the november and daughter box reveals – and a re-edit!

by Sharon Santoni


The Holiday season is pretty much under way and I am excited to be preparing Christmas celebrations at home with all the family this year.    There is so much to think about with everyone coming home, and it seems to me that it is all in the small details.

Looking back on the year, especially on the various Stylish French Boxes that we sent out, I am grateful for the wide and enthusiastic community that has built up around the box.  Grateful for the input we receive, the emails of appreciation, the way that our clients share the love on their social media.

Creating this box has been a big and wonderful adventure, so at the end of this second year, I want to send a huge Merci to all our clients.

Since we sent out two boxes this month, we’re revealing both over on the Magazine on the My Stylish French Box website today! You can find the November box reveal by clicking HERE and the Daughter box reveal by clicking HERE.


After the November box sold out, we received so many  emails from clients still wishing to purchase, that – exceptionally – we decided to re-create a small batch of November boxes, to be shipped early December in time to reach you or your loved one for the holidays!  So, if you are looking for  a special treat for anyone  as as a gift, or if you’d like to treat yourself just pop on over and snap one up before they all go again!

You can order either the November or February box by clicking HERE–  please let us know which box you are purchasing by leaving a note in the order section or send us an email at

Hope you are as excited about the holiday season as we are here, have a wonderful weekend.



Taste of France November 23, 2018 - 7:26 pm

You really have a knack for finding interesting things!
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!

Holly Willow November 23, 2018 - 7:49 pm

Just wanted to say that I LOVED this box! Thank you so much! It is my third box in all, and each time I say to myself it can’t get any better. Very happy to know that you have a few extra available, I’m going to order one for my sister right now.

Happy holidays Sharon to you and your team


Jane Brewster November 23, 2018 - 7:52 pm

Oh my goodness this is all so beautiful. Unfortunately I don’t have the budget to subscribe regularly, but now and again it is my special treat. I loved your August box this year, and I was going to hold off until next Spring, but I think I’m just going to treat myself for Christmas!

thank you so much for the amazing work you put into choosing the products, I’ll never get to France but thanks to you I feel as if I have visited

Jane B

kelly November 23, 2018 - 7:54 pm

I love seeing your box reveals. I live in France and I often wonder what you’ll put in the next box 🙂

Miranda November 23, 2018 - 8:04 pm

I love the wonderful photos you take and the insights into France, but this is the one time I really hope that the photo of the decorated mantle and Christmas tree are last years. When I moved to France one of things I loved about it was the slowness to decorate the towns with lights until we really were near to Christmas. Instead of the extended commercial exercise that defined the Uk and US, France still did things differently. I’ve watched with sadness the more negative changes in France as the world gets smaller through the Internet. How long before Sunday’s are swept into the 724/7 shopping of those commercial countries that are fast losing their identity. Starting Christmas in mid November is the slippery slope to making Christmas the diluted elongated commercial frenzy that I dread. Let Christmas be a rich short period of families and friends getting together rather than a long drawn out and costly one. And no Christmas trees till the end of the first week of December.

Christine Feagin November 24, 2018 - 12:28 am

I agree with everything you say regarding Christmas. I like be in the US and dislike the commercialization of Christmas, almost like Thanksgiving is to be forgotten. Enjoy the French way as long as you can. Christine – Florida US

sharon santoni November 24, 2018 - 11:38 am

HI Miranda

Have no fear, these are actually pictures of Christmas not last year but the year before when we were shooting my entertaining book! I won’t be decorating the house until well into December, except for a few vignettes for instagram or for the blog.
Christmas is a short week with the family and friends, it is a private affair and I agree, vey precious.
As for shopping on Sundays, I believe that it does happen in some places in France, but it’s not something that I enjoy either. Sundays are too precious, a moment to really slow down and enjoy a good book, a walk with the dogs and a long lazy lunch.
have a great weekend


Dianne Estes November 23, 2018 - 10:32 pm

Loved this box so much!!! I’m headed to Paris in less than a week and can’t wait to go to the scarf shop. Checked it out and it’s very close to our hotel keep up your amazing work. Would love to meet up with you while I’m Paris

sharon santoni November 24, 2018 - 11:39 am

I love the Petrusse store! They will be very happy if you say that you discovered the brand via our box! Thank you for your kind words


Jen Ellory November 24, 2018 - 9:36 pm

I loved this box so much, and my daughter loved hers too! They both arrived the same day, so she came here and we opened them together. Thank you Sharon, your boxes are my special treat! just wish they came more often!!
Jane and Emily

marianna sneideraitis November 25, 2018 - 6:12 pm

Sharon, I exhibited a lot of self-control to carve out a special time to open my November box. I patiently waited until Thanksgiving morning, which for some 45 years I always read the Detroit Newspaper, in which 2 inches were full of the advertisements from all the chain stores declaring all the Black Friday” deals” they extend. It’s American commercialism at its best. Well, it is time to move on from that ritual… will now be the day I open “the November box”. It was very ceremonial, I start with, I love the configuration of the box, as it has your signature on it! Every treasure in the November box was beyond special. I am now ready for the cold winter months ahead. To have reflections of you in my home and my wardrobe are invaluable as they take me back to France, to you, with all the style you exude. Was it you that said, its all in the details? Your well-curated boxes will forever be on my list of treats that nourish my soul.
OX Marianna

revealing the may blue & white box - MY FRENCH COUNTRY HOME May 28, 2019 - 4:58 pm

[…] and white theme. We hope you love this blue necklace by Bohm Paris (you may remember them from our Daughter Box last holiday season!). Simple enough to add some glamor to a pair of jeans and a shirt, pretty […]

vidmate December 3, 2024 - 2:14 pm

The floor of the show is actually covered in sand and visitors are encouraged to take off their shows and enjoy the feeling of being barefoot on the beach.


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