value in it? I’d be interested to hear what it is!

sharon santoni March 10, 2014 - 10:36 pm

Exactly the same as me! I know that it can work really well, but I still have to discover the itch to tweet regularly


Ellen March 10, 2014 - 12:13 pm

I used to tweet. Now I don’t, except for the tweets I send from Instagram. I found it to be a huge time waster with very few benefits. I prefer FB, Instagram, and Pinterest for my social media. My advice: don’t bother!

sharon santoni March 10, 2014 - 10:37 pm

that’s the bit I have to work out Ellen, linking my instagram and tweet account ……


Bonny neiman March 10, 2014 - 12:31 pm

I use Instagram, posting my new arrivals at the shop. Didn’t know you were on Instagram, I’m signing up to follow you right now!! Hope you follow me too!

Garden, Home and Party March 10, 2014 - 12:50 pm

I hate to utter these words, I don’t get it either. That said, I post the link to my posts each week and that’s about it. I simply don’t have (and probably, don’t want) the time to tweet. There are so many avenues of communication I guess we all just have to decide which ones are worthwhile to us personally. 🙂

Roxane March 10, 2014 - 12:58 pm

No tweeting for me! I just don’t get it either. I tend to lead a very boring life and don’t think I should be tweeting photos from the grocery store or gas station. I spend enough time on my laptop and iPhone working, reading blogs and using Instagram. I don’t want or need another account to keep up with. 😀

Carol March 10, 2014 - 1:15 pm

I don’t know how to tweet so when you learn would you tell us how?

Laura @ 52 FLEA March 10, 2014 - 1:43 pm

Not interested in twitter or tweeting. Currently having fun with Instagram!

Laura March 10, 2014 - 1:54 pm

Occasional Facebook posts and Pinterest are enough for me. I won’t be using Instagram any time soon, and Twitter – not gonna happen!

hopflower March 10, 2014 - 1:58 pm

Sorry, I cannot help here. I don’t do ANY of them!

Tracy March 10, 2014 - 2:13 pm

I just tweet from Instagram. And I always like a photo with a tweet because I like a visual. But I hardly ever look at Twitter. For my shop I post new goodies, and especially love using PicFlow app to make a little movie clip with music for my

Lara March 10, 2014 - 2:27 pm

Hello! This is a subject that has come up a lot in my world lately. I am a teacher in Canada – near Vancouver on the west coast. Recently I have been encouraged to engage in social media as it is a form of literacy that the students and families in our schools are using. As an experiment and with the encouragement of my principal I began tweeting (and blogging!) and have found it has a lot to offer.
The first benefit was during a recent teachers’ conference. We were able to post thoughts, quotes and comments using a hash tag for reference. Quickly a lecture format turned into a discussion, with the opportunity to connect different speakers’ ideas on the go.
I have continued to use twitter daily (coming up to my first month anniversary) to share articles, find inspiration or have conversations with educators all over the world – we use the hashtag #edchat to gather questions and comments specific to education. I also use it to post quick photos (like instagram?) or quotes as they come up in my day.
My husband was skeptical but willing. He has recently discovered an entire community/network of automotive people (his industry) and benefited from the quick availability of information too.
Still in the experimental stages for me, but positive reviews so far. Staying “literate” is a big motivator, as is the hope to set an example for students and their families in the venues that they use.
I love your blog – I visit every day to be inspired. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. The world needs all the beauty and kindness we can give!
(You can find me on twitter – @mrslmartini – still learning!)

sue j. March 10, 2014 - 2:33 pm

I never tweet — but I do read what the President is tweeting, along with a few others.

SarahBTT March 10, 2014 - 2:42 pm

Sharon, I only recently started using twitter. Basically it’s like a facebook chat that you put out to the world and anyone can respond to. I have a few friends who I met through twitter with similar interests and when I have a question or comment, I just put it out there. Basically it’s just witty banter with friends. I ADORE instagram and will start to follow you! Hashtags are used to identify a topic you are talking about. Like you could hashtag something #frenchantique and people looking for that can find it/you. I’m on instagram: beautifultangiblethings.

Marian from UK March 10, 2014 - 3:14 pm

Well, I haven’t even got a blog – yet!! I agree with your feelings on Tweeting/social media. Privacy is a treasure not to be underestimated. I love your blog as it hits the right balance between being personal/interesting/inspiring, yet respects the privacy of your family. I will read whatever you wish to share – remember that old saying – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!! Have a lovely day.

Nancy March 10, 2014 - 3:23 pm

I am just a blogger….sorry I can’t help.
I don’t get all the connectedness…

Lorrie March 10, 2014 - 3:44 pm

No tweeting here. I don’t want to spend my time telling others what I’m doing every minute. That said, I’ve heard tweeting can be a great marketing tool.

Contessa March 10, 2014 - 3:56 pm

How funny!I did the same POst with Instagram about a month ago!I got good input and now am enjoying that.But I do think Facebook,Instagram,your own Blog is enough.One could easily spend the day doing “NOTHING” but looking at or responding to others!I am stopping here…………..NO TWEETING!
Off to find you on Instagram………I forgot GHETTO and his Buddy have an account too!Please add me to your daily Instagram feed……..ANTIQUE GODDESS!
Your photos are always STUNNING!I enjoy the love of flowers and animals too……….thats my input!
Good LUCK with your TWEETS!

Donna Baker March 10, 2014 - 5:19 pm

It’s a virtual world, but I’m not buying it. For now anyway. I refuse all other forms of virtual interaction but blogging. And yet, my friends all ask what is the purpose of blogging? Well, since I spend most of my time alone on my farm it is a way to communicate. Well, why not facebook, et al? I don’t know. Guess, I’m afraid I’d be on the computer, phone etc. all the time. I guess if you don’t experience it all, you don’t miss it.

vicki archer March 10, 2014 - 6:04 pm

I tweet the minimum amount these days because I prefer FB and Instagram… and of course Pinterest…

I adore Instagram…

I feel connected with friends who live far away… I feel inspired by photographers, fashionistas, designers and artists… I catch up on what I shouldn’t with all the children’s feeds… and it’s over in a second… The biggest bonus … I love taking snaps… and I like the record of where I have been and what I have been doing…

I do love that it’s real time… and prefer my feeds and those of others when they reflect this…

Twitter is great for news… and I catch up on that when I have a few minutes to spare…

FB… I’m not sure what it’s for anymore… but I enjoy the visuals…

I do think that we have so much social media to contend with that it’s not possible to do it all… I am starting to feel that i want to select my media and publish on select channels… Sometimes I feel that I am spread too thin… Another topic for discussion…

If I were you Sharon, I would enjoy Insta, Pinterest and FB and not worry too much about the tweeting… just my feeling… 🙂


Emm March 10, 2014 - 6:38 pm

I *knew* there was a reason I so like this blog and the commenters — no twitterers!

I don’t tweet, I don’t twitter, no instagram, no Pinterest, barely on the Book of Face. I use e-mail. I very much enjoy a selection of blogs by people willing to do the ongoing work they require. And — heresy!! especially these days — I read books. [stomps off, back to the library]

Lee March 10, 2014 - 8:02 pm

The only tweeting I like…… outside my window in the morning…..the lovely sound of the little birds.

Krb March 11, 2014 - 2:53 am

Now THAT I understand!

Tamms March 11, 2014 - 12:56 am

I have an account attached to my Etsy shop, FB page, and blog. I have to hit a button from Etsy to have my new listings tweeted but if I just send it to my FB page it get tweeted automatically. I can’t remember how my blog goes as I hardly ever post, but you can put it on your FB about a new blog post and it will automatically get tweeted.

Tamms March 11, 2014 - 12:57 am

Just start “messing around” on your FB settings and you’ll find out how to do it. That’s what I did.

Katherine March 11, 2014 - 1:25 am

I am attempting to find more time to have coffee chats and send hand written love notes to friends. So I’m not tweeting, using instagram, and not a lover of FB. Basically, I’m boring.

Sue Malizia March 11, 2014 - 2:40 am

With so many social medias out there I’m lucky to follow facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest…let alone my daily emails of my favorite blogs (such as yours). I’m okay with those. 🙂

jen owens March 11, 2014 - 3:40 am

Well Sharon, to tweet or not to tweet… that is a question I too have asked myself recently.
The joys of social media for me are purely visual and therefore, the blog, facebook, pinterest and especially instagram platforms provide great visual inspiration. We do tweet from the “shop” with information on events and new arrivals etc. but I think I will leave it at that! xo ~Jen

Linda March 11, 2014 - 7:07 am

I blog, use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I especially love seeing the photos of others on Instagram. I started using Twitter and Facebook because my children do posts there. I just link my Instagram photos with both. I thought also that they might increase my business and visits to my blog but I’m not sure that it worked. I’ve met some very interesting and nice people via the internet that I wouldn’t have if I just read books, other than the literary kind. I also follow Tweets and Facebook about France, Paris in particular, and Italy because I like to travel and get amazing tips on various places.

The Enchanted Home March 11, 2014 - 10:56 am

So funny. OK first I got your link working on the blogroll…woo hoo:)

Tweeting, I totally do not get it…so you are asking the wrong person. I seriously doubt I ever will and certainly have no interest doing it, it would feel so forced and I am way too stubborn for that. I guess its OK if you are 16 but in late 40’s i would feel absurd…I cannot wait to go over your replies. Maybe I am missing something…lol.

Lisa March 11, 2014 - 11:42 am

Nope, not gonna do it… not gonna tweet. I do Facebook and Instagram and love those both. As for tweeting, too much work for me, too busy looking at it. I have to draw the line somewhere… so I choose NOT to tweet.

~ Lisa from Indiana ~

Colleen Taylor March 12, 2014 - 5:17 am

I use twitter for quick announcements when I sell a painting or a print. For me, it’s just business related which is linked to all my websites as well as instagram. I really don’t know if it helps me but it does encourage business for me. When you have a business to sell things, all social networking seems to help in one way or another. Wish I could help you otherwise Sharon.

Catherine B March 12, 2014 - 4:46 pm

I tweet but not for myself; it’s for a client, sending out news updates about an industry.
I learned that hashtags can be dangerous. I put #asset for a financial asset topic, only to find that it’s more frequently used for, um, sexual assets. Talk about #embarrassed.
I can see the utility of Twitter in a fast-moving situation: a political uprising, say, or fashion week. Twitter also gets used for public squabbles, as when somebody writes a book or an article, somebody else tweets a criticism, then war breaks out between the two and their respective camps, who all jump into the melee. This is all the more foolish because nuance is difficult in 140 characters (and you have to subtract for your hashtags and links and leave space for retweets, so more like 120).
I don’t see the point of the celebrity (or non-celebrity) tweeting of banal moments (what one ate for lunch) or other oversharing. That’s the part that seems to be an extension of incessant adolescent texting, but on a much more public scale. The Oscars tweet is making gentle fun of that.

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