I have been buying at local brocante fairs for years. Early morning starts, rummaging through a mix of antiques often in a field, unexpected finds. My idea of fun! But sometimes I get a little more than I bargained for …. this is the tale of my encounter with a most unusual lady, a few years ago.
First of all I met the gentleman at a country brocante fair, he was selling hand made fishing flies. Works of beauty, exquisite knots of thread and feather and beads, designed to lure and to deceive. But it wasn’t the boxes of flies, or the old fishing tackle that drew me in, it was the piece of antique fabric thrown across a trestle table and used to create his stall. A length of pale grey ticking, a most unusual colour, beautiful.
I finally found their pretty house, thatched, in the middle of nowhere with a happy dog in the small unkempt but flower filled garden. A lady came out to greet me. Beautiful. Walking tall, her elegance strangely out of place in such a modest setting.

Yet, despite, all her words about wanting to keep them, I was sure she wanted to sell. For the first time she let me talk: I smiled, “Your fabrics are stunning, I have quite a collection at home, but I haven’t often seen any this beautiful”
She looked me in the eye and named her price. I agreed without hesitation and she suggested I step inside to see ‘the rest’.
The tiny house was more than cramped. It looked as if the contents of a large château had been fitted into a garden shed. “Excusez-moi” she fussed, I know I have kept too much, but when I had to leave my last home for unfortunate reasons, I couldn’t leave it all behind.
And then it really started. From cupboards and from behind doors came a steady flow of monogrammed porcelain, of crystal, of fine linen and shining silver. In between each new box that was opened she told me more about her family, her former splendour and her misfortune.
I didn’t take any photos while I was there and I can’t tell you everything she shared with me; that would be disrespectful to the confidence she showed me. But I can say that I was fortunate to meet this woman. She grew up in the lap of luxury, she married well, she was widowed, and through a tragic turn of events she lost everything.
Today she has created a new life with a charming gentleman who makes fishing flies. They live simply but they are happy, and she still insists on only using linen bedsheets and silver cutlery. Now and again she meets someone like myself, and takes pleasure in getting out the treasures she has kept, in remembering easier times, and a quality and handwork that has nearly disappeared for ever.
And the ticking?” I hear you say. Well yes, I did come away with both pieces of ticking and also with a couple of paintings she didn’t have the space for. I was thrilled to bits with my afternoon and with the treasure. I hope you have liked hearing about it all.
I love this story so much! Where I live in the USA, it is much more difficult for me to find things that make my heart stop, but when I do it is great fun. And, like you, the people and stories are as fascinating to me to as the things. Thank you for sharing this charming story!
Dorene of Essex Cottage
Wonderful wonderful story. I can almost see the whole of it, in my minds eye.
Beautiful story. You could write a novel based on this experience!
I loved this story!
Oh, the ticking is just yummy. What a delightful story!
Oh my goodness!!! How awesome for you and for this precious lady……………………………..
Oh Sharon, what a lovely and heart rending encounter. She must be quite the lady. I know how much you love antique linens. And these are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I loved the story,thank you for sharing!I also love the monogrammed dishes in the photo.Those are my initials!!!I think I feel like you did when you saw the pieces of fabric for the first time!Are the dishes for sale?LOL!
What a wonderful story! More like this, please?!?
This is a wonderful story made my day. I loved hearing about it and thank you for sharing. I love linens also and that is my weakness. The painting sound lovely. The house looks so charming like out of a story book.
Thanks for sharing your story. The serendipity of meeting her husband and then her is one of life’s joys! How did you use the linen? Many blessings and thanks for your very entertaining blog.
Such a wonderful read. I found myself getting excited for you. As we say in the States, “what a score!” Thanks for sharing.
Dee Poquette
Wow! They are beautiful. Will you post the paintings?
i’m weepy. seriously weepy. love this story…
Love the greenery growing out of the roof! So utterly charming.
As another who obsessively buys old fabrics in France I completely understand your drive to acquire these pieces.
Lovely story, thanks for sharing.
Oh my, what a perfectly lovely story. You met a strong, elegant and resilient woman who found love again. So sweet.
This is a great story and so typical of brocantes! What is on display is just the beginning. I have had the most delightful encounters with people I’ve met buying things on leboncoin–stories about the recently deceased grandmother whose stuff it was, or the ups and downs of past lives, the excitement about new moves.
Brought tears…of both kinds…franki
What a lovely story and what a remarkable woman. Thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful experience. I don’t find treasures here in the US like I do abroad. And the stories that go with them make each find that much more special. Many times people are not just selling things, but memories with the items they offer. Its important to take the time to listen and help them to say goodby, to part with an item.
I’m curious….how do you care for old linen? I purchased an old French tapestry which is now rolled up, wrapped and under my bed! I need to find someone to restore and prepare it for hanging so I can enjoy it. Do you know how to hang an old tapestry?
Enjoyed your post.
What a lovely experience!
What an enchanting visit!
What I enjoy the most about your story is her resilience and the strength it must have taken for her to have created a new and happy life.
I loved this story. I am drawn to old linens as well. I live in a Tudor home and have some greenery growing in a gutter on the roof. I am torn between having it removed and yet enjoying the “shabby” look. Thanks for sharing this story with your readers. I can live in Europe vicariously through your words. Elaine
This story is so touching, it made me tears-eyed! Please let us know what you did with the fabric and if you ever saw her again.
What a lovely encounter . . . and one I hope you were able to continue with a new friendship. The darling couple, the finds, and the stories behind them are true blessings.
Beautiful story and such a serendipitous encounter Your description and writing are so alive and it transport your readers to where the story takes place! Simply lovely.
Beautiful linen and the china looks awesome!!! Their home looks like a painting. The sellers story sounds so interesting and also says that life has no grantees, to love your loved ones.
Oh my God!! ! I love your story. What fantastic travel to the house and find this trasure !!
Love your stories and adventures. I have lived in Paris and England many years ago. I have the same Spode China in a different pattern, but the handles are so typical Spode. We downsized two years ago and I now use my china from England and my crystal from Venice everyday for the sheer joy of having it. Keep the adventures coming.
What a beautiful story. I can just make out the weave of the ticking on my computer screen, and it looks exquisite! What an amazing experience it must have been to meet such a lovely couple and hear their story.
I know this lady’s story so well. I have managed to maintain some items that I treasure. The last hurricane/flood/looters truly left me in such a state of emotional sadness. I have now accepted it as another loss & take joy in my items that had been in storage. It’s a challenge to begin again & I am doing it. Dear Sharon, I truly am pleased this is the story you shared today as I’m in the middle of the renovation of this particular house. I invested in a trip to Paris to clear my head/heal my heart/refill my soul before I began this project. I plan to reward myself with another trip to France, if you can recommend a pleasant spa/vacation experience. Thank you. Ida
You not only received fabric treasures but a wonderful treasure, the story and history of her. What a gift you were given that day and thank you for sharing it.
Loved the story, the cottage, the fabric and the lady, but most of all, I was impressed by your patience in waiting to even touch the fabric. You are a kind and thoughtful LADY!
The poetry of your story plays out this chance encounter in an enchanting and personal picture of the day. How lucky for you both to find each other. Treasures are not surrendered for any amount of money unless the one receiving is trusted to love the piece or pieces in the same manner. A perfect day and perfect memory. Thank you.
I love this. I live in the western part of USA but am southern with a Southern sense of entertaining and decoration my home. I do not like the roughness of the building an interiors here. There are a few auntion houses that sell the departeds goods and the younger set today do not treasure antiques. Am I ever thrilled because it’s been my good fortune to find a few treasures I would never been able to afford if they were being sold in a shop. Hand made hinges on a beautiful hand carved game table, four hand carved chairs . The detail is unbelievable. And many treasures That my daughter has asked for. Yeah!
What a beautiful experience for you And how wonderful for her to share her life story showing you her past and her life now. She must be very proud n to share with someone who would appreciate her life and treasures. What a beautiful day for you, one you will not forget.
Sharon, What a lovely story. I applaud you for not betraying this lady’s confidence. I can picture your whole encounter from when you first met her husband. I somehow think you may still be friends, even if just in your heart.
thank you Sharon for sharing this dear sweet story. I imagine she was reluctant to sell the old bits of fabric as she held on to happier times and special memories associated with it. Glad you managed to buy some of her special items.
This is like a dream! What a wonderful story – how very blessed you were to have gained her confidence and get to experience all her beautiful things as well as her story!
I love this. I’m sure your visit and appreciation of her lovely things meant as much to her as to you. I don’t believe in coincidences. This was meant to be. Enjoy your treasures. Betsy
The stories are as good as the acquisitions, aren’t they? When my granddaughters notice and ask about my treasures I love to have a story to share. It makes them all the more special. Oh, the people we meet…puts a smile on my face.
What a fabulous story. I honestly find half the pleasure of brocantes is chatting to the vendors, there is always much to learn and so many wonderful stories, some of which I am sure are greatly enhanced but still it is all part of the fun of a local brocante. Can’t wait for the real season to begin again this month here.
Heart warming tale! I can’t wait to hear of your future lunches together.
Sharon, such a special encounter! the richness of her life shared with you as much a treasure discovered as the fabric..
Your nonfiction is as enjoyable as your fiction. Thank you.
What a lovely story for an afternoon. I’ve always loved fabric as well as dishes. Plenty of eye candy in this post! What pleases me is to see the number of blogs that are kept up by young women of today who share our appreciation of not only these things but the experience as well.
Dear Sharon,this story is beyond delightful!
Expertly written,it totally captures our imaginations while at the same time putting a fine(and happy ending!) to satisfy our courisities.
Such an intriguing lady,so many beautiful objects!
Thank you!
How special that the lady shared a part of her life from times past with you! I can just imagine the two of you chatting over her treasures.
Thank you for sharing this story. What a wonderful lady who has made the best of what life has thrown at her. A lesson to us all to follow these chance encounters and opportunities.
Such a lovely story but most of all the charming cottage that looks like it came from a storybook! Kudos to you for having the persistence and perseverance to obtain fabric that you love so much! What a treasure! Isn’t it quite amazing the individuals that cross our paths. What a enchanting experience! Would have loved to have been there!
Sharon I will be in France with my daughter next week (from Australia). She wants to visit the Eiffel Tower and ohhhh, I just want to visit brocante markets and purchase linen and silver! so very very excited!
How delightful, I felt as though I was there with you. You have a beautiful way with words. Thank you for sharing your lovely story God bless you Sharon.
I love the simple serendipity of life. What a wonderful meeting.
What a great story…bet you had a smile all the way home thinking about your encounter and how you came about obtaining them. =)
Beautiful story.
What a great read for us and wonderful event for u , I found my self there and could see the colors and inmajin the great finds and wonderful conversation , truly a special time and day , thank you for sharing and I look forward to the next wonderful day of yours
I, too, was enthralled by this beautiful, serendipitous story and would love you to share more Sharon.
Un grand merci a vous.
Beautiful. A true testament to the fact that when you just enjoy the journey, marvelous things unfold. Thanks for sharing!
A great story. Heartwarming and sad at the same time. She sounds a wonderful woman.
Thank you, Sharon for sharing this beautiful story. I know it makes the fabrics even more beautiful to have met this lady and learn about her life.
Oh what a wonderful story! I always think knowing the story behind a lovely item makes it so much more valuable to me. The people, the places – it has already had a life before it came to me. I treasure that. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tale – and I so respect your maintaining the privacy and confidence shown you. Brava.
So wonderful when you can engage with people who have a similar love and heart. I’m sure she was so happy to part with her treasures to someone like you.
Merci pour partager cette histoire mystérieuse et charmante. C’est comme un conte de fées!
Thanks Sharon for sharing a very beautiful story. I live far away in Western Australia but I can dream.
Thanks so much x
What a delightful encounter! She sounds like a wonderful woman with a difficult past who has made the most of her circumstances. The history of your linens must make them even more precious.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
I thoroughly enjoyed ( and related) to your story! French ticking can make me lose any sensibility I have — I love it so much. And there is nothing more thrilling than the hunt for Brocante, and finding that perfect treasure!!
What an adventure you had! And that house with the thatched roof is just so quaint and beautiful. I’m sorry your new friend had a misfortune, but it seems she’s definitely a resilient woman who has made the best of it. I know you will treasure your finds and always remember that lovely lady and that story every time you look at them.
What a treasure Sharon. Both the fabrics and the lady. A fascinating, and enriching experience you had.
What a charming encounter and poignant story.
A friend of mine often quotes, ‘she who dies with the most fabric wins!’
The fabric in the photos is as charming as your story.
Oh, what a wonderful story! Two ladies with a love of all things beautiful met and passed cherished items and memories from one home to the next – my soul was in need of such a soothing balm today. Thank you, dear Sharon for sharing this with us!
It is truly a nice and useful piece of info. I am glad that you just
shared this useful information with us. Please stay
us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.
So enjoyed this story and felt the emotion you must have felt as she shared the love of beautiful things and her past life. Her life now seems charming and lovely.
Nice post!
I really appreciate the blog and I wish you do write more blogs. such a awesome blog. thanks for sharing with us.